
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Funnies Pumpkin Spice Season Edition

In all honesty, I had intended to publish this last Friday but that didn’t happen.  Today is DH’s off Friday, so I’m not present in Blogland but I won’t let that stop me this time from sharing this week’s Friday Funnies with you.

 Starbuck’s pumpkin spice promotion kicked off last month.  I have to admit the first time I heard “pumpkin spice” I was a bit skeptical.  I wasn’t a huge fan of pumpkin pie as a kid.  This is something I fell in love with over time and now, I look forward to having it annually.  However, ever since the pumpkin spice craze, people can’t help poking fun of this fad and I’m going to do the same in today’s Friday Sillies Edition Pumpkin Spice Season.

The autumn equinox falls begins tomorrow. Perhaps, we need to establish this day as National Pumpkin Spice Day. What do you think? Oops…can’t do that! It seems Oct. 1st is already reserved, so mark your calendar. 🙂

Weird and funny pumpkin spice products…











Feline Friday

Earlier this morning, I shared the results of last week’s BOTB.  I’m winding things up with a Pumpkin Spice playlist created by alexrainbirdmusic on YT. This is CAAC signing off,  have a funtastic weekend and don’t forget to boogie back for Monday’s Music Moves Me! 

X💋X💋, Cathy

More Friday linky parties…

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13 thoughts on “Friday Funnies Pumpkin Spice Season Edition

    1. Ellen, you’re killing me! Seriously, you don’t like pumpkin spice? Surely, you’re pulling my leg. Yeah, I feel a little tug. You’re just kiddin’ me. Well…you’re the first person the best of my knowledge that I now can say doesn’t like pumpkin spice. To each her own, right? 😉

  1. Although I don’t like anything pumpkin (except my sister-in-law’s pumpkin risotto), your funnies brought a smile. 😀 Pumpkin Spice everything is EVERYWHERE now! 😆 I’m still trying to hang on to summer…

    1. Debbie,

      I hope for you summer hangs on a little longer. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge pumpkin fan but I do have a few things I really like with the flavor. For me, it just signals fall’s presence and the holidays that aren’t too far off which makes me warm inside and giddy all over.

  2. Well, I saw this on my gmail, and I had to come over and put my two cents in… which is I TOTALLY AGREE! EVERYTHING IS PUMPKIN! I like pumpkin pie, but that’s my limit!!! Great Post honey… love the tune too… gave me the chuckles!!! Have a nice weekend! HUGS… You’re always in my prayers!!!

    1. Marie,

      What you’re not a pumpkin spice latte kinda girl? lol I found a pumpkin spice coffee recipe I want to try while we’re on vacation in a few weeks. I’ll let you know what I think. I love pumpkin pie! Yum, now I want a piece with whipped topping piled high!! Thanks for the prayers, darlin’!

    1. Pumpkin spice and Christmas spice is the same thing? Is that a Starbuck’s thing? I don’t know that I’ve seen Christmas spice. I’ve gotten Christmas Blend flavored ground coffee which is often times cinnamon and vanilla. I’m not a big flavored coffee drinker but it’s fun for the holidays. 🙂

      1. Pumpkin spice (also called pumpkin pie spice) is cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, which are the same spices (maybe in a different proportions) that are in Christmas spice, at least as far as I know. Starbucks adds pumpkin pie spice to their drinks for that holiday flavor. A lot of their Christmas drinks have peppermint in them.

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