40-Something and Proud of it!

Yesterday, I wrote about an important role sex plays in a woman’s life. Sex makes her a woman look younger!  Unfortunately, as a woman ages, her body throws her an unexpected curve – a decline in hormones. This can seriously upset the love-making department for you.

As a 40 something woman who has undergone a hysterectomy, I know the devastation the loss of hormones has on the body and decreased libido is one of the ill side effects triggered through surgical onset menopause. What I hadn’t begun to realize was until several years post-surgery I was a victim of fallen hormones.

After my surgery, I was not alarmed by the procedure which took away my recurring female reproduction problems. In fact, I felt good as new…if not better. However, somewhere after the fourth or fifth year following my hysterectomy, I discovered changes in my body. Some of the symptoms were explainable and others had me baffled.


Common menopause or the pre-menopause term perimenopause are: hot flashes, night sweats, sugar cravings, insomnia, vaginal dryness, low libido, moodiness, dry skin, age spots, tiredness, forgetfulness, and weight gain are things I suffered through regularly for the better part of the last four years.


In 2006, the beginning of many of the problems struck in subtle degrees. Then, my brother died the same year and before the year had ended, an overwhelming rush of these symptoms hit. At first, I blamed the stress from my grieving process for my problems, but the night sweats which disturbed my already troubled sleeping pattern was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I consulted my GYN and subscribed the lowest dosage of HRT – Premarin for me.

Night Sweats

After a year of being on the Premarin, I could see small changes in how I felt. It wasn’t anything astronomical by any stretch of the imagination but an alternative was to increase my dosage and I wasn’t ready to do that. I began looking into natural supplements and began including them into my daily vitamin regiment. The holistic approach is slow to kick in but I knew the pay off would be worth it if it repaired these issues.

Weight Gain

At the close of 2007, I began having terrible problems with my intestines. In retrospect, I believe the lack of hormones stressed my system triggering the upset. Weight gain started to become an issue despite my efforts with dieting and exercising. My internist placed me on medication for my intestinal problems.

Sweet Cravings

For the next two years, I continued to struggle with a varying range of perimenopause signs. I just thought at my age it’s expected. That’s when I figured out I needed to re-think my diet and exercise needs.  I suspected I might be sensitive to carbs especially those found in grains and tried the Atkins diet.  The new diet intro set a positive change in my weight gain apprehensions. At my GYN appointment this year, I talked again with my doctor. He suggested I move up to the next dosage level of my HRT and this time, I agreed.

It’s been four months since I upped my Premarin and I do feel change coursing through my body. I don’t have the libido of a 20-year old but I do see an improvement and I am hoping that by my next year’s annual GYN appointment I’ll notice a significant difference. I am not prepared to allow the age factor to take me quietly in the night without a hard long fight. I plan to do whatever it takes to feel and look as good, if not better than when I was 20-something and instead of moping around like the 40-something gal that I am. I’m more than ready to take the bull by the horn to regain control over every aspect of my body and mind. After all, life is just beginning for me…again.

At least to my husband and that’s all that matters! 🙂

Interesting links:

Hormone Imbalance (broken link removed)
Fabulous Over 40


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