Betsy Ashton Reviews My Children’s Story

Christmas 1994

Last night, I received a wonderful surprise, a review from a friend. It read….”One of my nieces had her birthday this weekend, so I gave her and her sister your book. After rereading THE TALE OF OLE GREEN EYES over and over and over again, Jeanette (my sister) asked if she could get more books by you. You have fans! I’ll let you know what the sisters & their kids back home in Colorado think after Christmas Morning. I just thought you’d like to know that Ciera, Athena and Jeanette are now huge fans of yours. Oh, and did I mention that Ciera and Athena now want a black cat they can name Midnight? Their father isn’t too sure about the cat.” -ANT

This is priceless and then this morning I found in  my inbox a notice that my book had been reviewed by another friend on her blog, please check it out here.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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