
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Netflix: Lilyhammer, Wednesday Hodgepodge, & Chit-Chat

Netflix released a new original series called, Lilyhammer. We have watched the first three episodes and so far, we like it! Here’s the scenario: An Italian mobster, Frank, from New York gives testimony for the DA to put away a mob head in exchanged for witness protection in Lilyhammer, Norway. Just because Frank is starting his life over as Giovanni doesn’t mean he has abandoned his old ways of doing things. Check out the clip…

I’m linking up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond once again for Hodgepodge Wednesday.

This week’s questions are:

1. George Washington-Abraham Lincoln-Thomas Jefferson…who would you most like to meet and why?

The father of our nation would be impressive to meet. I cannot image how President Washington must have felt to have the weight of a new country on his shoulders. From my readings on the man, he’s a humble servant of God and others. Would it not be grand to see such a man in Washington, DC today?

“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible” President George Washington, September 17th, 1796

2. What’s your favorite chain restaurant?

We don’t eat out very often. This is something we reserve for rare occasions, like when we have our together time as a couple.  Of course, when we were first married we did eat out all the time. It’s just one of those things that has grown out of favor with us for the most part because it’s more expensive and less convenient for us to do. However, I did say we do indulge sometimes and when we do I’m usually torn between going to Carrabba’s (Italian), Abuelo’s (Mexican), or PF Chang’s (Chinese). Three entirely different cuisines and all are excellent. Do you see why it’s so hard for me? 

3. I spied this question on the Bears at Home blog last week and she gave me permission to steal borrow it — When you look back on your life, do you imagine you’ll think about the goals you failed to meet with regret? Or will you look at what you accomplished and say: it was good?

I think there will always be something from my past, I’ll have regrets about. I guess many of us will, but for the most part I hope I will look  back and say, “It was good!”

4. Grapefruit-take ’em or leave ’em? Given the choice between an orange and a grapefruit which would you choose? Would you prefer it served as is or squeezed into juice? 

I love fruit! I think if I had to pick between a grapefruit or an orange, then I would take a fresh grapefruit. I eat both regularly. I love fruit juice, but the calories are higher and I’m not getting the full benefit from the fruit. I’m very satisfied with eating a juicy grapefruit. Yum! I think I’ll have one for breakfast.

5. When was the last time you cleaned out a closet? Is there a closet in your home that currently needs cleaning? What are you waiting for?

Every closet in my house could use a cleaning. I mean, this is where everything gets crammed and out-of-the-way. Our closets are very small just like our house. We are in desperate need of more space. What I’m waiting on is a bigger place to put everything. My goal is a year from now to have a new place picked out. A place with lots of nice roomy closets and a full basement. A place with some land for a lovely storage building. It’ll be so wonderful!

6. You get to have lunch with three famous people…who would you like to see round your table?

You know for the life of me, I can’t say there are three famous people I would want to make time to have lunch with. Oh sure there are some interesting stars/starlets I’d like to meet, if by chance of meeting. I don’t think I’d go out of my way, though.

Most of the famous people I want to see have departed this life. However, it may be fun to sit around the table with Donald Trump, Dolly Pardon,and Clint Eastwood. Now that’s three contrasting personalities, wouldn’t you say? I mean, with Donald’s stiff poise, Dolly’s friendly country aire, and Dirty Harry’s “make my day, punk” attitude would prove to be very interesting.

7. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your ability to parallel park?

At one point, I would say 10. I don’t do much driving anymore and if I had to parallel park, then I’d be awfully nervous attempting it. In fact, I’d probably skip and drive around until I found a safer parking alternative.8. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, this is what my DH gave…

He’s been buying a single, long–stem red rose for Valentine’s Day every year for me for years. It’s not only romantic, but sweet. This year’s rose was particular beautiful. The rose is a bright red, instead of a crimson red. Both shades are pretty, but this really caught my eye. Maybe because it’s different, I don’t know. I just love it! I will hang this it upside to dry to keep for all time. This is one of my traditions. In a few weeks, I’ll place my newly dried rose in a vase among some others.

My DH brought this rose to me and told me it had a story behind it, but I’m afraid I won’t do the story justice.I’ll have to have him tell me it again and then share it with you next week. Now, that will leave you hanging, won’t it. *mischievous grin*

Looky, what else my Sweetheart brought me…

four Godiva truffles and a berry basket presented in a lovely gold foil box. I stored them in air tight container to keep them fresh for a few days. Godiva chocolates usually go within a week’s time. The berry basket has a shelf life of only 24 hours. I ate this first and Mm was it good, too! My DH was just too sweet to me.
Let’s stroll over to Patrice’s front porch for a little chit-chat on her front porch…

  1. Did you do anything special for Valentine’s Day? I made my DH one of his favorite desserts – red velvet cake. I posted a picture yesterday, check it out here. We exchanged hand-made Valentine’s Day cards, and you can read my random post from above to see what he got me. =D
  2. What was the last craft item that you made? I don’t do much crafting these days other than hand-stamped cards. That being said, then it would be my DH & DS’s VD cards.
  3. Are you planning a garden? Are you swamped with seed catalogs? We don’t have space for a garden. In the past, I’ve attempted to grow tomatoes in containers on our porch. Part of me is toying with trying again this spring, but I have a lot on my plate with DS’s home school graduation in May. I probably will wait until next spring.
  4. What cosmetics do you have in your purse? I don’t carry make-up in my purse like I use to. Whenever we are out all day and I know we’re going to go to dinner, then I’ll just throw my cosmetic bag in the car to touch up my face.
  5. When there is a room to be painted in your home, who does the painting? Usually, DH does the painting. I help, but he does most of the job.

Have a wonderful day! Join me tomorrow, as I participate in Miss Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday meme. The classroom’s assignment is the letter ‘M’.

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11 thoughts on “Netflix: Lilyhammer, Wednesday Hodgepodge, & Chit-Chat

  1. Your chocolates look wonderful. I went to Trader Joe’s yesterday and just kept walking by the chocolate sample table. Next thing you know, I’ll be bringing ziploc bags like the older ladies my mom used to know. Have a great week!

  2. Dolly Parton was one of my picks, too…she’s a mess! Sounds like you Valentine’s Day couldn’t have been more perfect!

  3. I have to say your dinner table would be very interesting with that group of people. Dolly would be my favorite. That Godiva chocolate looks delicious.

    PF Chaings. yummy!

  4. The Lilyhammer series looks good! Great HP answers Dolly Parton would be a fun lunch date she is so sweet. Have a wonderful WednesdaY!

  5. I can’t stand the bitterness of the grapefruit. A produce guy in Whole Foods had me taste one once that he said wasn’t bitter. Even though I tasted the sweetness, I could still taste the bitterness too. Yuck. LOL

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