The Key to Successful Blogging: Do Something!

Very interesting read! As I’m feeling my way around the blog circuit, things I’m gathering are things I’m somehow putting into play without anyone having pointed out to me. Is it instinct or what? I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s comforting to know someone has thought it worthy enough to make the point valid by posting for others to absorb and make their own.

For some odd reason, we have tendencies to do nothing when we don’t know what to do regardless of the situation as if that’s going to make things better somehow.  I learned years ago, it’s best to do (or say) something than to do (or say) nothing at all. At least it shows those in your life, you actually care or trying. Thus, this principle is easily transferable to blogging. To write daily on your blog, to reader other blogs, leave comments, or sending personal emails to someone off the top of your hat shows others you’re actively participating by reaching out to others in some form.

Today is your day, do something and you can begin by reading, The Key to Successful Blogging: Do Something! by Darren Rowse at Problogger.

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