Spreading my wings

I joined an online site called Critique Circle upon the advice of a fellow author.  I’m eager to do whatever is needed to improve my writing. I hope this is the missing element I can’t get locally.  It’s not that there aren’t any fine critique groups in town, but my ability to join them at this time.  While mingling with a group of writers would be nice, I must admit I like the idea of socializing with writers online more because I can do this at anytime of the day or night. Nah, I’m not anti-social. I’m anything, but THAT! I love being around people too much to be dubbed as anti-social. But, time restraints really get in the way, don’t they? And, well….that’s where I am–too much on my plate. Here’s to the growing wave of the future–Internet networking among like-minded people. Cheery-O!

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