Meet Me On Monday – Favorite way to eat chicken to Christmas cookies

Here is another round of Meet Me On Monday questions presented by our lovely hostess Java at Never Growing Old.   We all can use a little excitement in our work week after a long holiday weekend, don’t you agree?  Come on join in the fun!

1. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?  I love chicken!  I can eat it just about any way cooked, but my absolute favorite choice would be fried. But, I don’t have it like this too often because of all the naughty calories loaded in every tasty bite. Mmmm, boy I’d like to have some right now.  Drats, Java for planting this seed in my head! =D

2. Have you decorated for Christmas yet?  We have our tree up and decorated, but I need to put out my Christmas village and do a little more around the house before I’m satisfied.

3. What is your favorite article of clothing? This time of the year, I love to snuggle up in my pink heavenly soft fleece hoodie my husband got me at Lands End.  



4. Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old way?  Online all the way! It’s so convenient and easy.

5. Do you make Christmas cookies? You bet, I do! Cookie baking is one of my favorite Christmas activities.  I still use our cookie cutters for our sugar cookies, which has received great favor over the years.  Most of the time, I will sprinkle sugar on top but occasionally I will frost them.  Mine aren’t as fancy as this picture to the left, but…they are yummy good either way I make them!

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