
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Category: Friday Fill-ins

Friday Fling with 5 Crooked Halos, Hilary, & Java

Did I get your attention with my blog title? Come on…everything doesn’t have to be about sex.  Technically, fling can…

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun with Feeling Beachie

Lucky for me, lucky for you this is one of my Fridays which I can do a little blog hopping. …

It’s Friday with Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

Be still my beating heart, it’s Friday! Whoo-hoo, let the partying begin!!! Alright, I’m not a party animal and I…

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

For me, I’m an on and off Friday participator of blog hops. Why? I’m largely influenced by my darling husband’s…

Friday Fill-In Fun

This week, I was lucky to be chosen as Feeling Beachie’s sidekick in FOLLOW FRIDAY FOUR FILL-IN FUN.  I submitted questions…
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