Sex Makes A Woman Look Younger

According to a recent news article on Fox News having sex can make a woman look younger and more attractive.
 Got you curious? I have to admit this one really reeled me in.  Experts agree according to the article, saying,

When a woman has sex, she produces amounts of the hormone estrogen, which gives a shine to the hair and a smoothness to the skin. Increased blood flow means a flush of the cheek and even a pout of the lips. And because sex also increases the production of collagen, having sex can ward off age spots and sagging skin. Some even call sex, the real fountain of youth.

Sex…intimacy is a very important spice in any healthy relationship.  God gave us these sensual feelings to communicate our affection to one another in a personal closeness that’s unique to any other relationships. Society teaches women that sex is a man’s thing but it isn’t.  Women are sexual creatures and love the thrill that intimacy brings.   Unfortunately, many women have hang-ups on how to deal with their sexuality and I am no different from the rest.

The things I’ve learned later in life and frankly I wish I had known about these when I was much younger but that’s part of growing older…I mean maturing, include these 5 tips.

1. Accept yourself as you are.  I believe every woman since the beginning of time has dealt with issues concerning her body image.  Some things can be altered through natural means, such as exercises and diet, which are two ingredients to make sure a healthier, appealing physique.  However, if your family genes have passed down to you a Bob Hope nose, thunder thighs, a large backside, or the likes then you need to embrace your God-given assets and love yourself despite for them.  We all can’t be carbon copies. The quicker you learn to love yourself, then you can more openly accept love through intimacy without any inhibitions.

2.  Activity…moving your body. We know exercise is good for our bodies to maintain our body shape and promote overall good health but did you know that being physical makes you feel sexy?  Oxygen fuels our cells and organs.  Oxygen boosts our performance, endurance, and energy levels. In essence, oxygen invigorates our entire body and this sense can promote sexy sensations.

3.  Don’t be afraid to explore your body.  This does a couple of things for you. It will help you to be in touch with your own sensitivity while accepting your body.  Touch for women is magical and special.  This is what ignites our sexuality, unlike our counter partners who are visually oriented.  A woman’s body is beautiful and should be appreciated by her.

4.  Downtime. What’s that? Right, I hear you on that score. Downtime is something mothers know very little about, but it’s essential to motivating our sexual senses.  Have your husband to take the kids out for a few hours or even an entire day on the weekend to help rejuvenate your body and mind with some quiet time to do whatever makes you happy in that space of time.  Also, make it a habit in going to bed with your husband every night. Escape with your partner early each evening to your bedroom for a bit of paradise a couple of times, if not more during the week.  You’ll be happy that you made the effort, remember sex makes you look more youthful and you’re increasing your activity level which promotes more oxygen levels. Doubly good, huh?

5. Joint intimacy.  Talk with your husband often about what works for you in the bedroom. Some men don’t know what their partners want, maybe due to their own insecurities or lack of understanding. For the most part, men have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing how to make it fun in the bedroom for their wives.   Try new things together – fantasies, positions, or techniques.  This is between the two of you, don’t be embarrassed about anything and enjoy the ecstasy that follows.

Life at 40 something is good for the most part and it’s far from being over.  In fact…this may be the best time in my life!

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