I feel like I’m sorta Fallin’ apart in Blogosphere, kittens and dawgs. Do you ever get that way? My routine turned upside down when DH got laid off. I kinda have it under control, but it doesn’t take much of an upset to throw things off-balance. Blah-Blah-Blah. You don’t want to hear my complaints, do ya? No sweat-a-roo! Let’s get to some fun.
In December, DH got me a lovely Christmas CD by an old artist, Connie Francis, a singer whose music I did not have and ooh, did I ever enjoy listening to her album Christmas In My Heart!
In 1958, Connie Francis recorded Neil Sedaka’s Fallin.
A year later, Neil Sedaka recorded the song he co-wrote with Howard Greenfield, Fallin.
Which gets your vote, the singer or the songwriter?
The fun continues with more epic battles underway; I invite you to visit, Stephen, who manages the ever-growing list of BoTB players and a special thanks to the brain child of this cool, bi-monthly hop, Fae!
Don’t forget, the polls close on the 21st at midnight and I’ll report the results of this competition, including my vote the next day. Mark your calendar and stop by to see if your pick gets named.
Thanks for joining in on the fun. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off, have a bandtastic day!
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Greetings Cathy. I wanted to step by and visit your blog. Thank you for the follow! It’s great fun to find others who are so passionate about music that it is part and parcel of everything we do, including blogging
I was actually considering a Battle of the Bands later this year for the Monday Music Medicine Show. I’m also happy to see you are participating in the A to Z challenge. I just got my number, since last year I came a day too late. I vowed I’d make it this year.
I look forward to perusing your posts.
Just sneakin’ in under the wire to cast a vote here.
I like a lot of Sedaka’s stuff, but he often sounds kind of girlie. On this one more so than most, and I just could not give him the nod. It was almost a little creepy.
Connie on the other hand adds just the right amount of ‘spunk’ to this tune, which was new to me BTW. give the lady ‘SINGER’ MY VOTE.
I like Neil Sedaka a lot; he’s one of the classic rock ‘n’ roll composers and all that, but I don’t care for his voice, especially when it’s up against Miss Concetta. Give my vote to Connie Francis.
John, Neil Sedaka has his pluses and minuses as a singer. This song definitely did not suit his vocal style. Thanks for voting!
I’d never heard this song before but me likey.
Never been a Neil Sedaka fan. No guy should sound THAT much like a woman! I’ll admit though that I LOVE ‘LAUGHTER IN THE RAIN’. Gee, I haven’t heard that song in ages. I remember when it was getting played on my AM radio once an hour. Long time passing…
I vote for CONNIE FRANCIS. She gave it a sultry sound and I really dug that raw, guttural guitar sound in the background. Cool, Daddy-O!
~ D-FensDogG
‘Loyal American Underground’
Stephen, I’m totally with a man shouldn’t sound like a woman, but somehow Sedaka does pull off Laughter in the Rain. Weird, I know. Fallin is new-to-me, too. I instantly liked it after hearing Connie. She puts the right touch to this song with sexy sound. Marti Brom (I included a YouTube link at the end for your entertainment only) has a similar style to Francis. I like her cover, but Connie is #1 all the way! Thanks for popping over to vote. I wonder whose gonna win this round, as if we don’t know? wink-wink ?
I’ll check out Marti.
But I just now came from the BOTB at Evil Pop Tart. Dang, Sister! You and I were totally on the same wavelength there.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen, HA! I didn’t make the connection with Bill Murray and Bruce Willis until I went back to read your comment on Evil Pop Tart and then like a flash I the Addison brothers. You’re so right, Bill Murray would have been a great pick for to play Willis’ brother in Moonlighting. BTW, I got my Mexican fix. We went got dinner to-go last night from Chuy’s. I’m not sure how this goes up against what you’re use to eating being a southern Californian transplant that now lives in Nevada, but Chuy’s is one of the best places in Knoxville and it always hits the spot.
Glad you got your fix, CATHY.
At first I thought: Oh, wait! There’s a Chuy’s right here in Reno.
But I Googled it and found it’s not a part of the chain you’re referring to. This one is Mari Chuy’s Mexican Kitchen.
It looks like I won’t be trying Chuy’s until the next time I’m in El Paso, TX. Which, incidentally, will be the first time I’m in El Paso. Ha! Oh, well.
~ D-FensDogG
When you talk about guilty pleasure, Neil Sedaka is one of mine. I love him. NEIL GETS THE VOTE!
Nicely done, Cathy. Aren’t you glad the weather is giving us a break in our town?
Cherdo, I have you down for Mr. Guilty Pleasure, I mean Neil Sedaka!
Oh yes, I’m loving the weather and the return of spring blooms! BUT, I’m not liking the allergies that come with the seasonal change so much. Thanks for stopping in for a visit, neighbor!
I enjoyed this song! Neil Sedaka gets my vote!
Thanks for voting, Mike. I have you down for Neil Sedaka!
I don’t know that I have ever heard this song before, but what a fun song! I fell for Fallin’ with Connie Francis version. Excellent song choice!
I was, sadly — and shamefully, probably — unfamiliar with this song, or with either singer or songwriter. But I *loved* Connie’s version. She got my feet tapping and my shoulders a-dippin’
So, although Niel was a pleasure to listen to, Connie’s remains my first pick. Awesome battle!
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
I prefer the singer’s version, myself! She (and her band, or backing musicians) just gave it this fantastic sound that I think of when I think of the 50s.
Kim, another vote goes to Ms. Francis! She’s killin’ the songwriter!!
Cathy, as you know, my health has been an issue for months now. Recovery is a bit slow. Anyway, good luck with your balance act,
Gosh, I hadn’t this song before. i’m a huge fan of both artists!! I never met Connie Francis, but I once rode the “Carowinds” roller coaster with Neil Sedaka. He’s really nice. For this battle, I love Connie’s version. My vote is for her… today (you know).
Dixie, yes I understand your health issues and the struggle its been for you. I’ve been there, done that, and it’s not for me. Hopefully, your problems will be less severe and you’ll find your happy, feeling better place again. Unfortunately chronic pain comes and goes as it chooses. You’re always in my prayers, dearie. That’s cool that you rode a roller coaster with Neil Sedaka. How on earth did you manage that? He seems like a nice guy and I certainly enjoy his songs, but mostly done by other artists. Thanks for stopping in to vote.
I’ve never been a fan of Neil Sedaka and I love Connie Francis so she gets my vote. What a voice!
So sorry to hear that your husband got laid off. That’s awful and I am sending positive thoughts your way that you guys weather this storm and that it passes quickly. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Cathy!
Michele at Angels Bark
Michele, Neil Sedaka is a better songwriter than a singer. DH has taken a number of lay offs over the years. It’s never easy, but we’ve learned how to deal with it better. We’re trusting God to open the right door for us soon. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated. Thank you! Got you down for Connie!
I used to own all of Amy Grant’s albums on vinyl (I even had an autographed copy of Ungarded!!)…then I bought all the cds through BMG when that was the big thing. I’m still a big fan of her music and love to see her in concert when she comes this way.
Jill, Amy Grant has a fabulous voice. I haven’t listened much to her stuff in years. I need to check into this.
I’ve listened to these twice, and there are things to love in both of them. I prefer the music in Sedaka’s arrangement, but Connie’s voice. Ah… decisions, decisions. This could be a coin flip for me as I feel for 50/50 about it. I see that you’re in danger of a shut-out, so I’m going to save you from that sad fate and vote Sedaka.
Robin, Well I’m glad the two contenders had your torn. Thanks for voting for Sedaka. It’s still early in the battle and we know how these things can change.
Time is funny where I have weeks where I am on top of my blogger world and others weeks not so much.
I vote for Connie! Such a pretty voice!
I really like this song and never heard it before. Even though Sedaka wrote it, his style seemed just to sing it without any nuances in it- It sounded ordinary but Connie Francis sung with with some sex in it(at least to my ears). She gave it depth instead of it sounding like a typical 50/60’s song. She gets my vote
Connie Francis gets my vote! Love her voice and she makes the song her own. Sorry Neil, you missed the boat.
Jeffrey, I love Connie’s voice, too! It’s such a joy to listen to her. I have your vote recorded.
I sympathize with your plight, Cathy. Hubby and I struggled through several periods of unemployment over the years. Here’s hoping something comes along very soon!
This is not a song I’m familiar with, so no preconceptions. I’ve never liked Neil Sedaka’s voice. Connie definitely sounds better here and she gets my vote.
Debbie, Ahhh, unemployment is for the birds, but we’ll get by. This isn’t the first time and it probably won’t be the last, but if DH can get a good job and hang to it for another 10-years then maybe he then think about retiring by that time. You know I’ve never been a huge fan of Neil Sedaka, either. I tolerant some of his recordings, but I much prefer him as the songwriter over a singer any day. Ooopsie, I’ve let it slip whose getting my vote. Gotcha down for Connie!
Unemployment definitely sucks but yes, life goes on. Best wishes to your DH in his job search!
Looks like Connie might win this one, eh?
Debbie, yep unemployment stinks! You just gotta make the best out of these kinds of situations. Things will return to normal again.
I’ve been a Neil Sedaka fan since 1964. I don’t recall ever having heard this song though and I thought I knew just about all his stuff. I figured I’d prefer his version, but I didn’t. It was good but Connie was better.
I vote for Connie Francis.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Lee, Sedaka is taking the back seat to Francis. I didn’t think this showdown would go quite like this and that a lot of y’all feel the way I do about Neil. He’s good, but not as good as Connie. Thanks for casting your vote.
Hi, dear Cathy!
I love your picks for this round of the Battle of the Bands. I am familiar with the song “Fallin'” because I have the version recorded by rockabilly queen Wanda Jackson. I love Neil Sedaka and have blogged about him several times. I tip my hat to Neil for writing “Fallin’,” but I don’t particularly care for his recording of it. There’s too much echo chamber and it doesn’t sound natural. Connie Francis is another frequent flier on SDMM. My vote in your battle goes to Connie because I enjoy her zesty vocals and the rock ‘n’ roll arrangement featuring a twangy guitar that sounds like Duane Eddy.
Thank you very much, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, I think I remember seeing Wanda Jackson among the limited cover artists. I will have to listen to hers again, since you mentioned it. I don’t like the echo chamber on Sedaka’s recording, either, but I couldn’t put my finger on that until I read your comment. I appreciated reading your opinion on the two artists and weighing your count in this ballet. It looks like Francis has this one in the bag.