
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Mid-Week Meme Fun

It’s mid-week. The rest of the week is down hill from here, right? I can’t wait for the weekend. It’ll be a time for more relaxing, watching Christmas movies, wrapping presents, … For now, though I’m going to do a little blog hopping to two of my favorite Wednesdays memes. Why not join me?

Like clockwork, I’m joining Joyce in…


1. Will you be hosting any house guests between now and the end of December? Does that thought make you happy or crazy? Do you do anything special to make your house guests feel welcome? How long should a guest stay?

Unfortunately, we will not have any guests between now and the end of December.  If anyone comes for an overnight visit, it’ll be our daughters. Do they count as guests? I didn’t think so. Anyhow, our home couldn’t accommodate any guests sad to say because we really don’t have any place to put someone.  One day, I hope this will all change and we will have a lovely spare bedroom.  That’s my dream anyhow.

 2. Walter Elias Disney was born this week back in (Dec 5) 1905…what’s your all time favorite Disney movie? Here’s a list if you’re struggling…and yes, you have to pick one.




I can’t wait to see the third movie scheduled in 2014. All I can say is, “It sure is taking you a long enough!”

I could list one or two animated favorites, but you said I could only pick one!

3. What’s the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?

Honestly, I can’t recall. If there had been a regret which followed no doubt the purchase wasn’t big enough to cause worry or else I would remember in a heart beat. I suppose I could say that about any number of movies I’ve bought, but as I said it’s hardly anything worth mentioning.

4. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?

If you’ve followed me long enough, then you know the answer is I do nearly all (99%)of my shopping online. I hate wrestling with merchandise and people no matter what time of the year it is. I love the convenience and simplicity of online browsing and buying.  What also appeals to me is I usually find better deals all year round, so I’m not limiting myself to shopping just before the Christmas madness. Now, if only I could do my grocery shopping online without having to buy bulk everything to get competitive pricing as found in Wal-Mart.


5. Amaryllis…snowdrop…poinsettia…your favorite winter blossom?

I haven’t bought one in years. Our home is so quaint it’s difficulty to find the right spot for even a lovely planet, but this year, I’m gonna make room somewhere to put one of these beautiful flowers on display.

6. What is one thing on your personal wish list this year? I think we all want peace on earth so let’s make this an actual item.
What I was wanting mostly is a XBox 360 Kinect unit and my DH & son bought this for me as an early Christmas present on Black Friday. Now that I have that, there is one more thing I’d like to have.


Aerobic exercising is very important to me. To get the most benefit out of my workouts, I want to really move it.  I’ve done Zumba for three years now. Recently, I damaged my Sculpt & Tone CD. To replace it means, I would have to buy the original 5-disc set. I figured why not just buy the Exhilarate program? The problem is the price is a bit much at Amazon (my usual spot to shop)

 7. If you could only use one word today what would it be?

Awesome…because isn’t it better to think in positively instead of negatively? If everything is awesome then everything is great and happy, right?


8. Insert your own random thought here.
Today, I announced the winner of my first give-away,  if you’re interested in learning who won a free copy of My Memories Digital Scrapbook Software then click here. 

I love the Christmas season. The house is filled with delightful carols every day. We’ve even watched a few of our favorite movies…

  • Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase
  • A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott
  • Santa Claus with Dudley Moore
  • The  Santa Clause 2 with Tim Allen
  • White Christmas with Bing Crosby

This Christmas, I’m limiting the number of goodies I’m making. Over the weekend, I made one of my traditional candies, Home-made Chocolate Covered Cherries, if you’d like a copy of click on my recipe .

For past two weeks, I’ve missed visiting my friends on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch. I’m off to for some chit-chat now ….


  1. Have you ever had a blog slump? I think we’ve all been there, Patrice. There are days when I think, “Oh no, I have to write my post!” But, in the back of mind all I keep thinking about is the 1001 things I should be doing instead of being in front of the computer. That’s called life! I was at that point Thanksgiving week, and I’m certain it’ll hit again the week of Christmas. There is just too much stuff to do and we all know blogging is a huge drain on one’s time.
  2. What’s your favorite way to serve hot chocolate (cocoa)? Marshmallows on top? Whipped Cream? A cinnamon stick? I like either marshmallows or whipped cream. Sometimes, I’ll even add a small candy cane to mine. Yum! Speaking of marshmallows, I may make a batch of home-made peppermint marshmallows. Have you ever made marshmallows before?
  3. How do you handle it when you see someone you think you know, but cannot place? Do you approach them and ask, shy away, or just go home and hope you don’t think of it at 2am? It depends. If it’s in passing, I’ll think, “Now, where do I know that person from?” I usually don’t loss sleep over it. Sometimes, if it’s convenient, I might say, “Gosh, you look familiar to me, my name is Cathy Kennedy.” Then I’ll go ahead to say I go to church blah-blah or attended blah-blah school or worked at blah-blah. Usually more times than not, the person isn’t who I think they are. Oh well, I said a stranger is just a friend wanting to be met.
  4. What was your position in your family? Were you the oldest, a middle child, the youngest or an only child? I’m the oldest of four. I have an adopted brother whose 4-years younger than me, I had a brother who was 5-years, and I have a sister who is almost 9-years younger than me. It gets worse, though. I’m also the oldest grandchild of my maternal grandparents. I remember one time at my great-grandma’s funeral. My grandma was introducing me to some family, as her oldest granddaughter. My very young cousin of 12 years said, “How did you get to be the oldest?” Needless to say, I laughed about that one.
  5. How do you handle accumulated possessions (stuff)? Are you a pack-rat, a minimalist, or somewhere in between? For the most part, I’m somewhere in-between. I’ll hold on to something I think I may use until I finally realize it has no value to me, then out the door it goes. My DH however sees value in everything and it’s worse than pulling teeth to get him to let go.


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8 thoughts on “Mid-Week Meme Fun

  1. I think that it is really cool that you are the oldest child and oldest grandchild.

    While I was the oldest child of my parents, I was the 6th or 7th grandchild on my mama’s side. I was third oldest grandchild on daddy’s side, which was still almost halfway down the list as there were only 8 of us. 🙂

    My firstborn was also my parents’ first grandchild and the first of my in-law’s grandchildren to carry the family name.

    I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great day!

  2. I have a long-ago memory of making marshmallows with my little daughter. They were pretty lumpy looking but tasted great. We stuck to the store-bought ones after that. We did have fun trying, though.

  3. Thanks for stopping my blog Cathy. I didn’t know a third movie from National Treasure was being made. I LOVE those movies!! You got me excited!

    I am also the oldest daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter… I didn’t get away with anything!!

    I love to scrapbook and have recently began digital scrapbooking. I will check out the link for the software.
    Any tips for a newbie?

  4. I’ve missed you the last two weeks. I think a post on your homemade marshmallows would be neat! -just saying:)

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who blog slumps.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love the cartoon at the top of this post : ) I’m looking forward to National Treasure 3 too…I loved the first two.

    I lived in the UK for over six years before moving back to the US in the summer of 2009 (NJ). We went over as ex-pats with my hubs company but deep down inside I’m part Brit : )

  6. Yes…yes!!! I too think that being positive instead of negative all the time…well, it just makes things go smoother and you end up being a whole lot happier.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, goodie!! I didn’t know they were making another National Treasure…I so love ’em. What is this one going to be about; do you know? I’m gonna have to google this. LOL

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