Somewhere near Dillsboro, NC, passing through Clayton, GA

Somewhere near Dillsboro, North Carolina along the rural countryside, I spied these two beauties. To the far right out of sight, there is an old barn.  Had I been thinking quick enough then it would’ve been nice to frame it in the shot but you know how retrospect is, it’s clear as a picture.

Last week, you may recall the picturesque Chateque Lake image that I shared. Somehow in our journey, we missed a turn. Oh yeah, I know how that happened, we were talking and we weren’t using our navigation system. Duh, what’s up with that?  Anywho, we wound up going through the northern Georgia town of Clayton. Naturally, DH wanted me to check for donuts.

Luckily Google reviewed one place having those deep-fried pastries DH loves so much at The Farmhouse Donuts & Decor.

It was a lovely establishment with it’s antiquish and rustic charm.  I should’ve swung my iPhone upward just a tad on the first photo and the bottom one I was trying to catch the flag flapping in the wind but failed to capture the moment.

The Farmhouse had two basic donuts – raised and cake that can be topped the way the customer wants. We were a bit skeptical but being adventurous people, more so DH, than me since he’s the King Donut eater in this family, we bought four donuts with basic glaze.  One FH donut equals two Krispy Kreme and were $2 each.  That makes them a little more expensive but it wouldn’t break the piggy bank.  Other glazes and topping boosted the cost, though.  Obviously, this type of donut shop isn’t geared for an individual to buy a dozen assorted donuts that aren’t meant for sharing with a group but for himself and wife only. Let’s just say when we get a dozen KK donuts someone can woof down 8 of them without blinking an eye and it’s not me. Oh yeah back to my assessment, we enjoyed the FH’s donuts.  They are some of the best-raised donuts we’ve come across in a while. If you’re in Clayton, Georgia then you might want to try them. Incidentally, I noticed they have two other stores in Florida.  I wonder if the owners spend their summers in northern Georgia. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 😉

From Clayton, we headed to Highlands, North Carolina.  No sooner did find a parking place the skies open dumping a good rain on us which left us waiting in the car for half an hour for the storm to pass and it did. 

The streets were less crowded. The weather felt a bit cooler but despite the high elevation, some humidity was present to my surprise. I snapped some pictures of two historical buildings, The Old Edwards Inn & Spa (upper left corner photo) and the Highlands Inn (bottom center photo). 

I believe the bird couple swimming on Club Lake (upper right corner) are two swans.  I couldn’t see them very well. I took the shot from Hummingbird Lane. You’ll see I placed an ‘X’ in the approximate place I captured these white downy birds gliding across the water. We came across 106 from Clayton which was a first for us, as we usually enter Highlands directly onto Main Street. We didn’t even know about this gulf course. The Carolina mountains are dotted with them and are key attractions for retirees. 

Google Maps screen grab

Highlands is a beautiful little town and we love to visit.  If we didn’t have to be anywhere when the weather got bad then we’d love to have a home there but it’s not practical for us right now. Maybe if we win the lottery we can buy a place there. 🙂  

On our return trip home, the rain drizzled on us off and on.  We were fortunate to see a rainbow and better yet I got it! It wasn’t until I got home that I noticed in this picture that it’s a double bow. Can you see it?



And as always, with the moody weather comes dramatic happenings with the clouds as the sun descends in the west. 



Later today, I’m sharing a second post as I’m helping a good friend with the release of her newest book,  The Quest for Home by Jacqui Murray and I hope you check it out.  That’s a wrap for now but should I feel inspired then tomorrow join me for an edition of Thursday Art Date with Rain.  Have a blessed day!


X💋X💋, Cathy


Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself.  This linky party spans 14-days, so next week be sure to link up again. 😉  Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

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