With yesterday being a holiday, my brain thinks it’s Monday. I’ve had two cups of coffee already. My mind is still in a fog. I will have to have a third cup, I believe to help right the craziness. A few random things are filtering through my head this RTT, though, which have to be released in order for this week to flow productively.
I’ve concluded there is a multitude of angels protecting our daughters. This line of thinking, isn’t exactly new to me. I’ve had thoughts like this on more than one occasion over the past three years. Allow me to tell you what I’m talking about.
Last week both of our girls had scary accidents. Early on DD#2 lets me know the hood of her car flew up on her while she was driving and it shattered her windshield. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt other than being scared senseless. I expect her to report some wild story at least every week or two.
At the work week’s conclusion, I was grilling hamburgers when I got a text from DD#1 which read: “My car just burned to the ground. I’m okay, but the fire department said I would’ve died.” My heart nearly leaped out of my chest. It’s NOT cool to send your mother a text like that. What I didn’t know was she was in her apartment when this all happened and not actually in the car. That’s what I had envisioned when I got the message. If I had, then it wouldn’t have alarmed me so badly.
Don’t worry, my heart settled to only get another text yesterday from Brit which read: “I’m going to join the military. I will see my recruiter Friday.” And, the drama continues. What do you expect when you have grown kids? Things certainly do not calm down like you think they will. On the contrary, things get more chaotic!
Good news, my entire weekend wasn’t filled with turmoil. In fact, we had a lot of down time to relax watching movies, I got my copy of my mother’s book of poetry she wrote called, A Dream From God, and surprise of all surprises my children’s story (a brief synopsis with no photo of my book) finally made it in the local newspaper. Life is good! I wonder what this week will show?
Oh, well…mucho appreciations for allowing me to unburden myself this morning. Thanks Stacy for keeping up the rebellion @
I believe I speak for everyone participating, we SO need this weekly outlet to express ourselves to keep our sanity intake. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to link up to be apart of venting your random thoughts!
I believe I speak for everyone participating, we SO need this weekly outlet to express ourselves to keep our sanity intake. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to link up to be apart of venting your random thoughts!
Wait, don’t leave yet! Grab another cup of whatever you’re drinking this morning cause I’m combining RTT with the mini-series I began last week by answering 50 thought-provoking questions from The Organic Blonde website. This is a non-working URL
I guess you can’t get any more random than that, huh? You can’t say you don’t know me, since I’m spilling my insides out with these questions. I present to you Q&A, Part 2 of 5, (read Part 1 of 5 here)
11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
I would tell them their criticism is unfair of someone I know and love, and while I really like being in your company, if you continue to speak down about my friend then I’m going to have excuse myself from this conversation as I cannot be in the party of ill talk. Either they will – (A) Apologize and say no more, which earns my respect of them or (B) They’ll continue bashing my friend and that will cut our friendship ties.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
The piece of advice I would offer to a newborn is to always seek God’s direction and leadership or his/her life. I’ve learned when you follow the path God has for you to take then you’ll be happier. Deviating from God’s path ultimately creates headache and heartache.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
It all depends. If someone I love is severely sick and I have to break some traffic laws to get him/her to the hospital, then my answer is “Yeah, I’d break the law!” But, I don’t believe this is where this question is going, right? I think this question wants to know, if someone I loved committed a serious crime like murder and if I knew about the crime after the fact, would I stay quite quiet about it? Is this what you’re getting from this question? Nonetheless, I’ve put this scenario out there on the table. Would I try to save the person I love by not turning him/her into the authorities?
Honestly, I hope I’m NEVER put in a situation like this. Truthfully I could not jeopardize myself or family by being silent, even if the loved one was my flesh and blood. There are consequences – moral and legal fall-outs to every thing in life that we do.
One thing I see in our society is the inability to maintain control emotionally. People in general are growing increasingly more rude. You see or hear of road rage stories and school yard bullying. People simple don’t care anymore on how to deal with frustration and stress in a polite, classy manner. It’s all about having an ‘in-your-face’ attitude.
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Sounds like my typical day total insanity, but amidst the craziness there lies creativity. LOL. Okay, maybe not, but I wish it were true.
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
I’m drawing an absolute blank on this one. Wait…I may have something and I don’t know if it necessarily qualifies as a good answer, but I’m gonna give it anyhow. The one thing I do differently than most is I do not wear black clothing regularly. Have you noticed how prevalent this single color is in our society? At first, I thought this was fad thing among the gothic clan of teenagers ruling our malls, but even adults are wearing more and more black. One day while riding my stationary bike I was watching one of those early afternoon talk shows, like The Doctors or Dr. Phil. The audience consisted of both men and women. I’d say roughly 99% of the people in the studio was wearing black, not all black but at least one article of clothing was black.
You gonna argue with me on this, I know, by saying it’s a business color or an easy color to coördinate many other colors with. Normally I would agree with you, but I see how easy trends influence society from a little to a lot. Honestly, I believe this is what’s happening. Why not choose, navy blue over black? Blue is a far more friendlier color and just as easily to color coördinate.
16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
I believe this is true of each of us. What makes one person happy won’t necessarily make another happy. Every person has specific needs to live a rich, fulfilled life.
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?
This is totally tame, but you asked. I really want to visit the National Parks out west. I know, you’re thinking, “Boring!” You wanted to hear something like, “I want to go bungee jumping or parachuting or hang gliding or…” Let’s face it, I’m a big ole chicken. I’m daring, but not that daring.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
Yeah, 10 pounds! That is want you meant, right? No? Hmmm, I know you’re looking for emotional baggage here, but you know, I can’t think of anything. Most if not all of my insecurities I managed to severe years ago. Now, I’m not saying nothing bothers me completely because sometimes crazy hormonal surges get the better of me, but whatever creeps upon me is very short-lived.
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
I would not want to move outside the USA, but if I had to move to another state for whatever reason then I think I would like to try living in the state of Maine. While I don’t think I can handle their harsh winters, I would like to live there for a short time. Maine is a beautiful state. I love the coast line, the romantic lighthouses, and quaint towns. I like the Pine Tree state because you get the best of both worlds – the mountains and water only a few hours from each other. I prefer the mountains over the ocean, but I love Maine’s rocky shore line. It’s absolutely gorgeous!
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
I don’t take the elevator too often these days. I hate being in a confined contraption, but years ago when I worked I took the elevator often and while I was unclear if pushing the button repeatedly helped to speed the elevator movement, I did do it. In fact, I use to just hold the button down until I reached the bottom. Someone told me once doing this keeps the elevator from stopping on every floor. I’m sure all of this is a myth and we’ll keep pressing the button until this planet ceases to exit just because of our hurried nature.
Thanks for hanging in there with me on this very long post. Have a terrific Tuesday!

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I like the answer to the question stating you don’t wear black a lot. That is really great as someone who strives to change this really depressing part of her! I do wear black, too much! And as far as your daughters go, not only their angels but yours protect them! I am so glad your daughters’ accidents were not worse than they were but I have a lot of faith in God they, with the rest of your family, will always be kept safe.
@777dfadb2caa030fdabb1ab9f6784594:disqus It’s good to see I wasn’t simply over-acting, like I’m so often accused. =D Thank you for the congrats and I’m so glad you came by!
Okay, getting a text from your daughter that her car burned up is pretty darn scary. Yikes! Glad both daughters are okay.
Congrats on your book making the paper!
Thanks for stopping by for RTT!
I know what you mean by the Angels.
Thank goodness for them
Have a great Tuesday!http://harrietandfriends.com/2011/07/woohoo62-hot-dogs-in-10-minutes/
@twitter-15714652:disqus I agree, thank goodness for angels. Like Amy Grant’s song goes, “I’ve got an angel watching over me every step I take…” In this case, my daughters have an army of them watching their steps and this my friend fills me with a great sense of peace.
@d7fa4aa71aa5b100c34a511d0e340828 You gonna have to help me with the coffee thing. I just can’t keep away from caffeine fix. lol. Maybe, I’ll get a better night’s rest tonight and all will be good. =D
Take a step away from the coffee! LOL! WAKE UP!