Tell the Truth Thursday

Once again, I’m participating in The Redhead Riter‘s weekly meme, but sadly, as I visited her site today I learned today will be the last feature of Tell The Truth Thursday.  She promises to put something else in its place though and I hope to join in that fun as well. With that, let me add my response to her question.

What was/is your most favorite season?  Red boosts that winter is her favorite season. Unlike her, I prefer a milder season.  My personal favorite would be a fairly equal tie between spring and fall.  Spring may nudge fall out by a hair and so allow me to delight your reading pleasure to the whys of my beloved season.


Spring is a rebirth to our sleeping earth from a long, gloomy, cold winter’s nap.  One of the first things I notice is the return of birds. Their happy little chirping songs calling to their potential mate resonates from the outdoors to my ear just inside my kitchen.  When my kids were small it was fun to identify our feathery friends and sometimes, we would give them names.




As the earth wakes from her slumber, splashes of vibrant color spill across the landscape like a painter’s palette with flowers bursting open.   Before long the tree buds erupt in gorgeous colors of pink, white, red, and yellow.  Each little delicate flower seems to be happy as it reaches toward the heavens in a near-reverent praise.  New life from the wintering nap springs forth and it serves to remind me of Christ’s resurrection.

One thing I look forward to most is the sun’s rays kissing my skin gently as it pushes away bad memories of chiller days.  At last, I can bury my sweat clothes and wool socks in the closet to sport more careful attire like sleeveless shirts or dresses. Then, gradually the return of longer daylight hours cheers my entire senses.  What joy I find in something as simple as the extended evening light coupled with the kinder temperatures. aah, I’m already looking forward to spring’s arrival. But first, I have to make it through Red’s favorite season, winter, before I can savor that moment. It looks like it’s going to be a long winter, too.

Come join me in this last chance to play in this meme and please be sure to link up with The Redhead Riter!


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