Mr. Blue Sky #BoTB results with #WildWednesdays link party #AtoZChallenge #art

I’m exhausted. I’m trying to reclaim my stamina through exercise after slacking off last fall right. Wait a minute slacking off implies I cut back but that’s not what happened, I totally put it on the back burner. What’s made my exhaustion worse is nerve sensitivity causing multiple spots on my body to be very sore. I finally decided to it’s time to have this checked out. My doctor referred a neurologist, so I’m waiting for them to call me to set up an appointment.  I promise, I will survive! 😉  I’m doing a double feature today. First let me share with you the results of last week’s Mr. Blue Sky showdown.

The battle between Postmodern Jukebox featuring Allison Young and Pomplamoose with lead singer Nataly Dawn went back and forth. Twice the contenders tied and I thought for sure on the second tie that was it for the showdown but then Mike Spain broke the tie with his vote.  

This is how everyone voted: Brian, Sandee, Debbie, Stephen, Birgit, Kim, Mimi, and Mike S went with Allison and everyone else Tom, Janet, John, Lee, Myke, Eugenia, and Mary picked Nataly.  It was a very close race with PJ with Allison Young winning the battle (8 to7)!

I wanted to find a YT vid with PJ and Allison when I came across her Fever cover with Josh Turner on guitar. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  Allison replicates the vintage singing style beautifully and I hope she keeps at it. We need to see more young people revitalizing the lost sounds of yesteryear for a new generation to learn to appreciate.

My next battle is February 1st and I invite you to join me for the next showdown.

The last time I shared a revamped illustrations from my 2019 #AtoZChallenge Little Mermaid series was in November.  I think it’s time to present another ‘in-living color’ Procreate design.

The original pencil drawing of Pearl

Speaking of the A to Z Challenge,Li is anyone considering going at it for another round?  I’m sitting on the fence but I know I’ll do it. I just need to get working on my sketches. I have a theme picked. Now to see if I can execute it without getting frustrated when I can’t get something quite right.

Link up below! 😉

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

This morning I noticed DH sent me a mews article during the night. It was about Knoxville’s record cold set in 1985 and I remember it. It was a brutal -24! That’s horrible to think about and it was terrible having to drive to work that cold, cold January morning long ago. It’s no where near that this morning, thankfully but plenty cold enough with it bottoming out around 19º and about the same yesterday.  I guess I shouldn’t complain about these temps as it could be worse, right? I’ll see you tomorrow for Rain’s Thursday art date with another art sketch. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

X💋X💋, Cathy



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