Thursday Two Questions — Icy Perception

2005 Jim Reed

Today’s freezing rain and icy perception reminds me of my first experience with this not so friendly stuff.  This was many years of ago when I was in college.  I had a night class. Gee, I can’t even recall what course I was taking, but the professor decided to dismiss class because of the imminent threat of ice.  As the old saying goes, “It was a little too late.”  By the time our class broke up the rain turned into ice coating everything!



I hitched a ride with a classmate that night.  My husband was snugly safe at home.  Georgia and I were about 10-minutes away from the school when her car slid off the road.  We walked to a nearby home to borrow the phone.  This was in the day before cell phones controlled our society. I managed to get my husband.  Nothing moves on ice, I mean nothing. Okay, I take that back. Every thing moves on ice, but in the worse possible way.  My darling husband knew this and he strapped chains on our little rear-wheel drive, orange Ford Fiesta to brave the elements to collect us.  Most commutters were stranded or in a ditch.  However, with chains on our little chariot, my husband slowly made his way across interstate 640 west to reach us across town.  Needless to say, that was an enormously anxious and nerve-wrecking evening. It was so comforting to finally reach our humble abode and slide beneath the blankets.



My questions this week are:

1.  Do you own a set of tire chains & have you actually had cause to use them?

2.  What’s the worse weather related travel experience have you had?

Please join me in Thursday Two Questions and leave your answers in my comments and if you wish to link up with this meme, then follow me over to Blessing Reflections!Save

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