
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Encrypting Hard Drives, Purging Duplicated Files, Cloud Backup, and Blog Fixes

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! I took much of last month off from blogging. It wasn’t nearly as restful as I had planned. I had too many things on my plate to deal with to enjoy the time away.

One major thing we did was encrypt three external hard drives. This isn’t a two or three-hour job or even an all day job. This took us two weeks (maybe a little longer) to complete. Before encrypting each drive, we had to move files to a different HD and sometimes two because encrypting deletes everything on that drive. The good news is these drives are now more secure.

While DH took care of the encrypting process, I decided to set up a private Flickr account (you can get 1TB of free cloud storage if you have a Yahoo email account, which I created just for this purpose) to store my digital photos in the cloud. Having three extra physical devices to back my files to is great but HD can fail. We went down that path about five years ago and it was horrible to get things recovered.

Uploading photos to the cloud is slow going. That was a perfect time for me to purge duplicate files on my computer and external HD. Over the years, we got in a bad habit of keeping more than one copy, sometimes two or three copies of the same file. All we wanted to do was make sure to keep my files safe but doing this eats up storage and causes confusion. I got a good handle on my documents and photos but I’m sure I need to do another sweep to make sure I didn’t miss something.

The last thing I had going and still am in the midst of working through is my blog. I have a lot of broken links. My British blog buddy, Steve recommended an app called Broken Links. I’m still trying to figure it out but it is quite useful in pointing out links that need my attention and after all the repairs get done then this should be an excellent resource to keeping my blog in tip-top shape!

We only managed one trip to the mountains in all this mess. The colors were at their peak in the upper elevations and while they weren’t their best, it was still an awesome, amazing day. You’ll have to come by tomorrow to catch a peek on not-so Wordless Wednesday.

I’m joining Les from Ink Interrupted for Tuesday Coffee Chat this with this morning’s prompt: How do you handle your failures?  Are you a crawl back into bed and wait for it all to pass kinda person?  Or are you a jump immediately back on the horse sort? The way I handle failure depends on how well I’m handling other things in my life. Generally, I take screw ups pretty well. I just chalk it as a lesson learned that practice makes perfect, and I need to try, try, try again sort of mentality but sometimes a gloomy gray cloud hangs over my head. We’ve all been there like we are now with DH out of work. There are days I find I struggle with to keep from sinking and I hang on to God’s reassurance that He’s in control. I remind myself of other times when things were bleak and find gratitude in what we have. Although things aren’t comfortable right now, I know there are others in worse shape than us and so I pull myself out of my pity party, dust the seat of my britches off and climb back on the saddle. A person’s attitude can make or break you. I prefer to tackle my failures head on and make life better, instead of being defeated, weighted down, and depressed.


That’s a wrap for this morning. I hope you’ll play along in today’s Revolution #BoTB showdown. and follow along as I visit Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts. Don’t forget to return for a glimpse of our fall colors in tomorrow’s edition of not-so Wordless Wednesday.




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5 thoughts on “Encrypting Hard Drives, Purging Duplicated Files, Cloud Backup, and Blog Fixes

  1. I know how worrisome it can be when someone in the family is unemployed and you’re not sure what the future holds. What I’ve learned is that God is always in control, and if we let Him lead the way, it will work out in the way intended. I’ve never been abandoned yet, and I know you won’t be either. So we go forward in faith one day, one hour, and one step at a time. It sounds like you have the right idea about things that have failed, get up and get moving again! HUGS

    1. Jose, I know who holds our future and trust in Him to see us throw the peaks and valleys of life. This isn’t the first time we’ve experienced unemployment and it probably won’t be the last. God will open the door of opportunity for DH when the time is right. Thank you for your encouraging words, sweet thoughts, and prayers. Keep an eye open for a visit from me next!

  2. After all the pictures I took during our vacation this summer….. I need to get an external hard drive to back up all my files. And my stories. This laptop is several years old now, and I can hear the poor thing groaning at times. Hopefully it will last me a few more years yet.
    I think you make a very good point about how we handle failures, in relation to our overall life. It’s true that if everything else is pretty good – going easy; we probably bounce back quite quickly and move on. But we all have those times when it seems just Nothing Is Going Right! And those are definitely the times I find I just want to hide away awhile. But I can’t stay gloomy for long. There’s just too much beauty in the world, and my fear of missing out on something is way stronger than my silly ego.

    1. Les, if you don’t have an external HD to back your pictures to then you may want to consider backing them to the cloud. You can set your photos to private with Flickr and you get 1TB of free storage. This is what I did and I have plenty of free space after uploading all of my pictures. If your computer is groaning and lagging then take the necessary measures to protect your photos and all important documents. Trust me if you have to take your computer to a professional to have those things recovered, assuming that they can, then it’s quite pricey. Thanks for popping by. I need to get back over to your place again. I think I forgot to comment. *smack forehead*

      1. Oh, I DO have a Flickr already!! I totally forgot that I can do that. Duh. I guess I’ll be doing some uploading soon. Ha.

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