I apologize for not scheduling my post ahead. I meant to finish doing this yesterday afternoon but you know how things go with life getting in the way. On Tuesday, I threw my name into the hat for the A to Z Challenge for the 8th year in a row. I will do my best to finish out this month’s normal blog participation and I hope I can carry the momentum through the April blog fest. In the past I find it hard to get back into the groove after such a busy challenge so I’m hoping this will keep me on track.
Rain’s art prompt this week is space. I decided to go with ‘outer space’. A few weeks ago, we tried watching the movie, The Coneheads. I really wanted to like it. The SNL skits were always so much fun, but the plot moved too slow and we gave up on the film. I thought it would be fun to illustrate the out of this world family.
I momentarily thought about sketching Mork from Ork and I was hoping I would have time to include a second drawing but I ran out of time. Perhaps another time I can draw Robin Williams as Mork. Let’s listen to “Conehead Love” written by Dan Aykroyd and Bruce Gowdy with Nan Schaefer singing.
This week’s Thankful Thursday for the good progress I’ve made so far this week with my A to Z Looney Tunes sketches. Later today, I have a date with the vampire to drain some blood for my HRT pellets with my new GYN so I’m very thankful to get this done and my new dose insertion soon. It’s been 5 months since my last dose but thankfully I’m handling things okay – no night sweats or severe mood swings. My sleep pattern isn’t as good as usual, though. All-in-all my body seems to handle the lows much better than when I began these treatments 8-years ago.
I’m looking forward to Golden Slumbers (The Beatles) to kick in after I get my pellets!
I’m winding things up today with Kat’s Writing Workshop. This week I’m keeping things simple and am going to show you a place I love to visit, Bar Harbor Maine.

The first song to pop in my head looking at the boats in the harbor is what I decided to share, Christopher Cross’ “Sailing”. I hope you enjoyed the song. Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday and depending on how things went yesterday will determine if I’m able to compose a Friday Sillies post but if you don’t see me then know I’ll be back Monday with double posts of music with BOTB and Monday’s Music Moves Me with oldie rock n’ roll tunes. I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry. You’re welcome to follow along. Have a doodletastic day.
Eugenia’s passion is poetry and her weekly gig is perfect for creative writers. Each Thursday she offers a word to spark the imagination and if you’re inspired to write a ditty then be sure to let her know by leaving a comment on her site with a direct link to your post. Now, go visit my girl!
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Hi Cathy
Your Conehead drawing is spot on!!
I remember those sketches on SNL and they were funny, but yeah, I agree about the movie! Should have left well enough alone lol…I would LOVE to see your Mork from Ork!!! Robin Williams is a person who is locked in my heart, not just for his acting skills and comedy, but for his personal struggles, his childlike innocence and his love of art. 
I just barely remember the Coneheads and yet when I saw your drawing, it all came back to me. I am pretty sure I missed the movie, but saw them on SNL. Love your picture of Bar Harbor. I was only there once at an early age so I didn’t get to take in any of the sailing (though who could forget Christopher Cross’s “Sailing”.) I have sailed on Lake Michigan and even had a few mishaps that required being picked up by the Coast Guard … a story for another time
This was a fun post Cathy …
Andrea @ From the Sol
I didn’t watch SNL often. I always had trouble staying awake when I was younger. These days, I have trouble falling asleep when I’m suppose to. Christopher Cross was such a big part of the 80s. You’ve peaked my curiosity about your water mishaps. You have to share the story with us!
Great job on the Cone Heads, Cathy! I would love to visit Maine, a state I’ve never been to. Thanks for the mention and always appreciated!
You need to try to see Maine if you can. It’s truly a beautiful state!
I have always wanted to visit there and hopefully I can.
I like Sailing
I’m not much for sailing but I do love to look at boats out on the water, though.
The Maine coastline is magnificent and I love the photo you shared. I was going through my collection of pictures recently and so many looked like the one in your post. I might re-work a few with my photo app but keep most of them, and the memories they hold, just the way they are.
The Cone Heads…so many Saturday nights when, for me, SNL was at its best.
Stay safe!
The late 70s and much of the 80s was a good period for SNL. After that, things began going downhill. It’s barely recognizable today. There isn’t any real comedy talent on the late night show anymore nor anywhere else honestly. Political correctness has ruined entertainment. BLAH!
Very nice, and oh yes earring for the ladies
Memories of The Coneheads always brings a smile. If you can’t get back here tomorrow, i hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Those early days of SNL there was some real talent and most of the actors/actresses did well for themselves in other TV & movie gigs. Thanks for understanding about my time crunch.
SNL was doing the Coneheads when Mary and I were just married…hard to believe, isn’t it?
Great picture of Bar Harbor and you can’t go wrong with Christopher Cross…
I can’t believe how fast the years have evaporated! DH enjoyed watching SNL. I never could stay awake long enough to watch the show.
Since the turn of the century, SNL hasn’t been really worth watching. The cast isn’t that funny…
I enjoyed The Coneheads movie when it first came out. Not sure that I’d appreciate it as much now.
A to Z? You can do it! You will do it! Just fine.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks for the encouragement for A to Z. I’m looking forward to my 8th year of participation. Thanks for visiting!
Good job on The Coneheads. I had forgotten about them. XO
I never saw the Cone Heads, but I sure like the way you drew them. That was great for outer space. I really love how you draw. I remember Sailing, though. It brought back many memories, even though I’ve never been to Bar Harbor. Loved your take on space for Rain’s TAD this week, dear Cathy.
Great thankfuls and we really liked those cone heads MOL. A blast from the past. We hope your issues keep being managed well as it must be tough having those ups and downs.
Love the coneheads Cathy!
I like what you did with your picture. It lends a certain 1800s feel to it. The Coneheads are funny and I think I saw the film but don’t remember anything about it. I love Sailing Away which is such a great song. Just when I wrote about loving Pepe Le Pew, I found out he has been censored! He is written out of the new Space Jam movie and it might be harder to find his cartoons becay=use he is a sexual predator…ughhh
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Rain Date Thursday! I got your message to me on your 9th grade prom post, dear friend, and I have dropped in for more of your artwork and more mewsic. I don’t know how you intend to juggle multiple hops and features through the month of April, but if anybody can do it it’s you.
I certainly remember The Coneheads from the golden years of SNL. Your sketch captures them amazingly well. I actually don’t think I bothered to watch The Coneheads motion picture, and therefore I am not familiar with “Conehead Love.”
I wish you well with your hormone replacement therapy, and I wish you golden slumbers after treatment! Wish me luck and limited side FX as I travel across the state tomorrow for my second COVID-19 vaccination. I have a new post tomorrow, but won’t be able to tend to it or anybody’s else’s blog for several hours in the late morning and early afternoon.
Thanks for posting the picture of scenic Bar Harbor Maine, further evidence of why you and DH enjoy going up there to visit your daughter, and more reason for Mrs. Shady and I to go there as well. I certainly do remember the easy listening Chris Cross hit “Sailing.”
If you post Sillies, I’ll be here. Otherwise, have a safe and happy weekend and I’ll see you on Monday. Take care, dear friend Cathy!
Great drawing of the Coneheads! Jane Curtain especially.
This is one jam-packed post! I remember when SNL used to be funny. Seems the spin-offs from the show and current comedy sketches are quite lacking lately. Looking forward to seeing your Robin Williams drawing someday soon.
Beautiful creation! Great video too! Ahh the cone heads, I remember them!
You did a great job on that sketch as always. Earrings or not.
I would love to visit Maine and Bar Harbor too. I know we never will because travel is not something we want to do anymore.
You know I’ll follow your sketches all April long. I love your sketches.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
The Cone Heads painting is Great and the Video!!! Beautiful Posting with Video and Photo !
Greeting Elke
Ohhh I love the Cone Heads too. I mean who doesn’t? Wonderful sketch. Have a lovely day today.
The Cone Heads sketch is amazing- have a great day!
Love the Cone Heads sketch, that brings back some memories. We’re glad you are doing good with your treatments too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!