WSC, Road Trip #6 News, & More

Earlier this morning, my BOTB showdown for published for those interested in voting and if you don’t know what that is, then I encourage you click over there to pick your favorite cover artist in today’s battle. 

Speaking of music, I’m joining Mary for this week’s WSC. Her prompts are Songs that include a Flower in the Title, a Type of Coin in the Title, and an Occupation in the Title. I use three covers of three well-known songs: Edelweiss written for the 1959 Rogers and Hammerstein Broadway Musical The Sound of Music which became a film in 1965. Christopher Plumber sang the song and recorded on TSoM soundtrack. Pennies from Heaven is a really old song dating back to 1936 and performed by Bing Crosby in the film of the same name. Please, Mr. Postman was a number 1 hit by the 1961 Motown girl band, the Marvelettes off of their debut album bearing the same name. Today’s line up for these oldies I’m using cover artist versions.

WSC playlist: 1. Edelweiss ~Anre Rieu 2. Pennies from Heaven ~Paul Anka 3. Please, Mr. Postman ~Carpenters

What song titles would you pick for these prompts? 


Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.  

1. As we begin this brand new month tell us, on a scale of 1-10, where does your life fall in terms of being in ‘apple pie order’? Please elaborate. (1=nowhere near it, 10=practically perfect in every way)  I almost went with “nowhere near it” and that’s pretty much how my life outside of blogging feels but I have a good grip on what I do in Blogosphere regardless of my fussing that might indicate otherwise.  However, I’m not “practically perfect” in it, either. I’d say my life away from blogging is a 6 and my blogging life is 9 or maybe I’m over confident with my achievements and am blinded from the real truth. What do you think?

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away…are you doing your part? Red or green? Sweet or tart? Ever played the game Apples to Apples? Do you like apple pie? If so, ala mode or just gimme the pie? I prefer red to green but my favorite is yellow which goes without saying I like sweet apples to tart.  I’m not sure if I’ve played Apples to Apples.  It seems like I have but if I did then it was a long time ago.  Do I like apple pie?  Of course, I do!  Oh, I can eat apple pie with or without ice cream. I’m not basis in the least so bring it on!

3. Tell us about a time recently where you ‘upset the apple cart’ or the last time someone ‘upset your apple cart’? I don’t think I or anyone has “upset the apple cart”, except for the creators of this Covid virus that has wrecked all of our lives.  We have put our lives nearly on hold to do certain things but you know we’re at the breaking point of saying enough is enough!

4. What are three words that come to mind when you think of September? Fall, leaves, & spice.

5. What are you most looking forward to this month? Autumn’s official start.  Our temps probably won’t be cool enough by then but some change will be felt and it’s knowing things will continue feel fall-like as we move into October.

6. Insert your own random thought here It’s check-in time once more to see how things are going in my 2021 A to Z Challenge Road Trips.  I continue to make slow progression in my visits but it’s better than giving up altogether, I suppose.  I’m determined to see myself through the process since I failed so miserably in April to stay on top of the game. 


Road Trip #6

 This time, I had the pleasure to catch up with Trudy at Reel Focus.  Her theme for April was Movies Reflect Human Needs.  I couldn’t imagine how she would pull this off but she did a stand up job going through the alphabet using keywords like creativity, empathy, humor, and nourishment to name a few.  Each post she wrote briefly on the “human need” often providing a quote on the topic and then listing a number of movies that fall in-line with her daily conversation.  This proved to be an interesting series and was well written.  Being a movie buff I found the plethora of films Trudy dished up an added bonus but then what would you expect from someone who’s blog is titled “Reel Focus”, right?  It’s neat to point out that Miss Trudy is a screenwriter and is an even bigger movie watcher than me.  Here’s a list of April posts.

More A2Z Looney Tune sketches in color:

A look through my archives I found this photo I took with an android phone I used on a day outing. It did a fine job capturing downtown Knoxville. I opted to convert the color image to a black and white photo. It seemed to suit the dreary rainy September morning in which I captured the moment.

You’re invited to join the self-promoting party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays!

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

 I hope you’ll stop by tomorrow to check out my latest artwork inspiration as I join Rain’s Thursday Art Date community.  Have a wild and wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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