Random musings and music by Rita Coolidge

Warning! Warning! This is a long-winded post.  I hope my random musings don’t bore you to tears but on the bright side some of the content includes music and my hodgepodge responses. 😉 

My scheduled posts are getting fewer by the day but in my spare time I’m able to get music posts done ahead at the very least.  I don’t want to get burned out which is something that can happen easily when one tries to put out daily content. I question whether I should continue hosting my mid-week linky party.  I realize when I’m more active in Blogosphere then others are likely to take part in my party.  I suppose for now I will continue to host until I think its usefulness becomes more of a headache than a joy. 

At the start of every new year I begin thinking about April’s A to Z Challenge.  I know I’ll participate but getting motivated is another story.  I don’t want to be like last year rushing to get things done and very little time to enjoy what others share.  Now, that’s a good way to speed up the “getting burned out process”.  Trust me, it happens all on its own to a degree without complications.  By the time I compose 30 daily entries in this challenge, I’m exhausted.  Do I really want to put myself through this?  Maybe, I’ll have a more clear direction on this matter in the coming weeks. 

On Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor, one of my boogie partners shared his rekindled love for vinyl records. He featured a few oldies from the 70s by Rita Coolidge.  Naturally, I got curious to see what she’s been up to over the years.  To be honest, the last big hit Coolidge had that I easily remember is “All Time High” which I used in my January 1st. BOTB James Bond theme song series.  Speaking of BOTB, did you vote in my most recent showdown? There’s still time.

Rita is a Tennessee gal whose ancestry is a mix of Cherokee and Scottish.  She’s has had a colorful personal life with her relationships involving other musicians over the years and once married to Kris Kristofferson which I had forgotten about.  They share one daughter, Casey Kristofferson, who is a musician.  I found it interesting Coolidge is a painter and has exhibited her work in California but I was unable to find any samples online.  The last thing Wiki says about Rita’s personal life is that she reconnected with a college lover and moved to Tallahassee in 2017.  The saddest part of my discovery was reading about Rita’s sister Priscilla’s murder by the husband who then killed himself in 2014.  What a tragedy! 

Her recording career begin with her debut 1971 self-title album running through to 2018.  She was pretty consistent from the 70s through the 90s but after the millennium she produced only three albums. Today,  I thought it would be nice to share with you her 2018 album, SAFE IN THE ARMS OF TIME.

Song tracks: 1. Satisfied 2. Doing Fine Without You 3. Walking On Water 4. Spirit World 5. The Things We Carry 6. Naked All Night 7. Van Gogh 8. Rainbow 9. Over You 10. We Are Blood 11. You Can Fall in Love 12. Please Grow Old With Me

Last week I missed Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions but I managed to copy and answer them this week.

1. It’s National Popcorn Day-my favorite! Are you a fan? Sweet or salty? A good or great movie you’ve seen recently (at home or in a theater, either one)? I am a fan of popcorn.  Overall, I prefer plain salted popcorn.  One the best movies and most fun movies we’ve watched in a long time was Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard with Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, and Morgan Freeman.  We think we like this one better than the first film, The Hitman’s Bodyguard.

2. What’s something you didn’t realize was going to take so much of your time as an adult? Generally just about everything takes longer than you anticipate.  It doesn’t matter what chore we set out to do, I’m often mystified at how much time was spent getting the project done.

3. Your favorite yellow something? The first thing that came to mind is daffodils. I think it’s because yellow daffodils are so cheery this time of year except we won’t see those blooming until the end of February or first of March.  It depends on what this crazy weather will do in our area.  

4. Why do you write? I write to share myself and to feel like I belong.  Being a stay at home mom for almost 33 years and one who socializes rarely outside my home, writing for friends in Blogosphere or across the miles gives me what I need.  

5. Share a favorite memory associated with snow.  The blizzard of ’93 might be my favorite snow memory.  That storm seemed totally unexpected.  Maybe, the forecasters were telling folks about it and I do remember something about it but I think I was like, “Yeah, right snow?” We don’t get much in the way of the white fluff and when we do get it, the accumulation is generally minimal.  However when we got up the next morning after that history breaking day to find a wintry wonderland just outside our window, the snow level easily reached our car’s bumper. We were awed.  At one point, we got outdoors because we could see one tree behind the house had come down barely escaping our dining room window.  Had it been six feet taller then it would’ve broken it out.  The depth of the snow made it really hard to trudge through carrying a toddler and helping a 4-year old.  It gave me quite the work out.  The heavy wet snow closed pine trees up like umbrellas.  I think we lost four or five evergreens in that storm. What was amazing is we didn’t hear a single one of them fall in the night and one rested against the side of our garage. We didn’t stay outdoors too long on that first day mostly out of fear that the electricity would go out and then we wouldn’t be able to warm up properly.  Ironically, our power stayed on with the exception of being without if for an hour.  God’s hands were in the mix is all I can say.  We managed to stay snuggly warm in the comfort of our home all that weekend which is also another amazing thing because the storm hit on a Friday night.  DH did have to take a few days off at the beginning of the week but Mother Nature came out to help speed the thawing process. You can read more about that day in my Wayback Wednesdays post.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  On Sunday, Winter Storm Izzy came into our area.  I didn’t catch the flurries when they were coming down in super sized flakes but I did capture 30 seconds where it looked pretty falling outside my kitchen window. I really need a better place to do stuff like this but I work with what I have. 🙂

There’s no sound, but silence.
Izzy left 1-2 inches by Monday morning. During the night our power went out but was restored before we had to get up. Big ole applauds 👏 to Knoxville Utilities Board for their hard work!

The forecasters are calling for more cold and the possibility of snow by the weekend.  Hopefully, we won’t get much if any accumulation.  The frigid temperatures are enough to deal with.

You’re invited to add your favorite or current blog post to the Wild Wednesday linky party where just about anything goes.  This is your opportunity to share whatever you want.  All that I ask is that you’re a personal blogger.  Spam links will be deleted.  

More Wordless Wednesday Communities to join… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

This is CAAC signing off, up next time is another edition of Friday Funnies.  Have a wonderful Wild Wednesday!  


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