
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Christmas Movies Music


Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me with our head conductor, Marie from Xmas Dolly! We’re bound for the North Pole this week and all of next month. Xmas Dolly’s little helpers   Lorie of The Shewbridges of Central, Florida, CALLIE from JAmericanSpice,  and Stacy from Stacy Uncorked will be assisting her to see who’s been naughty or nice.

How do I get on board Santa’s Train,you ask.

Admission to ride is totally doable. Are you ready to rock around the Christmas tree with all the other passengers? Then here’s what you do.

  1. Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
  2. Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button from Xmas Dolly blog.
  3. Add your MMM Blog post URL to her linky, follow Marie & her co-conductors, grab their blog buttons, & leave a comment letting them know you’re a new follower.
  4. Be sure to visit #1 & #2 on the linky line-up, as they are the Spotlight Couple for this week.
  5. Shake your bootie with your fellow rockin’ bloggers on the linky (below) or invite some of your rocker blogger buds to join us.

This month’s theme is Christmas songs or anything relating to Christmas“.

White Christmas is not only one of my favorite songs but one of my favorite movies.  This scene is simply tear rendering.  I can empathize with these troopers, as well as those around the globe today. There was a time when the part, “I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams” was just that in my dreams.




The Christmas movie season wouldn’t be complete without watching this favorite pick of ours. In fact, we settled in on Saturday night to enjoy it.  Does it make you want to see it, too?


Christmas Vacation


When I first saw this movie advertised years ago, I just thought it would be too ridiculous to believe.  Once I put that aside and decided to take this movie in, I fell in love with this hilarious non-stop laugh flick. Every time I hear Carol of the Bells now, I think of Home Alone.



I wanted to see this version of A Christmas Carol since 1989. It failed to re-broadcast on free TV again. At least I never caught it on television much to my disappointment. George C. Scott does a fantastic job at Scrooge. I highly recommend this movie!

Recently, I spied it on Amazon and snatched it up in a heartbeat. This weekend, we had the privilege of watching it. I couldn’t find a trailer on YouTube but here’s a lovely song from the movie.



This song doesn’t fall into my music group, but it’s so amazing. What a clever idea!


Hallelujah Chorus Food Court Flash Mob


Wow, isn’t that the most beautiful thing you’ve heard?  This tenderly touched my heart to tears. I knew instantly I had to share it with you!


Would you like a Christmas present for yourself?  Enter My Memories Digital Scrapbook Software giveaway promo. Hurry, it expires December 7. So, enter today!

What Christmas songs are stirring your heart this morning? Have a warm Christmas season beginning

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12 thoughts on “Christmas Movies Music

  1. Great choices! I love the flash mob. I am waiting for one to unfold in front of me. That would be incredible.

  2. Did I post my comment in the right place? Hope so, but one more thing – love the musical Scrooges don’t you I have four different ones. Love Chrissssssssssssssstmas! Thanks for playin’ girl & don’t forget to pass the word. hugzzzzzz

  3. I’m hooked on Christmas movies, I’ve been watching them on Lifetime, Hallmark Channel, AMC, and Turner Classics, so your songs were just perfect for me. Not to mention that I have seen that flash mob video at least 10 times, but I still watch the whole thing and it brings tears to my eyes every single time, so thank you for sharing it again.
    Can’t wait to see what you post next week. =)

  4. I am a huge movie buff and all those movies are must see every Christmas. I love White Christmas, the movie and song with Bing!! Home Alone 1 and 2 are watched as a family and of course Christmas Vacation too!
    A Christmas Carol, oh, it has been done so many times and very well. But, one of my favorites is the 1938 version with Reginald Owen, Gene and Kathleen Lockhart. FYI: It is on TCM (Turner Classic Movie) channel tonight at 9:45pm Eastern Standard Time, if you get that channel!
    Loved the Flash Mob!!
    Sorry for rambling in your comment section.

  5. Como and Williams are two of my all time favorites! Anytime I think of them, I think on fond childhood memories from Christmas pasts. Thanks for sharing!

  6. It’s Christmas over here!!

    I love your selection and I agree that many soldiers must feel something missing while being away.

    LOVE Bing!


  7. What a lovely selection! Oh… I see troops away from home during Christmas and that’s why I hate war. I love Carol of the Bells 🙂

  8. Ii love a good flashmob; one of the best ideas people have come up with in the last few years. I only wish one would happen near me! Good choices today; Christmas movies rock.

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