Category: Children’s Story
August 12, 2011
Children's Story
This is my first attempt with putting anything on my blog as a PDF. I used scribd to get this accomplished.…
July 12, 2011
Children's Story
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 5 (finale)
I surely appreciate y’all sticking with me. This is the final part of What’s Happening To My Teeth. Please continue…
July 06, 2011
Children's Story
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 4
Howdy, y’all! It makes this East Tennessee girl awfully happy to see you back ready to read part four of…
May 16, 2011
Children's Story
What’s Happening To My Teeth, part 3
You returned for the third installment of What’s Happening To My Teeth. Excellent! I hope you (and your children, if…
May 11, 2011
Children's Story
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 2
I’m glad you came back to read the second part of What’s Happening to My Teeth. After you’re done, please…