A feel good story

In a recent email newsletter from The Epoch Times, I got an inspiring story about Donald Gould. Unless you subscribe to the site, it’s difficult to read the articles but if you’d like to try click here.  Basically, it’s about a homeless former Marine who plays a piano on the streets of Saratoga Sarasota, Florida blowing folks away.  Someone recorded him, uploaded the video to YouTube, and it went viral!  Everything changed for Donald.  I found a YT vid very similar to the one in the article.

I invite you to read his short bio at his site.  I so do enjoy reading such moving articles.  Hope is always around the corner if we don’t ever give up and sometimes that hope comes in unexpected places as it did for Donald on the streets of Florida.  I’m sure he had no idea how important it would be to him when he sat down to play that piano.  I sure do hope things are continuing to go well for him.  

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. January 25th is National Opposites Day. ‘They’ say opposites attract…do you agree, and if so is that a good thing? Or do you subscribe more to a ‘birds of a feather’ philosophy? I do agree to a point that opposites attract.  We all can’t have the same traits or even the same opinions but there has to be a common thread that holds a couple or people together for a longer, stronger relationship.  Personality-wise DH and I are quite the opposites even.  He’s always been shy and private whereas I’m more outgoing and an open book.  He’s the logical thinker and I’m more emotional.  If course over time we’ve both taken a little from the other becoming a bit more rounded.  We actually compliment one another with our differences and strengths unifying our relationship to a deeper level every year we spend together. 

2. Something you’re glad to have behind you? Something you’re glad is ahead of you? I’m glad to have one month of winter behind me and so naturally I’m super charged about the coming of spring just ahead. 

3. Your favorite hot food? Cold food? Are you a fan of breakfast for dinner? My favorite hot food has to be pizza and my favorite cold food is ice cream.  Yes, I’m a fan of breakfast for dinner.  I love to fix home-made whole wheat pancakes with maple syrup and a side of sausage or a real southern breakfast of gravy, fried eggs, grits, sausage, and biscuits.  Oh my Cathy, now I want one of these breakfasts!  

4. Are you someone who always arrives to appointments/events early or do you tend to run late? Last thing you were late for?  Now that we are empty nesters we tend to arrive early or on time for engagements.  At the moment, I can’t think of our last time we ran late for an appointment. Wait, yeah I think it was last fall.  Traffic was horrible for reasons unknown but luckily I was only late by a few minutes.

5. “What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?” John Steinbeck….Your thoughts? The seasonal changes do give one a better appreciation but at this stage of life I’d savor the sweetness of the warmth of summer year around if I could afford to have multiple homes to enjoy at various times throughout the year to suit my climate preference. 🙂

6. Insert your own random thought here. Recently, in another email newsletter from The Saturday Evening Post the article Way Before Uber caught my attention.  I never thought about modern day transportation and how it got its early start but non-traditional taxi fares got its initial start in the summer of 1915.  Aside from this cool look through pages of time, I enjoy reading the vintage comic clips. Here are a couple that cracked me up.

I’ve rambled enough and so I’m going to leave you with Donald Gould Walk On Water playlist.

I invite you to join the linky party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays. This is your opportunity to self-promote your current post or another favorite.  No rules to follow, except to keep things family friendly and for only personal bloggers to use this link up.  Violators will be taken down.   

More Wednesday link up connections… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

This is CAAC signing off, I’ll be back tomorrow with a new TAD illustration. I hope you’ll join me.  Have a wonderfully Wild Wednesday!


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