Where in the World Are You Wednesday? 4 Fun Facts about Knoxville, TN

Here are a few little known fun facts listed on Knoxville’s city website, which I found interesting.

Fun fact 1

In 1901, Kid Curry, a member of Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch, shot a couple of deputies and escaped out the back window of a business on Central Avenue in what is now the Old City. Captured and taken to the Knoxville Jail.  He escaped and last seen riding the sheriff’s stolen horse across the Gay Street Bridge.

“The Wild Bunch” Photo taken in Dallas, Texas about 1901. Top row, left to right: William Carver, Harvey Logan “Kid Curry” Bottom row, left to right: Harry Longbaugh “Sundance Kid”, Ben Kilpatrick “The Tall Texan”, and Robert Leroy Parker “Butch Cassidy”.



Fun fact 2

The soft drink Mountain Dew had its beginnings with Hartman Beverages in Knoxville in the late 1940’s.


Fun Fact 3

In 1974 Walter Cronkite designated Knoxville as the “Streaking Capital of the World.” It was in the spring of that year that an estimated 5,000 people on Cumberland Avenue took their clothes off… stripping on the “strip”.




Fun Fact 4

Still on the law books: All businesses must have a “hitching post” in front of their buildings in Knoxville, TN.






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