Anything that has to do with the human form, likeness is challenging. In April 2018, for the A to Z Challenge, I illustrated some eyes behind a fan in my Creating iPad Art Sketch series. In the past two years I’ve noticed improvement with my art, especially in this area. I wonder what the next three years will bring?

This past April’s challenge I focused on pinup girl illustrations. I really didn’t hon in on creating realistic eyes. I simply concentrated on having fun and getting comfortable with drawing the human form more but I really am captivated by artists pencil sketched eyes and other facial features. Can I do what they do? I don’t know but we’ll see. I used this very helpful and easy YouTube tutorial to help me to achieve the most realistic eyes possible to date.
Not wanting to have Eyes Without A Face, I preceded to my next step to include realistic ears. I love watching other artists. It’s like magic what they can do with a pencil but like all tricks a novice can learn how to do if motivated.

I couldn’t leave this gal hanging in the balance with only eyes and ears. I finished her up. What else would you expect from this rule breaker?
I was trying to figure out who my girl looks like when it dawned on me that she looks a wee bit like the character Betty Draper from the TV series Mad Men. You may have to stretched your imagination wildly to see what I see apparently because DH’s thinking didn’t mesh with mine when I asked who does she remind you of? He told me “Mr. Clean”. I didn’t think she was that homely looking but with that kind of response then I’m way off base. HA-HA! I admit she needs work – nose too long, ears too big, face to wide at eyes, … okay, she’s worse off then I thought, but in my defense I was piecing her together with no plan and had no idea how it would turn out. It’s a good thing I have thick skin when it comes to constructive criticism . That’s what I need. I want to know straight up how to make a drawing better. As a self-taught sketch artist I lack what others learn in the class room or what comes more naturally. We’re all gifted at different levels and it’s truly up to the individual to sharpen one’s skill set. This calls for an adjustment to try to right some of the wrong without erasing the whole thing…here’s a quick revised version.
In my opinion, the rework helped quite a bit but she needs more tweaking. I think I will need to start from scratch another time. Now to try the tricks I’ve learned to replicate a real person, not anyone I know, but perhaps a well known actress. At least you can see, I’m here to share with you the good and not-so good. I want you, as well as myself, to see how my art abilities evolve with each newly shared illustration.
Thanks for stopping in with your morning coffee for a peek at my latest illustration and …oh yeah, thanks for not spilling it on my artwork. I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry and you’re welcome to follow along!
Prior to my hiatus I skipped blogging every other Friday to match DH’s off day. I will continue to keep with that scheduling which means tomorrow no Friday Sillies but before I go I want to ask everyone to take a moment of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives on this day 19-years ago. Let us never forget the day our nation came under attack at the hands of terrorists. May God always protect America from domestic and foreign terrorists and may He bless the USA!

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Hi Cathy
Sorry I’m late this week! I think your realistic eyes are very nice! I love her glow and her eyelashes! I like your revision of your girl with her new hairdo! You got the shading done very well and I do see your improvement since we first met!! Oh Billy Idol….I saw him in Montreal back in the early 90’s right after his motorcycle accident. I had 2nd row center seats!! It was quite a thrill! 
I owe you a big thank you for prompting and challenging me to go beyond my comfort zone. I’m glad we connected through the Scribble Picnic weekly hop. Thanks for rallying beside me through my art journey, dear friend!
Hi Cathy, I checked out the video and I see you did great. It is not easy to get these things right. And, of course you cold not leave the features without the rest. Love your face. And, I saved the video if I want to try it a rainy day the coming months.
I really couldn’t leave the eyes and ears to stand along in this exercise. lol Thanks for the cheering me on, good friend!
I think you grew right before our eyes. The second lady is quite attractive and very realistic which is what you were going for, right? I am just hearing about your “Friday Sillies, just in time to miss out. Let me know if you start it up on another day (Wouldn’t want you to miss out on those Fridays with DH!) so I can check it out … silly is fun to me. I often post things that are silly and many times no one notices how funny they are. I guess my sense of humor is only good for me
This was a good post and I am going to check out your tutorial because I could always use pointers. Like you, I am self taught. Everyone in my family was artistic … I mean real art, and I was the stick figure drawer until I got older and decided to make an effort. I have never made it to the category that my mother and sister achieved but what I have found is that I enjoy doing it and am not offended by the fact that my art is far from perfect. So march on, Cathy … you have what it takes 
Andrea @ From The Sol
Ahh, thanks! I’m getting such lovely encouragement and feedback from not only my artsy pals but all of my blog buds. I really do appreciate the kind words.
I’ll be putting together a Friday Sillies for 9/18. I keep an on/off week schedule which revolves around DH’s Friday’s off.
WOW, so art runs in your family! I think you do fabulous work. It obvious you’re a natural talent. I’m curious did your other family members go to school to help further their abilities? I believe there’s an artist laying wait in all of us. It just requires one’s interest being strong enough to encourage that side of one’s brain to master. I probably will never master art but as long as I’m having fun and seeing improvements over the years then that’s all I care about. I feel a deeper connection with you knowing that you’ve taught yourself, too.
Very good post:)
Thanks, Kinga!
Glad to see someone else used a YT tutorial, too, to create realistic eyes. Did the same, but I drew a horse eye for this week’s TAD. I always have problems to get the eyes right on all kinds of animals. Have a great weekend!
Yikes, I can’t believe I forgot to reply to yours and a few others comments last week. I’m really sorry. Now, I need to catch up! Thanks for visiting. I’m anxious to see your horse realistic eyes.
P. S. I noticed your ethical author banner and couldn’t help but click to see what it’s about. Very interesting. My kind of authors.
Beautifully done eyes! Fun to see them on different faces.
Thanks for stopping by for a peek at my work. Do come again!
Those are great. You are very talented. XO
You’re too kind. Thanks!
Very nicely done. Yes Betty Drapper. Ohh I have always enjoyed Billy Idol.
I’m sorry for the slow response. I appreciate your visit and kind comment.
You are really good, why don’t you invest in a few lessons just to help you in areas where you feel you want to improve? Either way, i love your sketches, and the first one does not look like Mr. Clean!
I thought about taking art lessons online and maybe I will someday but for now I’m content to find free tutorials to exercise my skills.
Your eye drawings looks good. For me, I don’t usually draw eyelashes, well, I kind of don’t like drawing them. I find they make the eyes less realistic looking but that’s me.
The revision looks a lot better than the previous drawing. The whole face seems more balance.
One tip I would suggest is to take a ruler and line up both ears so that they match in length. I think the ears (& hands) is actually the hardest to draw. Another one is t use photo references, they are actually quite helpful plus when you search the web, there are millions of photos you can use as references. I actually collect reference photos digitally so I can refer them occasionally. I don’t know if they are useful but I like to share them anyway.
Have a lovely day.
I think the whole face is more balance on the second drawing, too. I used a ruler for the eyes per the tutorial but missed the mark a little. It’ll take more practice before it feels natural to me. Photos are excellent resources for sizing up your subject. I look for a variety of images online for the weekly prompts to help inspire and guide my illustrations. It’s good to know that you do it, too.
You’re doing really great with the eyes and ears and it sure seems like you are having fun too!
Thanks, I’m trying!
I can see Betty Draper in the revised sketch.
Hooray, you can see the likeness, too! applauds Thanks for visiting.
The eyes have it. You sketch so very well. I wish I had that gift.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Thanks, Sandee! You’re too kind.
Very interesting to see the process you go through. I like her eyes. The ears may be a little big but you hid them well with the restyled hair. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for noticing how I managed to camouflaged her ears in the second drawing.
Beautiful work! The eyes in the forest, wow that is so cool! Seems like yesterday the attack, a truly dark mark on humanity, showed us that there truly is evil among us, Take care,
I’m glad you enjoyed the photo-art. It’s fun to manipulate your own images to create something artsy and new. I’m with you, it seems like yesterday when we were attacked and it definitely was a dark time. That event really shook me to the core. The irony of it is it happened on such a beautiful day which made it even more surreal as if time was clicking by one frame at a time.
Sorry Cathy, I’ve never seen Mad Men so have no reference. However, I love the eyes, the eye and ear, and your two face drawings. I can’t draw a thing, so I applaud you and how bravely you created all these entries. They are excellent.
I have a 9/11 post planned, too. As long as I have a blog, I will never forget. Thanks for reminding others. Do you realize 40 countries were affected and represented during the attacks that day. That is mind boggling, when we originally felt it was only NYC that was affected.
Your encouragement warms my heart and stokes my desire to continue.
I shall never forget 9/11 and I’m glad that you won’t, either. I did know there were a number of other countries who were affected that day but I didn’t know the exact figure. That’s why the world hurt so much for NYC because it touched more than just Americans but many nationalities. We were all touched some way, directly or indirectly. I had a distant cousin, I think 3rd or 4th, who died at the Pentagon that day. We have some good friends originally from NYC lost many family, friends, and neighbors in that horrific act of aggression by evil terrorists. Thanks for joining me today, dear friend!
Amazing realistic eyes and ears Cathy, enjoyed your pieces today. Going to listen to your Billy Idol video now.
I’m glad you found time to pop over for a peek at my art and to sample my song selection that works for today’s prompt. Have a doodletastic day!
No drawing can be that bad, I think the faces are pretty good. So I have taken the perfect must be out of my thoughts, it works much better.
You implemented the rain theme great with the video.
This attack was terrible, it was good to think of this person and that it shouldn’t happen again!
Greetings Elke
Ahh, thanks! I’m happy that others can see beyond the bad for the good in my art pieces. 9/11 was a terrible time. It’s important to protect one’s freedom from foreign or domestic violence. It’s a shame people can’t live together despite skin color, political, and spiritual differences.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Art Date Thursday, dear friend!
As I told you a while back, Mrs. Shady is also an artist. She specializes in portraiture and informed me that her biggest challenge is rendering hands accurately. In your case you have worked hardest on eyes and ears. I am enthralled by the mysterious image of the bewitching female eyes piercing the darkness of the forest and beckoning you to enter into her embrace. WOW – it’s pure magic! Based on your other examples, I would say you are doing an excellent job on eyes lately. They are large, bright, natural looking, friendly yet assertive. Yessum, I can see January Jones as Betty Draper in that face. I certainly think she is a beauty and doesn’t look at all like Mr. Clean.
She also reminds me of Patty Solis-Papagian, the lawyer played by Nina Arianda on the TV drama Goliath. It’s one of my favorite series!
I will miss your Friday Sillies and say a prayer tomorrow as we remember the 9-11 attacks. I hope you and DH have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Yes, I remember that Mrs. Shady is painter. I would love to see her work! This week’s challenge was a fun, rewarding experience. I felt good overall with my final drawings and felt like I learned a lot. January Jones does not look like Mr. Clean. She’s a pretty gal! But, my first drawing I can see a Mr. Clean resemblance. I couldn’t place the name Patty Solis-Papagian, so I checked Google images. I know this actress from the TV series, Billionaires. Have you watched that one yet? It’s pretty good. I was actually surprised at how much I like it. Thanks for the prayers, dear friend. Our plans entail staying close to home. We need to prepare the Avalon to take to the body shop for repair from last November’s mishap when a traitor trailer decided he wanted to share our lane. With the weather and the pandemic we haven’t had an opportunity before now to do anything. Let’s hope it goes well. See ya around the cyberblock, my friend!
I just watched the trailer for Billions. It looks like a good series. I see that Nina Arianda is in 10 episodes. Thanks for the tip, Cathy!
Yeah, Billions! That’s what I meant, not Billionaires. Ugh, it was too early when I responded! If you watch the series let me know what you think. Have a good weekend, Tom!
Luv your responses to the prompt Cathy
Happy you dropped by my blog
Thanks for dropping by with your kind words. I did swing by earlier this morning and found your entries purrfect for this week’s prompt.