
01-03-2025 Vol 19

Meet Me On Monday


Let’s face it, most of us really don’t know the other unless we frequent each other’s blogs, right?  This weekly meme is a fun way to break that barrier as you play along answering a variety of questions, allowing your audience to get to know you better while you do the same.

Thanks to Java @ Never Growing Old, she has provided us with five get-to-know-me/get-to-know-you questions.  I hope you’ll decide to play along.



1. What is your favorite bagel flavor?  I prefer plain bagels with a spicy black olive & onion cream cheese spread I make. This is marvelous!



2. If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on? This is odd for me coz I don’t shop much for myself, but when I do spend money on little ole me then it’s on rubber stamps. So, I guess that’s what I’d use the extra $100 on.




3. What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing?  Dah-dah, I don’t know, really!  I can’t think of anything I feel guilty about. 




4. Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?  I love ice cream period, soft-serve or hand dipped. However, if I had to choose only one, then it would be hand dipped. I love just about all flavors, but I’m especially fond of Ben & Jerry’s Coffee, Coffee, Buzz, Buzz which I can only buy in their shop. We only had one store in town and it closed. I’m totally crushed now!



5. Are you allergic to anything?  Trees, grass, mold, dust, cat dander, & petroleum products for environmental allergens.  Supposedly, I allergic to pecans, tuna, and brown rice.  I still eat these foods with few symptoms. One day, they’ll probably kill me. 

Link up below and join the fun!

For a little rockin’ roll fun this Monday check out my other post today, I Love 80s Music!



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10 thoughts on “Meet Me On Monday

  1.  Gosh Cathy you have a few allergies there, just like my DH. I always worry that the reactions will get worse each time. Take care wont you!

  2. @43d90809ec45e0f7177957c4cf7c94ef:disqus Well at the moment I don’t feel guilty about anything.  lol I’m not saying I have NEVER felt guilty, but I try to do things so I have no regrets or guilt the best I can possibly do.  Life is too short. Thanks for visiting dear.

  3. Yes, I second the thought that the cream cheese spread sounds GREAT, thanks for sharing the recipe!!  And, Lender’s bagels are surprisingly quite good for a bagel that comes out of the freezer!

  4. You don’t feel guilty about anything!  Tell me how to do that–please! 😉

  5. Yeah, I know.  Whoever it was had a good sense of humor and joked about it. So, it was a strangely funny kind of thing. Thanks for joining me!

  6.  Thank you for visiting my blog!! I’ve joined yours as well!! I love getting to know new people!! Your comment about the “toilet” picture made me giggle quite a bit LOL!! I couldn’t imagine getting a txt like that LOL!! 

  7. @d4410e7920bc1d0512b8205a9d4a9d24 Totally agree with you, Lender’s are surprisingly good for grocery store bagels. We use to buy bagels at a local bakery, but it was so inconvenient and pricey.  Once we discovered how good Lender’s were, we haven’t bought bagels out since. Thanks for stopping by!

  8.  @97d34966417f953c86989d635c1fb62f It’s very yummy and easy to fix! I use two 8oz packages of cream cheese, one can of black olives (chopped finely), a small onion minced, and Texas Pete (to taste). Mix it all up and Wha-lah, you have a tasty spread for your plain bagels.

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