Welcome back, Kittens & Dawgs! Last week, I shared my photo art creation of Apple Valley Country Store. On the same day I took that picture, our plans took us to Cades Cove in the Smoky’s . Near the entrance of the 11-mile loop road is a picnic area and if you’ve been there before then you know what I’m talking about. This is where I snapped the below picture.

I remember it was a not only a gray day but a cool, damp sorta day. The day trip was still refreshing and fun. The above image reminds me of the weather we’ve had the last few days, as the November chapter of 2016 closes.
I’ll be hopping over to see your weekly photo treasures but I wanted to remind all you mewsic lovers to join me tomorrow for my December 1st BoTB round. Have a fototastic week!

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Lovely! Thank you for sharing the pic – have a great week!
Charles, WP had your comment under ‘Spam’ and I’m just now finding it. Thank you for popping by for a visit and i hope you’ll come again, my friend!
Thanks for inviting me to the link up. Gorgeous photo, looks like a place my hubby and I would love to discover.
Amy, you’re most welcome! I hope you’ll join the fun any time!
You found the perfect spot there. It is beautiful. Perfect to let you mind wander, as in – zen – tranquility. I bet you had a good time there. Thank you for hosting WW, Cathy.
This reminds me of places in the UP that I love. Beautiful.
I will try to link up next week, or soon! It has been a bit of a rough week, with Chloe Jo sick. Thank you for the sweet thoughts for her. Hugs.
What a great place to trek in the mountains, I miss doing that so much.
Have a great day!
Karren, my beautiful Smoky Mountains is the best place in the world to be. The wildfires this week took its toll on homes and businesses in the area. It appears downtown Gatlinburg is okay but the more than a 100 homes were lost in Gatlinburg (plus a handful of businesses) and Wears Valley. Hopefully the rain we’re getting will help to extinguish the fires underground to keep more pop-ups igniting again. Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!
Little creeks are they own special kind of magic. I love when I am walking in the woods, and you can hear that lovely trickling sound in the distance and your feet automatically head in that direction to find the source. With the Fall colours and the rushing water, the photo is really elevated to something out of a fairy story almost.
Les, you’re right. I’m drawn to the happy babbling sound of water moving and love the opportunity to photograph when I can. The grayness of the day with the spot of color does offer the viewer a fantasy-like essence. I appreciate your loyalty and friendship with your weekly linkups, my friend. You rock!
Nice capture Cathy, at the moment here it is absolutely freezing LOL
Thanks for your kind comment over at mine Cathy much appreciated
I know this place well. I’ve gone on many camping trips to Cades Cove campground as well as picnics in that picnic area. It’s a great place. I guess it’s been at least a couple of years since I was last at Cades Cove. I always mean to go there when I’m visiting, but time slips away.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, Cades Cove is a great place to spend the day or if you like camping then it there is a nice campground. I’d love to ride my bike around the loop in the near future again. It’s been eons since we’ve done that. What we need is a truck to haul our bikes for stuff like this because loading them on the roof rack of our car is hard work! Did you hear about the wildfires in the Smoky’s this week? The main drag in downtown Gatlinburg was spared but some businesses were lost and nearly 100 homes destroyed. I think the fires claimed four lives the last I heard. They believe the fires are man-made. If it was arson, then I hope they find the scoundrel(s) and lock them up for life!
Yes, I saw the reports on the fires on the TV news. This morning I was talking to my sister, who lives in Maryville, about the fires. It really is terrible, but thankfully more damage wasn’t done.
Lee, Just watching the coverage was frightening. I can’t imagine actually being caught up in that mess. You’re right though it could’ve been far worse. Loss of life and property seems minimal for such a horrific disaster. With the high winds and heavy rain last night, Athens, Tennessee reported a twister touched down wiping out some businesses and some injuries were reported but I’m not sure to what extent, though. It’s all so sad.
That’s a lovely fall picture, Cathy.
It definitely captures the essence of the season. It looks like there’s some sort of creature on the right. Is that an optical illusion?
I’m working on a travel article with lots of photos at the moment. Will try to get it finished in time to add a link to your blogfest.
Debbie, I had to look again at my photo since Tom mentioned the same thing earlier. It’s hard to tell what it is if you didn’t know, but it’s a stump that’s nearly hollowed out tree near the water’s edge. The exposure made the stump black and spooky, then with the leaves perfectly placed making it look like a monster. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice this until now.
Lovely! I love the woods in fall…
Joanne, I love visiting the mountains year round but fall time is kind of special. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Cathy!
You and DH find some lovely, tranquil spots in your travels, and this is surely one of them. At first I thought you had colorized the picture, but then I realized all the credit goes to mother nature. Mrs. Shady and I love natural settings like this one and, as we get older, we are becoming more fond of mountain destinations than shore points. The moment I laid eyes on this image of yours I sensed that it was a grey, damp and chilly day. Please explain to me what I am seeing on the bank on the other side of the brook. It appears to be a large black blob with orange eyes.
When I used my zoom function and went to 500% enlargement I saw that the orange “eyes” were a couple of colored leaves, but the big black blob still puzzles me. Did you and DH encounter a monster in the woods? 
Have a happy Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, we have always preferred the mountains over the ocean setting. The ocean is beautiful but it just seems one’s experiences are limited. Maybe that’s ignorance and if we lived near the ocean then we’d discover more to do. I prefer a shoreline that’s more rustic and dotted with lighthouses to explore. That’s why Maine is such a huge draw for us. I can’t wait to return to The Pine Tree state one day. Now to answer your question about the monster. I can’t believe I never noticed it before now. You and Debbie both picked up on it. What you’re seeing is the remains of a tree. The exposure made it nearly black. I couldn’t have configured that shot any better to get this accidental creature to appear in my picture, I don’t think. I really lucked out, didn’t I? lol Thanks for pointing this out to me, my friend and have a good week!