Tag: 70s
October 05, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
Vintage “Love is…” comics #tbt
Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! I presenting to you my retro post editions in a new time…
July 17, 2017
Monday's Music Moves Me
Europe Mewsic Shakin’ the Dance Floor
Thank you for including me in your Monday, kittens & dawgs! Our big giveaway is still underway. Have you entered…
February 22, 2014
Saturday Songsuasion
Saturday Song-susian #27 ~ Grand Funk Railroad
Earlier in the week, A Daft Scots Lass spotlighted a song from a 70s crazy popular American hard rock band.…
January 27, 2014
Monday's Music Moves Me
One Bad Apple
Welcome to week 176 of Last week’s spotlight dancer, Dave @ Moody Media, picked this week’s theme. Today…
November 25, 2013
Monday's Music Moves Me
Mid to late 70s rockin’ down the house on 4M
Welcome to week #168 of A few weeks back Vandy J was our spotlight dancer. For her theme choice this…