What a pleasant reminder I got Sunday while running some errands – kids in their front yards hunting Easter eggs. It’s funny once your own kiddos pass this stage how these things get brushed from your memory. If only I could have those days back for a moment.
We have a temporary fix to our storm door glass getting broken last week. I pushed the bottom glass to the top, since there is screen in that section. This will bid us some time till we can get a new door delivered. We found one we like at Lowe’s, but we’ll have to wait to order it. There are too many things going on at the moment to be involved with a door change out. You know how any home repair is, it’s never simple!
Do you like comedies? I dare say most people love a good laugh. I two movie recommendations for you with plenty of giggles: Mr. Deeds (2000) with Adam Sandler and Meet the Parents (2003) with Ben Stiller. I haven’t laughed this hard, as I did on Saturday night, in a long time. These great picks are available on Netflix!
DS and I got all, well almost all of his graduation invitations taken care of – stuffed, sealed, and postage applied. Now, to wait and mail to them off.
Graduations, like other special occasions, have always been quiet affairs for us. We have no grandparents, or uncles, aunts, or cousins to attend these important events.
The only family in our area is my DH’s brother and his wife. Our family has grown a little, as you know with the additions of our two sons-in-law. I’m certain the expansion will only bring more joy to our day, as we celebrate this milestone in our DS’s life.
My last big thing to do before the end of the month for DS’s graduation is to get several pictures together for the slide show presentation. This has been a work-in-progress for weeks now, but I haven’t given it a lot of serious attention. That will change beginning today!
Social networking has turned me into a slob at keeping up with my pen-friends. Getting snail mail and answering each visit use to bring me much happiness, but sadly I allowed myself to fall victim at my own doing as a self-absorbed blogger.
My pen-friends are some the best friends I have! They are always so faithful to keep up with me despite my repetitive nature of pushing them to the back burner. Last week, I corrected this wrong by answering half a dozen letters needing my attention for months.
One of my New Year’s resolutions had something to do with staying on top of my snail mail. blush I guess I’ve dropped the ball on this one. Perhaps, I will do better as the rest of the year goes on. One can only hope, right?
How come I always run out of vitamin supplements at the wrong time? Two weeks ago, I placed a vitamin order. I double checked to see what we were running low on. Somehow I managed to miss two items I now need. smack self on forehead I really gotta get a handle on my methods for inventory control. What methods? Yeah, right? That’s the real problem, I don’t have a method!
I’m back at it! Back at riding my stationary bike for two hours a day. Yesterday, I rambled a bit about this in my Just Another Manic Monday post.
Wouldn’t life be grand, if you never had to exercise or diet? The solution to this problem is simple. Don’t pack it on! Easier said than done, especially after pregnancies and age playing its role.
Getting older has its advantages and disadvantages. A sluggish metabolism is one of the lackluster qualities mature women such as myself must fight every step to our grave in life.
IA & Serious Shawn from Talk To Us Tuesday reminded me of something – smelly people. You would think in today’s time people knew what soap and water is by now. Unfortunate as it is, I find myself crossing paths with people who smell like they slept in the city dumpster.
Case in point. About three weeks ago I was in the Dollar Tree. Mind you the Dollar Tree isn’t going to have upscale shoppers. You’ll find frugal minds shop there. Anyhow, back to my story, I was up an aisle when this disgusting scent flooded my senses. I didn’t have to see the people who brought it in, I knew what was coming before it met me face-to-face.
I peeked around the corner, two people with grungy hair and grossly soiled clothes appeared. On top of it all, they reeked of smelly animals. I walked to the back of the store to wait for them to leave the store.
My mother always taught me, poor people don’t have to be dirty. We didn’t have much, but one thing for sure my mother always kept our home and clothes VERY clean.
It’s time to wrap this post up. Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your blog friends, as you enjoy more random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!
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The scale and being over 40 can suck it! I have lost and gained the same freaking 7 pounds for 2 years now. Enough is enough! I may just learn to embrace my inner fluffy, she’s happy and my grumpy from lack of food.
Smelly people aggravate me. You don’t need to but the expensive stuff to clean yourself! Geesh, have a little self pride people!
Thanks for linking up with us!
I don’t know what it is about Adam Sandler, but he cracks me up every single time. I love, love Happy Gilmore.
and you are so right…the best thing is not to let the extra pounds creep up on you at all. but for my 3rd pregnancy, I was on bed rest, which meant I couldn’t exercise at all….so the pounds crept on AND I was very out of shape once the baby was born. now, with the slower metabolism of 40 something…it’s so, so hard to get the weight off.
I am hoping to do some bike riding this summer too.
thanks for chatting!
Ah, graduation prep. I remember mine. It was a happy time! I’m sad that you don’t have a lot of family to help celebrate the big day. =(
I’ve seen both movies and I agree! Very funny!!!
Great Easter pic! Thanks for linking up with us again!
We got a storm door (a really nice one) at Lowes six months ago and have had to fix it twice already.
Have a great rest of your RTT.
defintely a few things I would love too, especially right now, no exercise and diet would be good. I truly enjoy good food, and just cannot keep away from them!
At one point in my life I didn’t have to exercise and diet, boy those days are gone!
I had a slow metabolism before I started getting older, so now it’s slow as molasses which makes me have to work even harder. My hubby, on the other hand, has a super freaky fast metabolism – at least there’s hope for Princess Nagger, she seems to have the same speedy metabolism and won’t be cursed with the thunder thighs I inherited from the Swenson side of the family.
Very smart woman, your mom!
RTT Rebel Badges, Easter Spoilage, Bear Basket Transformation, Regal Dentist Dude
I’ve decided if my extra weight doesn’t come off by the time i’m 43….I’m just going to start wearing spanx or moo moo’s.