Friday Sillies

Cat and Dog #humor

It’s Friday, kittens and Dawgs! Yippee! In case you missed the news, I am on blog hiatus (October 1st -17th) with my routine weekly posts scheduled. I will link with a few regulars, do return visits, and respond to comments. It’ll be sorta like I’m not away from Blogosphere. Meanwhile, the work continues on repairing blog posts. That all being said, I’m keeping the post simple with a bit of cat and dog humor!

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Please share your funny post with me (and others) by leaving a direct link in comments. Now, I invite you to email me your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …). If it makes you laugh then I want to see it! In the subject line say Friday Sillies and if I use it, then I’ll add a link back to your site.

Got laughs? Share your giggles!

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have the results available for BoTB and I won’t be doing a Saturday Songsuaion post. I have too much on my plate to get everything done. I’m beginning to wonder if I should stretch my hiatus a bit just to have enough downtime. Oh well, thank you for popping over and I hope you have a super funtastic Friday! ?





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