
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Mountain Stream Great Smoky NPS + CTST & Vol. 8

Hello, Kittens and Dawgs! About this time last year, we spent the day in Upper Tremont area in the Smoky Mountains which I shared with you.  I thought I’d share today’s image of a lovely mountain stream that no doubt feeds the Middle Prong Little River with the sun peeking through the trees.

I invite you to visit the global photo enthusiast community Skywatch Friday for more spectacular sky views!


Today, I Celebrate The Small Things!

I’m celebrating…the nice weather. The spring-like conditions we’re having is a double blessing. It’s great to have a break from the cold and it lowers our electric bill. I’m celebrating long weekends. Last weekend, we had a 4-day weekend. DH’s scheduled Friday off and then President’s Day this past Monday. It was nice to just relax, especially since we’re both a bit under the weather with allergies.  It’s an ongoing thing. I’m celebrating photography creativity.

a touch of romance with perfume and pearls

It’s wonderful to experiment with textures and colors to express something new with my photos. How are your creative energies today?  I’m celebrating DH’s spontaneity bringing home take-out from a Mexican restaurant we hadn’t eaten at in years.  What fun! And the best news of all, I’m celebrating the marvelous mews that DH’s employer moved him to “permanent employment status”. This gives a bit more job security and all the employee perks – insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, … Thanks to everyone who’s kept him in prayer and thank you, Jesus, for answering our prayers. Yippee!

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa for details!


I invite you to stick around for your weekly dose of laughter with Friday Sillies & Friendly Fill-ins.

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16 thoughts on “Mountain Stream Great Smoky NPS + CTST & Vol. 8

  1. Lovely photos – I especially like the perfume bottle one. Great job! Congrats on the good news on the job front 🙂 As to weather, I already have flowers blooming, it was so warm. But now, it’s back to a high of mid-forties. And this week, it should be 75 and then bounce back down to 45. Talk about a crazy rollercoaster ride!

    1. Tonja, yeah the crazy weather pattern causes early blooming. I haven’t noticed much of that yet but then I haven’t been out too much with my body battling this inner ear infection which may be gone but I have stuffiness still. That might be due to allergies but I’m not taking a lot of chances. Thanks for the congrats and visit. Have a good week!

  2. We’ve had a milder than usual winter too. I’m sorry you both are having allergy troubles. I hate those! Your pics are great, especially the blue in the first and the red in the second. The colors add vibrancy. Have a great weekend!

    1. Lexa, allergies stink! But, we usually deal with the year round. Sometimes are worse than others and right now we seem to be on the bad side of things. Thanks for visiting and have a good week!

  3. First of all: congrats on DH for the job promotion to full-time status! That’s so important and so great!
    Lovely, also, to observe the sun through the branches of trees… I always like to see this aspect in a sunny day…
    Many thanks for sharing all this positivity! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Alexa, thanks for the congrats and for the visit. I’m looking forward to spring to arrive. It was a gorgeous day but it’s temporary. I know it’ll change. The forecast says tomorrow isn’t going to be so nice. Have a good weekend!

  4. Great mountain stream photo you have there and I like your creative photo. Congrats on DH getting permanent job status. I alway like to hear about somebody’s job getting better.

  5. Congratulations to DH! That is excellent news that his job is now permanent. Great photos, I like what you did with the perfume bottle one. We are enjoying the spring like weather too, it is 62 degrees, that has to be a record for February in Massachusetts.Have a great weekend!

    1. Ellen, WOW, y’all are getting some warm temps! I think they’re forecasting upper 70s and sunny today and that’s a bit too warm to suit me. I’ll enjoy it because this time of year it can change from week to week.

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Friday to you!

    I figured it must be warm up your way because it is unseasonably warm in Florida. So far this winter the temp has not dipped to the freezing mark or lower in our vicinity. That’s unusual and we are running out of time to have a real winter here. Your mews about DH’s job is huge and a great blessing. You indeed have many reasons to celebrate in 2017. Last evening Mrs. Shady and I celebrated Lobsterfest at Red Lobster. We had a wonderful meal and our server was very friendly and attentive. The whole experience was a joy. When we came home I took the advice of a dear friend and Mrs. S and I watched the pilot episode of the Netflix series Haven. 🙂 We both enjoyed it and are off and running – determined to watch the whole series. Thank you for recommending it!

    Now I will check out your second post of the day…

    1. Tom, It’s crazy warm for February. This weekend it’s forecast to cool off a bit, especially at night. I guess we’ll go up and down a lot before spring arrives. I can’t help to think every March about the blizzard of ’93, though. I haven’t had lobster, since visiting Maine in 2004. I’m not a huge seafood person but when we go to New England that’s something we look forward to. I’m delighted y’all started watching Haven. Thanks for the warm cheer on DH’s job promotion to full-time status. We’re feeling a lot better now. Have a good weekend, dear friend!

  7. Looks to me like you’ve been having just slightly warmer weather than we in L.A. have been having. In fact, right now as I comment on a Thursday night, it’s 51 degrees (kind of chilly as far as I’m concerned) with an expected low tonight of 42. Gonna be cold when we get up tomorrow–and our heat hasn’t been working. Hoping for warmer weather soon.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I can’t believe we’re warmer than y’all in L.A.. That’s just weird! It was supposed to get to 50 but it didn’t make that. We were at 53 when I got up at 5am. Today promises me to be warm like yesterday. Tomorrow and tomorrow night especially will be lots cooler (29º forecast low).

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