Category: Tuesday Talk Time
January 13, 2015
Tuesday Talk Time
Bad things come in threes
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I’m happy to report for now Knoxville is out of the deep freeze. It amazes me…
January 06, 2015
Tuesday Talk Time
One thing I want to accomplish in 2015 #goals
I’m joining Les from Time Out For Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat with this morning’s prompt: One thing I…
August 19, 2014
Tuesday Talk Time
Tuesday Talk Time: #Sottopelle Therapy part 2
In April, I spoke of starting on a new HRT. If you missed that post, you can read it about…
August 05, 2014
Tuesday Talk Time
Tuesday Talk Time: How tos
Good morning, my lovelies! It’s been a VERY long time since I did a TTT post. Yeah, life gets…
April 01, 2014
Tuesday Talk Time
Tuesday Talk Time
I have committed myself to the April A to Z Challenge. This is why the late hook up with this…