
14-03-2025 Vol 19

A not-so Spooky Halloween

Good morning, Ghouls and Boos! What a spooktacular way to begin the week to find your haunting around my blog! Are you ready to rattle your bones?  Our theme this week is “Halloween” but we’re not finicky if you have tunes to share then we’re ready to boogie with you and we invite you step on the dance floor with  XmasDolly, Colette, and little ole me!

Alice Cooper does creepy VERY well. He’s an entertainer and his fans want a show. Let me say I am not an authority on heavy rock bands. Today’s inspiration is a spin-off of a broader idea but for now I’m going to share some ballads, a few I know but most are new-to-me in this A Not-So-Spooky Alice playlist. Enjoy the mewsic!

  1. Only Women Bleed” from Welcome To My Nightmare album comes one of Cooper’s biggest hits, ranking #1 (Canadian charts) and #12 in the US in 1975. Like many, I thought the song was about a woman’s menstral cycle but it’s actually is about a woman in an abusive marriage. I’m not sure what spurred Cooper and Wagner to write the ballad. I can only hope it was bring more awarness to domestic violence. Regardless the reasons or what the song is about, I think the melody is gentle.
  2. You and Me” Cooper’s lead single from his 1977 album, Lace and Whiskey reaching #9 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and #8 on Cash Box Top 100 that summer. Cooper’s song did better in Canada (#3) and Australia (#2 ) making his song this the 13th biggest hit of ’77.
  3. It’s Me” from Cooper’s 1994 The Last Temptation album; reaching #34 in the UK.
  4. Only My Heart Talkin’” this power ballad is from Cooper’s 1989 album Trash. The song charted #89 in the US but peaked on the Australia’s chart at #47
  5. Burning Our Bed” is from Hey Stoopid 1991 album. The lyrics tell of guy who’s heart belongs to a lying woman but severes ties, burning bridges, calling it quits with their relationship
  6. How You Gonna See Me Now” Cooper co-wrote with Bernie Taupin (yeah, Elton’s co-lyrists) and Dick Wagner released from his 1979 album, From the Inside, charting #12 on the US Billboard Hot 100. This song tells the story of man anxious to get back with a lost loved now changed but worried how will she see him?
  7. Be With You Awhile” from 2003 album, The Eyes of Alice Cooper speaks of a man who wants to be with his gal doing the smallest or silliest things just so he can be with her.

This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you. Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!

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[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “Halloween” #music with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

Are you a fan of heavy metal rock bands?

What ballads come to mind when you think of this genre?

Do you think some heavy metal groups are truly evil or is all an act?

What mewsic moves you today?

I invite you hop over to McGuffy’s Reader for more “Sparks” of inspiration/encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1! 😉

image source

Me: What do mummies like listening to on Halloween?
You: I don’t know.
Me: Wrap music!

If you liked the joke, you’ll find more Halloween jokes, here.

Okay, you’re next…make me laugh and what do you expect other than a joke about mewsic?  Keep those tunes playing and your body swaying, I’ll see ya around the cyber block and don’t forget to join me tomorrow for Cathy Chats!







































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21 thoughts on “A not-so Spooky Halloween

  1. Would you believe that, in 1974, Alice Cooper tried to play a concert in Binghamton, New York (where I work) and the band was banned from playing by the city fathers? But later, when he became a golf addict, he played in this area. Or so they say.

  2. Hey Cathy,. Happy Halloween! You sure can’t go wrong with an Alice Cooper feature for Halloween! And thanks so much for introducing me to so many of his ballads! I was really only familiar with Only Women Bleed — and I like that song a lot. I also really enjoyed Burning Our Bed and Be With You A While. I had no idea he had done so many ballads!
    I like all of his main hits (Schools Out, No More Mr Nice Guy and I’m Eighteen).

    Loved the “wrap music” joke! haha

    Oh, and I don’t think there are truly any evil heavy metal bands. I think it’s an act, their “schtick”, their brand. I do think that some people listening may have evil tendencies but that’s just because we’re talking about human nature. There are folks listening to Country who have evil tendencies too. That’s just the nature of mankind, unfortunately. I think that the lyrics of some songs can certainly be very disturbing for sure and I can see where an earlier generation may have been inclined to label the music as evil. I think evil people get their cues from all sorts of things, with music, video games and movies being just some of those.
    But as far as labeling an entire band evil, I think not. It’s marketing…and one’s person’s view of creative marketing can be another person’s view of something dastardly.

    I really enjoyed this block of Alice Cooper! Hope you have a fun holiday today. Enjoy and have a blast!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  3. Good morning, Cathy. 🙂 What a coincidence! Alice Cooper was the subject of my Halloween post, as well. Love him! We finally got to see him in concert last month and had a blast! I’ve missed my blogging buddies and came by to see what you’ve been up to.Heavy Metal bands are not evil. It’s all for show and they’re among the best showmen around. Plus, the music totally rocks! 😀 Have a Happy Halloween!

  4. I do like some heavy metal like Motley Crue. Excellent Spark, I love thatr quote. Laughter is the best medicine 🙂

    1. Ellen,

      Last January, Vince Neil (Motley Crue) raised more than $700M for his charity on Celebrity Apprentice. That was my first exposure to the singer. I remember that he and Boy George clashed over his drinking. I admire George’s sobriety and felt a little bad for him. I always enjoy watching Celebrity Apprentice and Arnold did a good job with the show. I hope it returns this winter. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with me and for sharing in my “Sparks” of inspiration!

  5. I am not much into heavy metal music although there are a few pieces I do t mind. I don’t think they a4e evil and, in fact, believe that many can be quite gentle. I know Alice Cooper is actually highly intelligent and quite humble just from talk shows I have seen him on.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m not metal head, either. I read that Alice (Vince) is conservative politically. You wouldn’t think it to look at him, would you? *lol* I think a lot of the old rockers are humble. Over the years, I’ve seen a few parade across the Celebrity Apprentice and was surprised to see the person behind the stage persona. In recent years, I saw him playing golf for a charity benefit which struck me as odd. Just think about that for a moment, Alice Cooper playing golf. Isn’t that sort of a strange picture? It’s funny how an entertainers image gets locked in your brain. Thanks for dancing with me!

  6. Good Sparks, Laughter is great. – Loved the Vintage Pin-up for Halloween. Not a fan of Hard Rock bands that much although I do listen to some of them.

  7. Alice Cooper is great. In high school, in the 80’s I was a fan of heavy metal. I was trying to be different than others. I still like some hard rock, stuff like Night Ranger and those old tunes from back in the day.

    Thanks for the dance.

  8. I was never a fan either. I was more into soul back in the day. That’s the cool thing about music. Not everyone likes what we like.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Alice Cooper is a classic, and mild by today’s standards. I was never a fan, though I have heard that he is actually a nice person. However, I truly don’t know. Good choice for Halloween!

  10. I think Alice Cooper is pretty spooky. I’d have nightmares if my daughter ever brought home someone like that! As for the dead, I love them, too. Especially when they talk to me through the spirit boxes. Yep! I give haunted ghost tours and have visited some haunted places recently. The dead is not nearly as scary as the living people walking around downtown Memphis.

    1. Joyce,

      The good thing about the dead is they can’t hurt you unlike living people. I never been big into haunted houses or spooky stuff. My kids really like it now that they are older. I wouldn’t allow it when they were small, so now they go crazy! Alice Cooper is creepy but I heard that he was a nice fellow. If this is true, then looks really are deceiving! Of course, I know what I’m seeing is largely a big act and that’s his business to creep fans out!

  11. Cooper has never been one of my big favorites, but i recogized the heart behind Only Women Bleed the first time i heard it and was impressed. Hope you are planning a great Halloween!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    I am excited and delighted to see you featuring one of my favorite rockers Alice Cooper. In discussions such as this I am always quick to remind myself and others that Alice Cooper was originally the name of an entire band with Vince Furnier on lead vocals. Before that they called themselves the Spiders and before that the Earwigs.

    I usually don’t take much of an interest in the power ballads of heavy metal bands and for that reason the only Alice Cooper ballad I remember is the first, “Only Women Bleed.” I enjoyed listening to and learning about the others.

    To answer your questions – yessum, I am a long time fan of heavy metal bands. Genre ballads that immediately come to mind are the Kiss ballads “Beth” and “Forever” (the latter co-written by Michael Bolton, the Motley Crue ballad “Home Sweet Home,” “Don’t Close Your Eyes” by Kix, and three great ones by Cinderella: “Nobody’s Fool,” “Don’t Know What You Got (Till It’s Gone)” and “Coming Home.”

    I see heavy metal as a form of artistic expression to be studied, experienced and appreciated. Rock is all about rebellion and has always been intended to shake things up, shock, revolt, defy and protest. Therefore I think you could say that one man’s “evil” is another man’s good.

    As always I appreciated your Elvgren girl holding the Jack-O-Lantern.

    Enjoy your week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Rock mewsic is a way for young people to rebel. I never was into the heavy metal genre and was always floored when one of these to me evil sounding groups turned out a ballad. I think I glossed over the fact of Alice Cooper’s real name which totally does not come as no surprise. But, it’s hard to think of him as Vince after knowing him as Alice for 30+ years. I appreciated you sharing some of the power ballads of other heavy rock medalists. I do recall “Beth and “Forever” by Kiss. I’ll have to double check the others because as I mentioned this isn’t a genre I’m not really familiar with and whenever they did something other than heavy then I may not have made the connection. These heavy rock bands of yesteryear had talent, though. This is something many bands regardless of genre today are lacking. Thanks for stopping and joining me on the dance floor, my friend!

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