
17-03-2025 Vol 19

My expectations for #IWSG

InsecureWritersSupportGroup2This comes a few days late, but I’m here at last! I am happy to join in for the first time. The enormous talent in this group humbles me and hope I can learn many things along the way.

I am not a novelist, but I do love to write. This the one joy that stays with me when other interests fade. Years ago, I wrote a few of children’s stories. After failed attempts to get my favorite into print the traditional route, I decided to self-publish with no regrets whatsoever. It was a fun experience, but I realized that I don’t have what it takes to write as a career or do I?

I know I need to shake things up in my journeying, if I want to grow as a serious writer. That being said… *swallow hard* I realize I among published authors (please be kind to me), but I hope The Insecure Writer’s Support Group  monthly exercise will help me in three areas.

  • stretch my lax imagination and unleash those pinned ideas in my mind
  • fine tune my limited writing ability
  • build confidence and energy as a writer

If nothing more becomes of this experience other than allowing me to continue on the amazing highway of blogging as a better writer and meet new friends, then I am okay with this, but if I should go beyond that…then that would be cool.

The gloves are off, I’m ready to write!

image borrowed
image borrowed

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3 thoughts on “My expectations for #IWSG

  1. Love this post! I love writing, too, and have come to realize that writing for a profession is harder work than I thought. I still would like to write a novel one day but as I continue on that journey, I try to write everyday in different forms. Congrats for self-publishing, I’m still working on that 🙂

  2. I also gave up the “professional writer” dream. I found that pursuing that path made me not enjoy writing, so I stopped doing it. This was not easy for me, as it had been a longtime dream.
    I’ve given up on a lot of expectations, both with writing and blogging. People tend to not become friends with me both in “bloggy life” and real life. Perhaps the fact that I have mental illness scares them–yay stigma! Perhaps my writing actually sucks. Who knows?
    I’m visiting both from the A to Z road trip and the Insecure Writer’s group list. My personal blog is at The Cheese Whines.

  3. Great post ~ love your header photo and the boxing glove photo ~ just write ~ I journal every day which seems to help and write haiku ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xoxo

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