Cranberry Pumpkin Bread

I’m slacking off in Blogosphere for the holidays a bit. Over the weekend, I did some baking. Originally I shared my Cranberry Pumpkin Bread recipe several years ago but since then it’s gone through many revisions to suit our taste.  Here’s my updated version.

The evolution its taken has gone more from a bread to a cake recipe I think. When I mentioned that to DH, he said, “You’re welcome”. I said, “Well…everything can’t be cake!” He came back with, “I know, somethings have to be pie! ” What can I say, he’s quick on his feet. 😀 Anyway, both recipes are good, it’s just a matter of what you like.

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Another shot from our vacation last month of our drive along the country side. This was taken with the car in motion. I was surprised that it turned out at all. I barely got the moon in the picture. 🙂
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Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. It’s Mickey Mouse’s birthday (November 18)…happy birthday Mickey! He reads here, right? Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They’re open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip? I have not been to Disney but I hope we’ll get a chance to visit someday.  I’ve never been a super fan. I liked their classic animated movies but in the past 10 or 20 years they haven’t done anything that matches their old stuff.  They seem to put too much importance on creating unrealistic empowered female characters.
2. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more church mouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse? WOW, what a contrast in characters.  I’d think my friends would say I’m ‘mighty mouse’. Actually, I think I’m somewhere between the two.
3. The day before Mickey’s birthday happens to be National Homemade Bread Day. Did/will you celebrate? Do you bake your own bread? Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread? What’s your favorite kind of bread? I actually baked a fresh batch of buttermilk biscuits on Monday. That’s close enough, right?  I definitely sampled the biscuits. I had a bite or two while DH ate about 6 or 7. He’s a huge bread eater.  I think any yeast risen breads are awesome.  I’m going to make a batch of Angel Biscuits next week. Yum!
4. What’s something you might say is ‘the greatest thing since sliced bread‘? Right now, I can’t think of anything but I saw a video on Parler that makes reference to this that cracked me up.  I found it on YouTube if you’d like to check it out.
5. Let’s keep the gratitude theme we started last week rolling on through November. Share with us five little things you’re grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T. Gotta keep us thinking, right? 1) Tough attorneys fighting for President Trump and preserving American’s freedoms. 2) Tips for cooking/baking found on the Internet to make life easy. 3) Tempting taste bud dishes. 4) Time management skills that prevents a mental melt down during the holidays. 5) Tree is partially up. Yep, I set our little tree up. All we need to do is add the decoration.
6. Insert your own random thought here.  At the start of my post I mentioned I’ve been baking.  Another recipe I baked up the other day is a pecan pie. Yum!  This year I used a different recipe from what’s found on the Karo syrup bottle. It’s a very close match found at Southern Living. I made two minor changes to their recipe. I cut the butter in half and doubled the pecans. I also made my crust from scratch. 😉
I hope it tastes equally as good as it looks.

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain.   Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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