Hello, my dears! We are mid-way through April. The old saying, Time flies when you’re having fun is very true with this challenge. According to Wiki, there aren’t any “K” Looney Tune characters. I thought it would be fun to showcase a particular episode where today’s letter would fit but I couldn’t find a list easily but then I then I thought about search with a keyword, “Kiss” and I found an image for Kiss Me Cat. I remember the huge over protective dog and adorable little kitten from Saturdays long ago. My illustration inspiration was found!
It wasn’t until the other day I figure out both the dog and Kiss Me Cat’s name. The dog’s name is Marc Anthony who in later years you youngsters might know better as a singer…what’s that they aren’t the same? Hmmm, okay if you say so…and then there’s the kitten, Pussyfoot, also referred to as Kitty and Cleo.
8-years before I was born Kiss Me Cat released in February 1953 but it was played on Saturday mornings during the cartoon hours in the late to early 70s. These old animations will never fall out of favor with me.
Digging around YouTube, I found a couple of other cartoons featuring the unlikely duo Feed the Kitty (1952), Feline Frame-up with Claude Cat (1954), and Cat Feud (1958).
Here’s a bit of History of Marc Anthony & Pussyfoot if you’re interested in knowing.
I hope you enjoyed today’s edition of my Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch series and I appreciate that you included me in your day. Don’t forget to say hello in comments and please leave your direct link for today’s contribution for others to find you easier. I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to see who’s joined the party now. I hope to see you again tomorrow for the next letter in the alphabet in my Looney Tunes Art Sketch series! XX
Alphabetical Looney Tunes Art Sketch series quick links:
- ACME Mail order catalog
- Bugs Bunny
- Cecil Turtle
- Daffy Duck
- Elmer Fudd
- Foghorn Leghorn
- Granny
- Henery Hawk
- Injun Putty Tat
- Joke
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
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I missed this one, or it didn’t stick in my memory box.
I’m not familiar with these two adorable characters, Cathy! Great sketch and thanks for introducing me to these two!
Love your drawing, a what a fun K inspiration.
I have never seen this before, but I love it! Thank you so much for unearthing this gem!
I have a vague recollection of seeing these two when I was very young – thanks for the reminder and your drawing is spot on.
That is so cute. XO
I didn’t remember Kiss Me Cat. So cute to see that big dog being so gentle.
What an adorable drawing, Cathy <3 <3 Those 2 are a match made in heaven. Have a wonderful day!
That was really terrific!
Love your sketch and loved the cartoon. Such fun cartoons.
I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
The early ’50’s were when they started making TV-friendly cartoons, because that’s when kids started watching them regularly. Real good job with a real cute kitty (and her friendly dog)…
Ok I have to catch up big time but when I saw your brilliant drawing of one of my all time favourites, it just brought a huge smile on my face. You really caught the dog’s expression well.i love their cartoons and it was interesting to listen to the history of the duo.
I don’t think I have seen this dog and kitty team but I’ve always like how huge creatures protecing tiny little ones. Cute drawing.
Have a lovely day.
Excellent idea! “Kiss me” also reminds me of Pepe LePew trying to kiss the cat he thought was a fellow skunk.
Have a great Tuesday!
Hello dear friend. When you said kissing I thought sure it had to be Pepe Le Pew but I feel quite certain you are saving him and Penelope for P (oh could it be?) I hope you don’t mind… I did a little digging. I thought sure there had to be a Looney Tune K character. Sure enough I found two: Kid Banty is a minor character appearing only in one short, “Sock a Doodle Do”. He is a Banty rooster who cannot control his punches. Miss Kitty Bright is a Looney Tunes character. She is an anthropomorphic cat at Katnip Kollege ….maybe you could incorporate them somehow in a future post. Any hoot, I sure am enjoying your pencil to paper.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy K-day, dear friend! I applaud you for searching high and low for a suitable K letter reference. You found a great one in “Kiss Me Cat” starring the duo of Marc Anthony & Pussyfoot aka Cleo. Although the cartoon was released in the early 50s when I was beginning to watch television as a young child and was shown for many years after, I don’t remember it, nor do I remember the sequels mentioned in your second clip. The story line is charming and refreshingly different. Unlike the dynamics in most cartoons, the kitten and the family’s large breed canine aren’t natural enemies. They don’t “fight like cats and dogs.” Instead they are best friends. The dog is a gentle giant. He loves and protects his little friend. There are scenes in the 1933 film King Kong and its sequels in which the same protective caring is demonstrated by the colossal ape for his pretty little blonde human toy Ann Darrow. Returning to the discussion of “Kiss Me Cat” (no doubt a play on words referencing the late 1940s Cole Porter musical “Kiss Me, Kate”) Pussyfoot was was also born without the instinct to hunt mice. “Tom,”
the impatient man of the house, warns his wife that the kitty will have to go if he doesn’t soon learn his trade. Overhearing this, the big dog shudders to think of life without his best buddy, and so he devises a way to make the tiny cat appear to the mice to be a Sylvester in training, scaring them off. It’s a happy ending for the dog, the kitten and Tom and his wife. That black kitten reminds me of the black stray cat we have been keeping in our home the last six months. It jumps in bed with us every night and, with its “motor running” (purring)… stretches and sinks its claws into the sheets, aggravating Mrs. Shady. 
I love your pencil sketch showing Marc Anthony’s eyes closed in bliss as he holds his tiny treasure in the palm of his paw.
Thanks for the morning entertainment and smiles, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tamale for your L-day essay!
That was a good idea for K. I like the expression on the dog’s face, Cathy.