Makin’ a break for it!

We’ve driven by this building a lot over the years but I never paid attention to it until recently while stopped in traffic. That’s when I noticed the prisoner makin’ a break for it on the front and the guard in the tower (left side).

I’m linking up with these fellow Wordless Wednesday host sites: Comedy Plus (Sandee), Natasha MusingXmasDolly (Marie), & Wordless Wednesday!

Good-morning!  For those of you who took part in last week’s BOTB showdown, I shared the results earlier this morning.    Thanks for joining my mid-week potpourri where I bring together various Wednesday participations into one post and you’re invited to join my self-promoting party where just about anything goes on with Wild Wednesdays!

I’m joining Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A today.


1. Something you’ve done recently that required you giving 110% ?  I hadn’t thought about it but I certainly put 110% of myself into anything I do in the kitchen or when a doodle.  The results don’t always look like I put that kind of effort into my work.  The thing is whatever I do, I do my best and shouldn’t we always?

2. What task-sport-chore-hobby-activity have you participated in or completed, that if judged, would land you a perfect 10? Gee, this is tough one because I’m not a fair judge of my abilities.  Despite growing comfortable with my accomplishments, I still possess an ounce of doubt as to whether what I do/did is good enough.  Keeping in the spirit of the question I’d have to say participating and completing the April A2Z Challenge if nothing else I deserve like anyone who took part in the challenge earned a 10 for finishing the month long posting every day, except for Sundays. 

3. What are ten of your favorite things right now?   Here’s my list but not necessarily in favorite order.  1.  normal routines  2. daily sketching  3. creative cooking 4. use it or lose it mind-set  5. scent of fresh coffee -always  6. thinking about future Maine vacation  7. music  8.  weekend movie time  9.  home-made pizza  10.  thoughts of cooler weather

4. Nine times out of ten I you’ll find me each week day sitting in front of my computer at the start of each morning checking in with who’s visited, doing return visits, or working on a post.

5. Where were you when the world stopped turning, twenty years ago this week? I was home, as usual.  The morning started the same.  I got up before the first light of day to see DH off to work.  He was making a daily commute to Chattanooga which is about a 2-hour drive one way where he’d put int 10-hours on the job before making the 2-hour trip home in the evenings.  After he left, I crawled back in bed to steal a couple of hours of sleep before getting up for good.  When my alarm went off, I sleepily got up fired up our old Dell computer.  In those days to connect to the world wide web we used dial up Internet service.  What a headache but then that was about all there was at the time.  I tried unsuccessfully for several minutes to get online so I could receive our email.  While I waited, I called DH to see if he got to work okay.  I dialed a few times before finally reaching him.  He started off, have you seen the news?  I told him no.  He said, turn it on!  We hung up and I walked into the living room where our youngest daughter was sitting.  I told her daddy wanted me to turn the TV on.  She said there was nothing on except for the news.  Nothing prepared me what I was about to see.  I couldn’t even begin to imagine the gravity of DH’s insistence to check out what’s going on.  News stations’ camera men in helicopters and on the ground were filming the Twin Towers in New York City.  Smoke was coming from one of the towers.  The news feed crawling at the bottom of the TV screen told of a plane crashing into the towers and there was speculation of possible terrorist attack. They kept replaying the plane striking the Twin Towers footage.  All I could do was flop down in the recliner horrified and then within a minutes of watching the scary scene, one of the towers crumbled to the ground like a deck of cards rendering me nearly speechless.  The other tower was still standing but I wondered for how long.  That’s when I noticed people leaping from the tower ledge.  Fear and desperation to get out of the burning tower that would surely collapse drove those poor people to do what they could to survive.  Somehow in the blur, I made breakfast for the children and I.  It was a school day. I tried keeping it together to do our homeschooling but by mid-day I couldn’t do it any longer and called it a day.  The kids didn’t argue.  For the whole of the day I was on edge, fearful for DH being on the road with the large distance that separated us.  There was talk terrorist might find other ways to strike.  I imagined terrorists using big trucks as a weapon of massive destruction during rush hour.   During DH’s commute I couldn’t get him on the phone because cell service was jammed which added more stress and worry.  All I could do was pray.  The rich blue September morning sky was far contrast to the daily events and I wondered how we would ever pick up the pieces after this nightmare but we did.   

6. Insert your own random thought here. After answering such a painful question as the last one and while I hope we never, ever forget how vulnerable we are to evil and that we need to keep a vigil to protecting our country, our way of life, and freedom always because the evil in this world wants nothing more than to destroy America and her people.  Alright, that’s enough sad thoughts, let’s move onto a lighter subject, like movies!

Over the weekend, we watched a fun flick on Amazon Prime, All About Steve starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper.  Bullock plays a nerdy crossword puzzle designer who goes a blind date her parents set up. She really doesn’t want to go but when Cooper shows up at her parents’ house she’s immediately attracted to him.  No sooner are they out the door and in his vehicle the date fizzles.  Her quirky, overly talkative self (at the wrong time) caused Cooper’s character to loose interest fast. Luckily for him he’s saved by a phone call saying there’s an emergency that requires him at work.  In his attempt to cut things short without making Bullock feel bad, he said I wish you could be with me but you have your work. She was totally smitten by his good looks!  To make a long story short and to not spoil things, watch the movie trailer. 


I’ve always enjoyed Sandra Bullocks earlier films Miss Congeniality I & II, The Proposal, The Net, Speed,  Speed 2, & The Blind Side to name a few and if you’re a fan then I highly recommend this movie.  It’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in quite a while.

Now let’s tune in for some music with today’s Weekly Song Challenge.



This week’s prompts: Song with Blue in the Title, a Song that Starts with the First Letter of your Name, and a Song with Room (or a type of Room) in the Title. Visit Mary at JingleJangleJungle to join the fun!
WSC playlist: “I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues” ~Elton John 2. “Cathy’s Clown”~Reba McEntire 3. “Bedroom Eyes” ~Kate Ceberano 4. “Folsom Prison Blues” ~Home Free ⭐️bonus track⭐️

That’s it for now.   I’ll be back tomorrow with a new illustration for Thursday Art Date with Rain and I hope you’ll stop by. 😉  Have a wonderfully Wild Wednesday! X💋X💋, Cathy

Originally Wash Day pencil sketch shared in 2020 A2Z Challenge in my Vintage Pinup Girl series. Click to enlarge.

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