Tag: aerosmith
September 11, 2022
Monday's Music Moves Me
Songs To Make You Look On The Brighter Side
Welcome to the Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me! This week’s prompt is whatever music moves you. As I…
March 24, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
A barn along the North Carolina countryside photo recreation using Brushstrokes
Hello and thank you for visiting today! Before I share my responses to Joyce’s Q&A I thought perhaps a little…
May 25, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
Tiptoe Through the Tulips In the Garden Buttercup
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! It’s Memorial Day in the states so I’m enjoying the holiday hanging around the…
March 30, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
Take a Walk in the Park Day #walking theme songs
It’s the last Monday in March and soon another month will come to an end. Where did the days go? …
October 01, 2019
Battle of the Bands, Rocktober Music Fest
#BoTB Round 12 ‘I (Who Have Nothing)’ showdown
Welcome to another round of Battle of the Bands! Ben E. King recorded, I (Who Have Nothing) originally in 1963…