
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Sunspiration ~ Liebster Award

It’s been some time since anyone has passed an award to me. That being said, I thought I would participate in this one just for the fun of it and to give newcomers a chance to get to know me better.

The rules are:

  • You must backlink to the person who nominated you.
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you.
  • You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must tell the nominees that they are nominated by you.

If you wanna learn more about me, then stick around to read the question line up presented by my new blog bud, Farm Fresh Family, who passed this award to me. Thanks for the special honors! 😉

1. Where are you from and where do you live now? I am from southern West Virginia. After DH & I got married in 1979, we moved to Knoxville. 

2. Do you have a significant other and/or children? Let’s hear about them! Yes, to my best friend. We do everything together! DH is the logical, steady-headed one. He stands to make sense that he earns his pay as an engineer, which is quite suiting to his personality. We are empty-nesters. DD#1 is divorced and has a new job, which she says that she LOVES. DD#2 is happily married for 2-years to a nice young man who we think of as a son. DS isn’t dating anyone at the moment that I know about, but then you know how boys can be. He works for a local building supply company, which he likes. Everyone is happy at the moment, so that’s reason enough to make me smile and be at peace.  

3. Where do you want blogging to take you? I would love to see blogging turn into a way to earn money, but I know this sort of effect requires a lot of energy. I want my blog to be a fun experience, but if the door of opportunity opens then I will go through it without hesitation.

4. What is your all time favorite blog post that you’ve written? I don’t know that I have an all-time favorite post or not, but I am rather partial to anything that I write about Christmas. In December, I wrote for my Sunspiration post, Christian symbolism in Christmas. The one thing I hope to do in 2014 is to actually do more “real” writing while participating in my daily memes. After all, blogging is the outlet I chose in 2010 to verbally express my creativity.

5. What kind of music makes you happy? Just about all music makes me happy. I can listen to music nearly 24/7. Ever since DH converted my stereo to accept streaming content either music I uploaded to iTunes or music from the Internet. You can read how he did it, here. Speaking of music, I co-host Monday’s Music Moves Me and I would love to see you on the dance floor with me each week! 

6. Are there any blogs you read regularly? What are your favorites? In my sidebar, you will find under Blog Roll several I read daily. However, it’s difficult to say which are my favorites. Each blogger has a unique writing style that I enjoy. I invite you to visit them!  

7. What is your favorite outlet for social media? Twitter? Pinterest? I am not really big of the social media circuit, but I guess Facebook is overall my favorite. I get it a little better than I do Twitter or Pinterest, but I still consider myself on a learning curve with these two social media sources. Feel free to join me on any or all of these outlets!

8. Post an image that makes you smile no matter what. Thoughts of our trip to Maine in 2004 to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary brings back fond memories and every time I look at these pictures I smile. I decided to not put up a photo at this time.

9. What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?

  • To visit the western states National Parks
  • To get into my dream house
  • To try indoor skydiving

10. If you could live in any movie, what would it be and why? I think I would like to live in Kate & Leopold simply because it’s about a love that reaches across time to unite.

11. Post a picture in which you think you look your best. This would be somewhere between 2004-2007. I was in good shape, slender, very few wrinkles, and gray hair. lol

Coming up with 11 bloggers to nominate for this award is difficult. I have blogged for almost four years and everyone I deal with on a regular basis surpasses the 3rd one. But, I’ll try to come up with a few and I may need to refresh this section from time-to-time till I can get my grand total.

Here goes, I want to pass the Liebster Award to:

Gilligan and Maryanne’s Island
Retired not Tired
Julie’s Lifestyle

**be sure to check back periodically to see who gets added**
Your questions are:
  1. What’s the story behind your blog name?
  2. If you hide behind your blog name and not your real name, then tell us what it is?
  3. Why did you start your blog for family, promoting a hobby, or etc?
  4. How many posts have you written to date?
  5. Who inspires you to compose your posts?
  6. Do you post daily?
  7. How often to you join in on blog hops?
  8. Would you like more Blog/Twitter/Pinterest followers? If so, point us to the appropriate URL for each social media site.
  9. When is the best time of the day to spend blogging – reading or writing?
  10. What advice,  if any would you offer to a newbie blogger?
  11. Tell us one thing that you really want us to know about you.

I am sure to struggle with gathering the chosen few for this award. That being said, I am going to loan out these questions for anyone to snag and post. For those who qualify for the Liebster Award with 200 or fewer followers, then considered yourself nominated. Should you decide to accept the award, please follow the rules.  As for the rest of you, all I ask is in return for borrowing my questions is that you link back to me. I can’t wait to read your answers! I hope these questions give you sunspiration on your next post!



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One thought on “Sunspiration ~ Liebster Award

  1. I love lighthouse pictures!!
    I “get” all the social media — I just have time for it all. It’s impossible to keep up. I’m a peeker. I peek in from time to time and then run. 🙂

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