
13-03-2025 Vol 19

TAD Rabbits & FFO #4 Art

I apologize for last week’s mishap where I accidentally published this post.  As soon as I realized my mistake, I sent it back to draft but not before many of you saw it.  I was not finished.  With my artwork uploaded, I just didn’t like the way my it looked and even said so in my original.  John left a comment before I sent it back and others left word saying they couldn’t find the post. Instead of leaving those of you in the dark I will share the first set of illustrations.  I was not happy with Miss Bunny’s head.  I actually thought she looked a bit creepy. 


I love drawing cutesy pictures! That’s just who I am.  I found several cute rabbit images to inspire me.  The image I found had different flowers and no background.  I thought daffodils was a better suit since these are in bloom now.  We have a couple of cute rabbits that visit our yard frequently.  They  usually trigger the outdoor security cameras and sometimes they are a hoot to watch.  One time they were chasing each other and jumping wildly. I haven’t seen rabbits do that before. 

As I mentioned, I got everything in place and I began judging my artwork severely.  The bunny’s head was off and it looked more creepy than cute to me.  The only positives were I liked the daffodils and the cheery little bird.  The Brushstrokes version helped to soften the image so overall what bugged me in the first two pieces didn’t stand out as bad.   When I asked DH he saw the oddities, too.  I decided to take another stab at it.  Here is my improved illustration and hopefully you’ll agree that the changes helped. *cross fingers* 





The weekend before last, I made two kinds of pizzas.  A spicy cheeseburger pizza (hamburger, cheddar cheese, pickles, onions, and hot jalapeños) and a pepperoni with green peppers and onions pizza.  We enjoyed both kinds.  For our weekend treat, I made a Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cream Pie.  The recipe I used was easy. I made significant changes to the original which got me in the park range of where I wanted this dessert to be.  I plan to give it another stab before too long and if I nail it then I’ll share what I came up with.  


I’m thankful …

For all the necessities of life. God is good!  I’m doubly thankful being healthy and able to cook and bake all of our meals and special treats.  I’m thankful for creative pleasures that art and music brings to my life.  I’m thankful for finally getting a chance to have my dermatologist last Thursday to look at the place on my face from last August.  A steroid shot was given but as of today the problem hasn’t gone away.  At least treatment is underway for it.  I’m thankful DH’s extensive dental work started yesterday.  They did the dental impressions.  The real nitty gritty stuff takes place next month.  I’m thankful it’s spring time again! 👏




Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday. When I can I’m slipping in my artwork for Nicole’s FFO challenge.  A few years ago, I did a pencil sketch of Mona Lisa for TAD and I’ve always wanted to redraw her and so I gave attempted to illustrate her again.  While she isn’t perfect and I certainly could spend more time on the drawing, I do see some improvement over my first time. 



That’s it for today. You’re invited to hit the dance floor with me next time with Monday’s Music Moves Me.

Have a doodletastic day!


Consider visiting a few of my good friends for more Thursday connections!



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16 thoughts on “TAD Rabbits & FFO #4 Art

  1. I like the softer touch of your Bunnies, though I didn’t find fault with the first version. You are brave to draw Mona Lisa and I think you did well with her. Oh, Jefferson Airplane … It has been years. Thank you for catapulting me back to some happy times. I think this week I will say I am thankful for you, as you always make me smile …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  2. The second bunny is definitely better than the first, but I can’t express why, Cathy. Your sketch of Mona Lisa is great. Thanks for the the Jefferson Airplane song. I actually dumped Ed Sheeran to listen to this JA classic. Happy weekend to you!

  3. I didn’t think the first bunny looked creepy, but agree the adjusted angle looks better. Very cute! 😀 Mona Lisa turned out pretty well, also. Thanks for adding one of my favourite songs to your post! Hope you’re having a lovely long weekend.

  4. The bunny sketch is too cute, Cathy! 🐰The pizzas sounds wonderful, and I love Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cream Pie. 😋

  5. The little rabbit is triple cute, CK, your drawings would fit well in a children’s book and that’s one of our favourite songs too🐰Here come some Healing Pawkisses especially for you, in case you need them and for a Happy Weekend too🐾😽💞

  6. That pie looks decadent but soooo good. I love your bunny! Very sweet and the whole look is just happiness.
    I likebyour rennaissance lady as well. Did great work on her clothing

      1. I like the revised bunny sketch.
        I did not make a Thursday post today. I will post tomorrow Art For Fun Friday there will be a linky


        1. Gillena,

          I’m happy you and every else likes my revised bunny illustration. Thanks for dropping by and for letting me know about your Friday post. I’ll try my best to get over sometime this weekend. 🙂

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