
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Announcing the winner in Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring BOTB

Seasons greetings, y’all! I hope you are enjoying this blessed month.  I’m in awe how quickly the days are slipping by.  That being said, it’s now time for me to report how things went down in last week’s BOTB.  It was a tight vote and I was beginning to think a winner would not be declared but Nicole broke the tie with 🎶Duo Rosanna🎶 securing a 5-4 victory! 

I wanted to showcase another Christmas song featuring Duo Rosanna but I was unable to do an exhausting search.  Instead, I found a lovely playlist by one-half of the duo, Rosalind Beall.

For those interested, I did found a playlist of non-Christmas music by Duo Rosanna, here, if you’re interested.  

I was pleased as Christmas punch for the turn out in this battle round considering I haven’t done too many of the second battles this year.  Hearty thanks to Tom, Sandee, Birgit, Mimi, and Nicole for voting for 🎶Duo Rosanna🎶 and to Diedre,  Kinga, John, and Stephen for voting for The Collingsworth Family.  If you’re like me, then there really aren’t any losers in these battle showdowns.  All artists are equally wonderful. 

The rest of the week, I don’t think I’ll be online much.  I imagine most you won’t, either.  For those who will make their daily blog rounds, I squeezed in a special feature from my Vintage Christmases Past series for this Sunday, followed by one more installment of holiday tunes with Monday’s Music Moves Me, and closing out the year with a final Vintage Christmases Past post on Wednesday.  

My next battle is slated for the January 1st so if you’re not nursing a headache or just hanging around in Blogosphere then please stop by to cast your vote in battle #1 of the new year.  Have a blessed day, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy


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7 thoughts on “Announcing the winner in Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring BOTB

  1. I knew this contest would be close because I had trouble picking my favorite. That’s a good battle.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  2. Hi, Cathy!

    Thanks for reporting the outcome of your mid-month band battle, dear friend! Again this time, I was lucky to be on the winning team in a very close contest. Close races like this one are especially pleasing for you, the person who organizes them. I congratulate you. I love the sound of Duo Rosanna – Rosalind Beall (guitar) and Anna Comellas (cello) – the classical duo based in Brussels, Belgium. I also enjoyed listening to more holiday favorites played by Rosalind on her acoustic guitar. Her notes are clean, pure and rendered with feeling.

    I hope holiday spirits are running high at your house. Thinking of you and your family as we head into the home stretch and prepare to celebrate Christmas 2022. Bless you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Christmas is always alive in our hearts but this time of year with the festivities that feeling takes on even a larger presence. We are thrilled the “Big Day” is almost here. DD#2 has walking pneumonia. She and her little daughter have been sick off and on since last month. Poor darlings! At present LA isn’t under the weather. I hope DD#2 can rid herself of this mess. It’s not fun being sick. East Tennessee is bracing for Elliot to swipe across the area. We have a small chance of snow showers but it’s the frigid temperatures and high winds that’s most concerning. This is really out of norm for us as it’s usually not until January for us to get such an Arctic blast. I guess, we’ll have to keep warm with piping hot cups of coffee, cocoa, and tea all weekend. Have a joyful time with your family, my friend!

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