Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful!

Hello, Knoxville and the world-wide web. Today, I’m linking with One Little Minster in today’s hop To the Top Tuesdays !

It’s a crisp cold late fall morning on this 14th day of December.  And while the weather outside is a bit frightful, Sunday night into Monday snow’s accumulation amounted to 3 to 4 inches here in the Tennessee Valley.  It looked like a winter wonderland.  The frigid temperatures put me in the frame of mind of a Christmas morn of long ago.  Growing up in southern WV, we had many snowy days or so it seemed.  I dare say more than anything I have witnessed in the last three decades of living in Tennessee as an adult.

Here in the Tennessee Valley, city life isn’t equipped to deal with the wintry perception.  I recall as a child we had near blizzard-like conditions and I remembered praying for the salt truck to break down so we couldn’t go to school.  My prayers went unanswered and school rarely closed.

It’s interesting how your perception changes on snow as an adult.  I still enjoy seeing the white fluff tumbling gracefully to the earth in swirling, dancing patterns and if the snow comes in on the eve on my husband’s days off then I’m okay with it.  But, I’ve grown terribly uncomfortable with questionable storms dumping hazardous weather on us during a work week.

There is nothing more unsettling than having someone I love on the road not only facing the elements but thousands of motorist who are clueless of just how serious the conditions are.  Yeah, you’ve seen these drivers, too. They go whizzing by you on the interstate when the air is frigid and moisture is in the air.  Only you seem to be aware that black ice could lay in wait for its unsuspecting victim to run across it causing an idiot driver to skid out of control into a ditch or worse into the path of another vehicle.  We all do stupid things from time to time but common sense should dictate, “Hey muscle-head, this isn’t such a good idea to drive 80 mph on some one’s bumper or to pass a car erratically in these conditions. You never know what’s ahead, remember that black ice from last year?”

While you’re out this winter, allow your good senses to rule over rushed thoughts of getting to where ever you need to go 5 seconds earlier.  We all from time-to-time let hurriedness cloud our better judgment. Remember the words of Ellen Griswold in Christmas Vacation, “Clark, I don’t want to spend the holidays dead.” 

Keep safe & warm!


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