Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I’m trying to get back to my usual blog routine. Last month, I didn’t get to share too many #get2knowme moments and I’m not going to share a zillion questions this morning but I thought I’d throw at least five new ones at you. If you want you’ll find these under ‘Cathy Chats‘ at the top to borrow and use on your site. After all I stumbled on these at Tag Questions.
Describe yourself in a single sentence? I think of myself as a general sunny side up person preferring to see cling to all dreams and hope which makes me an especially bubbly personality.
What do you consider unforgivable? I don’t think there is anything that I couldn’t forgive. I’m not saying it would be easy to let go of something that might seem pretty unforgivable but I believe with God’s help I can put it aside.
What do you do for a living? Absolutely nothing if you’re talking about a career life, otherwise you might find me actively working as a counselor, spiritual adviser, relationship mender, maid, chef, researcher, auto mechanic assistant, accountant, and the list goes. I have not made a plug nickel doing any of these jobs and some days I feel like throwing in the towel but then I’m reminded of the years of happiness and joy it was to fulfill each role when needed. I guess I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.
What are some of your bad habits? When I get really excited or defensive I tend to talk loud. I mean embarrassing loud.
Who has left the most impact on your life? There’s not just one person who’s impacted my life but several. I give credit to my grandparents and parents for my early Christian development. It was their teachings what it meant to have blind faith and by trusting God completely to get me through whatever crosses my path and this strong belief system continues to be apart of my life now. Two others who meant the world to me passing on valuable life lessons and examples were my in-laws. They grew up during the Great Depression with little to nothing. They were self-reliant people with strong work and spiritual ethics. Everyone who knew them spoke highly of them and I always wanted to live up to their standards, never to bring reproach upon their good name.
Get Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked and join Eugenia at BrewNSpew for Tuesday Chatter!

The A to Z team…
I want to thank Lee and his hosts for pulling off another successful year. I’m always awed and inspired by y’alls amazing ability to host this ginormous blogfest while participating right along side us. The daily Google link up form was a nice addition and it was cool that I could edit my entry before I closed off, so that was an extra nice feature. What I liked most was knowing the bloggers on the daily link up actually had that day’s alpha-prompt post waiting for me to visit.
Keeping on track…
Last year became a bench mark for me on how I proceeded this year. I knew at the end of last year’s challenge what my theme would be and after the new year rolled in I began working on my posts. I found it equally rewarding to continue sketching my way throught the alphabet. Last year, I drew old school style with art pad and charcoals and this year, I went high-tech using my Apple iPad and Pencil and Procreate drawing app. I admit it concerned me at first how I’d handle this change but I think I did okay. I definitely learned a lot going this route.
Visitors new and old…
I loved the fexibility of the Google spread sheet of pariticpants which allowed me to sort by any of the fields. Naturally, I was looking for other artists joining the event. I found a few bloggers in my category and I tried to visit their sites. I got some newcomers this go-around but many of last year’s bloggers returned which was super-duper nice. I was sure they had all but forgotten me but they proved me wrong. In fact, reconnecting with some of them cemented our blogship more firmly. I think we’ll keep closer tabs on each other throughout the year instead of getting lost.
Looking ahead…
There will be more sketching in my future. This is now a very big part of me. I already have plans to share my drawings on my site regularly, hopefully, during my weekly not-so-Wordless Wednesday slot. You might want to check back tomorrow. Of course, if the good Lord keeps around another year then I will be back with bells on doing the whole A to Z Challenge again. Thanks for making this fun, fun, fun venture. Y’alls encouragement means a lot and maybe I’ll eventually get around to illustrating that children’s book I spoke of last year.
Here are direct links to all 26 daily A2Z posts for any newbies or anyone wishing to catch up. Thanks for making the challenge so much fun!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Last week in Battle of the Bands, I shared Rock Country Roads. I asked for you to pick your favorite cover artist/band between Noble Black and Vintage. Let’s see how the showdown unfolded. The first five votes went straight to Noble Black. It was beginning to look like a shutout but thankfully, my good ole pal, Mary show to it that my battle didn’t turn into a big ole belly flop. From that point on, Vintage gained momentum but in the end they never could catch up. I have mixed feelings on how my vote would go. Noble kept close to Denver’s folk version but I liked Vintage’s vocals. It would’ve been interesting to find a band that keep true to Denver’s tempo/style like Noble but has the raw sound of the Vintage. I’m siding with the majority and my vote goes to David DiMuzio (Noble Black) giving him an 11-6 victory in May 1st BoTB!
I asked in this battle showdown if you knew what kind of cosmetic surgery David had and no one knew. He had hair transplant surgery and if you’re interested in seeing the before and after, then check out his video. Fabulous job! I would’ve not guessed, either.
You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.
Angels Bark (Michele), Cherdo on the Flipside, Book Lover (Donna), The Doglady’s Den (Debbie), Your Daily Dose (Robin), Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s Ramblings, Righting & Editing (Janie), STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager), The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), & Tossing It Out
Mark your calendar for my next BOTB showdown on May 15th. This morning I’m linking up taking a coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.
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Congrats on finishing the A-Z! I’ll catch up soon
You inspired me to start sketching again — which is going okay. I’m adding sketches to my new folklore posts (let’s hope they don’t scare people away).
Ronel from Ronel the Mythmaker checking out A-Z Reflections: Expectations and Realisations
Thanks for the congrats! We made it together another year, ole pal. That’s wonderful mews to hear that you’re adding sketches to your folklore posts. If anything, it’s sure to add charm to your delightful writings. Let me dash so I can pay you a visit now.
The A to Z w@s great and I loved seeing your artistic endeavours. My parents were big influences…how can parents not be. This month marks 27 years being at my job as a credit counsellor which I truly enjoy. I do wish they wouldn’t show me their medical conditions like surgery scars or the ever wonderful colostomy bags. Looking forward to more art work and love the one you posted here with those haunting eyes looking back from the water.
Thanks for participating in A to Z this year! I’d say you did really well with the iPad and Apple Pencil, almost as well as with the charcoal and paper.
Many thanks for the kind words, my friend. You did a spectacular job co-hosting the event and I appreciated your regular visits. It amazes me how well y’all pull this challenge off every year!
Always nice to learn more about you with these questions. I enjoyed all your sketches for the A-Z too.
Thanks, Ellen. You’re such a dear!
Hooray for the A to Z! You did a fabulous job.
Very good answers, especially about the people who inspired you the most.
Thanks and A2Z congrats to you, my friend! It’s hard to say one person inspired me. Even those I mentioned are only just a few. There have been many over the years to encouraged me along the way but my memory fails me on specifics and yet I know how grateful I am for God placing each person in my life.
Thank you so much for making me laugh with those two memes – I can totally identify with them, especially the first one. I love your description of what you do for a living – I’m sure there are lots of people in this world that are grateful to you for taking on those roles.
Cathy I can totally empathise with your voice going louder when you’re excited – mine goes up an octave, which my brothers used to love teasing me about when I was younger.
Loved your A to Z theme and I’m so glad you’re going to keep sharing them with us. You’ve inspired me and my beloved and I are booked onto an art workshop in a few weeks.
Thanks for sharing yourself with us all and have a really lovely week.
You’re indeed a sister from a different mother with shared highly-enthusiastic conversation vocals. :)Oh cool mews, you and the hubby signed up for an art workshop! I can’t wait to read how that goes for ya. Thanks for stopping in!
I’m not a big fan of the spreadsheets but I’m glad you like it. congrats finishing the a-z challenge.
have a lovely day.
I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan of spreadsheets, either. However, I did like the ability to sort the columns to get the deisred info I was looking for quicker. Thanks for the A2Z cheers.
MMM Coffee…
Well, actually make mine a Mary Special. That’s 2 parts Cappuccino and 1 part Hot Cocoa. Can be served piping hot or as a frozen blend. Delish!
Your Mary Special coffee concoction sounds good.
Thanks for visiting, my friend!
I was very pleased to hear the good news about DH’s eye surgery. God is great!
Coffee — yeah, after two consecutive nights of perhaps a total of 20 minutes of sleep, I am solely surviving (and barely) on that stuff.
See ya on the 15th for the next round of BOTB.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate so much that dear friends like you remembering him before the Lord. Yikes, boy, try to get more sleep! I often wonder how on earth I survived my children’s infant years. My only answer is, God gives mothers something a little more during those early years to get through each sleepless, Zombie-like days. I recall when DS was a baby. He had his days and nights mixed up. The first six weeks of his life outside the womb, I cannot remember how I got from point A to point B. Thanks for dropping by!
We are much alike. Excellent.
You had a much harder job than I did and I had a career. I’ve always thought doing all those things for others is far more difficult.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥
I marvel with women who not only raise a family but who have a career. Good grief, they must be very organized women! Thanks for visiting and for your sweet thoughts!
You’re my kind of gal. I too like positive, sunny, but here’s where you might not like me. I do avoid dark people. I don’t judge them, just want nothing to do with them. And I do judge liars. Can’t stand that!
I prefer to stay away from dark personalities and like you try to not judge them especially if it visible. Negativity isn’t always picked up with casual encounters. That often isn’t detected unless you can observe a person for a while. I think it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people.
Hi Cathy! Congrats on your A to Z accomplishments. Seems the challenge keeps everyone involved very busy. Keep up those sketches coz they’re getting better and better. And thanks for stopping by the Tuesday Chatter Cafe for coffee.
Yep, the blogfest does keep participants very busy. I appreciated your frequent stops during April. That made it all the more fun!!
Thanks for telling us about your A to Z experience and most of all for participating. Without the bloggers A to Z wouldn’t be any fun. For this year’s success I give most of the credit to our amazing A to Z Team. They did fantastic.
Sometimes I tend to get louder than I think I am. My daughters sometimes have to shush me when their kids are sleeping and I’m getting into whatever I’m talking about.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
You and the whole A2Z Team did a bang-up-good job! I come from a very excitable family and when you get more than one of us together then, heavens talk about bringing down the roof! DH is quiet and comes from a very quiet background, so when my voice grows loud he does the hand gesture to tone it down. lol
Hi, Cathy!
Like you I am inspired by the stories of family members who grew up during The Great Depression. They include my parents. My mother actually wrote a fiction novel based on actual events in her life, a tale that centers around the oldest of four sisters coming of age in the 1930s. The book remains unpublished but is circulated around our large extended family and cherished for the memories it contains. Times were hard. When the sisters got holes in their shoes they didn’t have money to buy new ones so they lined them with cereal box tops. Not a bit of soap, toothpaste and other such commodities were allowed to be wasted, and paper tissue was used very sparingly. Young people today cannot imagine the degree of sacrifice and austerity that were a way of life for millions of people in the Depression era.
I enjoy gazing at your artwork in all its forms, Cathy, and I would welcome the chance to view more of it in your regular posts throughout the year. Thanks for reporting the final score of your latest BOTB. I’m happy to learn that, in the end, your ears matched mine and that Noble Black was victorious. I enjoyed listening to the sweet duet performed by David (Noble Black) and Shane Tarun. I never would have guessed that he had hair transplant surgery.
Congratulations once again on completing another year’s A To Z Challenge and doing it in style. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!
Your mother wrote a story! You ought to publish it. Who knows where it’ll go but it would be fabulous fun to have in print for all family members to get a copy. Mirror Publishing is the company I used for my children’s book. They are selective on who they choose to work with so if you’re interested let me know and I’ll give the info. There’s so much we can learn from the older generation and you’re right kids today have no clue what it’s like to really to do without. I know my kids don’t. Thanks for the A2Z hoorays and support throughout April. It’s great having such good friends as you in my corner pushing me to challenge myself and excel! Have a good day, my friend!
These ‘getting to know you’ posts are always fun and interesting. Congratulations on another great A to Z Challenge, Cathy! Your sketches are getting better and better all the time. Looks like I backed the loser in your BOTB. Oh well! Interesting tidbit about the winner’s hair transplant.
It’s always a pleasure to see your visits. I appreciate the A2Z cheers and kind words on my art. You might have picked underdog but Vintage made a decent attempt to pull off a victory.