
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Boogieing with Sheena Easton

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sunday, my friends!    Tomorrow is the first Monday in November and the theme is freedom of your choice, which means you get to pick whatever music you want.   I decided to build a Sheena Easton playlist.  

Sheena Easton Songs: 1. Morning Train (hit #1 1981)  2. The Lover In Me (peaked #2 1989)  3. For Your Eyes Only (reached #4 1981)  4. We’ve Got Tonight (peaked #6 1983)  5. Strut (reached #7 1993)  6. Sugar Wall (#1 Dance Club Songs 1984)



The last song in my set I’m not sure I remember, but it peaked at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.   What really blew my mind is to learn For Your Eyes Only was not a #1 hit song in the US.  It got a lot of air time the year it released and it might be my favorite James Bond theme song made in the past 40 years.  Isn’t it hard to believe it’s that old?  What’s your favorite Sheena Easton song? 


This month’s honorary co-host is Driller’s Place


This is a mewsic linky party. Every other week we have a suggested mewsic theme (see side menu) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our mewsic enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I made these darling ghost Tootsie pops for our LA, then I posed them in front of my computer with a spooky haunted house on my desktop and then converted the image to B&W and added a vignette. Tracey from The kitchen is my playground shared this little easy DIY.

Attention, please….recently, I mentioned 2022 is wide open for you to be an honorary co-host for a month.  To date, I haven’t heard from anyone, though.  Just a reminder,  January, March, and December are locked in but that leaves 9-months for you to choose a good time slot.  If you’re interested send an email this way to reserve your place. 😉  

It’s Halloween so I wanted to share with you a Vintage Halloween playlist I came across on YT.  I really enjoyed hitting play while the old tunes played in the background.  Halloween is synonymous with spooky but its origin is anything other than that. Learn more by reading up on Halloween history.   

I’m officially on vacation and will do my best to make return visits in a timely fashion but if not don’t worry I’m out having a good time with my fella.    I have some scheduled posts set up while I’m away with the first one launching tomorrow with my newest James Bond Theme Song edition of Battle of the Bands.  I hope you enjoyed the music today.  Thanks for stopping by.  Stay safe, be well, and have a boogietastic week, my friends!  X💋X💋, Cathy






















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13 thoughts on “Boogieing with Sheena Easton

  1. Pawsome! We’re not a big fan of Sheila, but her mewsic moved me back in the eighties/nineties, girl have I danced on that second song😺Now I’m waiting for that doggie and baby, catch me if you can…MOL…Have a wonderful vacation, CK. Pawkisses for a great time🐾😽💞
    Ps I can’t link up to a few bloggies anymore. Don’t no why, I tried another browser, but they won’t let me so here’s my linky in case anyone wants to listen to some mewsic with me https:// 2021/11/04/ mewsic-from-my-own-house-in-our-house/

  2. Whoa, I never heard this tune, but man that girl sounds familiar as far as my first marriage.hahaha Well, some of it anyway! hahaha Thanks for sharing this one. Hope you’re having a wonderful day! HUGS

  3. HAPPY HALLOWEEN GIRLFRIEND! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I MADE IT! CHECK OUT MY BLOG – I did it all by myself… well sorta! hahaha You know what I mean. Love 9 to 5… always did love this tune… well, it’s late… I’ll stop by again tomorrow. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS WOO HOO I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!

  4. I’d forgotten how good Sheena Easton was/is I’m not sure about that last song either, but it sounds like some of Sheila E’s stuff. Love it!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  5. The Arms of Orion a duet with Prince from the Batman soundtrack. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. I surprised myself a little here. I knew all of them but “The Lover in Me”. Nor did I realize that the woman in the duo with Kenny Rogers “We’ve Got Tonight” was Sheena. But my favorite remains “Morning Train”. In second place is “Modern Girl” (which I had forgotten about, so thank you, Tom!) (Bonus comment, my favorite James Bond theme remains a tie between “Goldfinger” and “Live and Let Die”, for what that’s worth).

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Pawww-some 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I hope you and DH are getting your vacay off to a great start.

    Awww! That’s a classic pose with the large, shaggy puppy dog exchanging glances with the trusting baby. A great friendship is forming. The caption is funny, too.

    You know that I favor female artists. Yesterday you treated me to The Paris Sisters, and today I am just as happy listening to and watching Sheena Easton, one of the most popular female artists of the 80s. Sheena’s music videos were heavily requested by viewers of our MTV station. Typically they played during the afternoon and evening dayparts. I know and like each and every song in this set.

    It’s been many years since I heard Sheena’s ear-pleasing duet with Kenny. I agree that “For Your Eyes Only” was huge at the time, and it is surprising it didn’t reach #1. I’m surprised you don’t share my vivid memories of Sheena’s sexiest recording “Sugar Walls,” a song written by Prince that was a major crossover hit and very hot in clubs during my second stint as a bachelor. Our station played that video often.

    I would have to say that my favorite Sheena song is one that I didn’t find in this block. “Modern Girl” is the artist’s first single, initially released in the UK in February of 1980 and then re-released later that year after her “9 To 5” record took off and she was tagged a rising star. Thus, “Modern Girl” hit the street in the U.S. as her second single and reached the top 20 stateside while cracking the top 10 back home in the UK. I love the video:

    That eerie picture of the Tootsie pop ghosts is an incredible composition, Cathy! I never would have dreamed that’s what I’m looking at, because it looks like people in costumes posing in front of a spooky mansion. and a dark and dreary Halloween night. Amazing! I’ll bet LA was delighted to receive those creepy treats, and I know that she will appreciate your artistry and your effort and treasure this picture you made for her in the years to come.

    Happy Halloween 2021, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back to cast my vote in your band battle tamale. Have a fun hiatus!

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