Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, Normally in this time slot, I share a little something about myself for you, my reader to ‘get-to-know-me’ better. As fate would have it, you find some questions near the end for you to learn more about this gal. Last year, I ventured outside my comfort zone to pick up my pencil to create art sketches and if you’re interested, you will find a reference to them here. This year I’m continuing my new-found passion but instead I’m using two new tools DH got me last year, an Apple iPad and pencil. I hope you’ll hang with me throughout April as I create iPad art sketches through the alphabet.
Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was!
Mary from Cactus Haiku nominated me with the Liebster Award, which I kindly accept and appreciate. Here’s the official rules if nominated but like Mary I know many bloggers do not like to participate in a Q&A award. That being said, consider yourself nominated for the award and in a week you’ll find follow-up post to this with an official nomination declaration with your set of 11 questions to answer. However if you do not want to be nominated then sign your comment with “DN” for DO NOT NOMINATE or if you forget you can decline the award later. This is meant to be fun, not a headache.

- What inspired you to start blogging? I self-published my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, and read that blogging was a good way to promote one’s work, so that’s how it all began. The rest is history as they say.
- Where would you like to travel to that you have not been to, yet? I’d love to see the west coast and many of the national parks on that side of the country. Maybe, after DH retires we can stopping dreaming about it and do something about it.
- What subjects do you find most intriguing (doesn’t have to be one you write about)? Generally anything that has to do with the past is very interesting. History was always my favorite subject in school.
4. If you could time travel, who would you like to have dinner with? I’m sure this is in terms of famous people but I can’t think of anyone I’d really want to have dinner with at the moment. I guess it would be neat to have dinner with President Trump and Melania. They appear to be a very likeable, personable couple. I think I’d feel comfortable with them, too.
- What is your favorite kind of writing style? Once upon a time I enjoyed writing fiction but I put that aside for the most part. these days, I write blog style meaning non-fiction accounting tidbits about my little world.
- What music inspires you to write? I find inspiration in most mewsic genres, except rap which I do not care for at all. Blah!
What animal do you think is cool and why? I don’t think any animal is particularly cool but a lion is very majestic, regal creature with the whole ‘King of the Jungle’ vibes going.
8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be? That I put my complete trust in God no matter what I blindly place all of my cares in His hands regardless of the circumstances knowing He will provide a way through the storm. I’ve seen Him do miraculous things!
- Name your favorite movie/tv show/radio show/YouTube/podcast — just choose one, not all, lol. I just wanted to be inclusive as people watch or listen to different mediums these days. My fave is definitely movie/tv. This is one of our favorite ways to relax on the weekend. I guess my favorite TV show is “The Walking Dead”. DH & I started watching this series about four years ago after our kids telling us how great it is and were surprised to learn how the show cpativated us. Now, we’re fans.
- Watching old Star Trek shows, the old communicator looks an awful like today’s cellphone. So out of any science fiction book or movie, what futuristic invention would you like to see be real now? At one time, I thought it would be cool to have flying cars but with the growing crazies on the road I shudder to think what these same people would be like with a flying vehicle. Maybe a time traveling device where one can go back or forth in time and there’s no fail rate of getting back to your own time.
11. If you could hang out with any fictional character for a weekend, who would it be? Doesn’t have to be a human one. Maybe, Pooh Bear. He might be full of fluff but he sure does make you feel better about yourself and the world in general.
Watch for the list of nominees and questions to follow sometime over the next week if I don’t get too hurried.
Do you have any sketch suggestions you’d like to pass this way? Inspire me! Tease me! Push Me!
Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. Along with the A2Z hookup, you might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning. Right now, I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!
In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is quick link to each one: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
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I still usually start my day off with a cup of coffee, but I don’t seem to enjoy it like I used to. But then I don’t like a lot of food and drink items like I used to.
The western United States has some fabulous sites to see. California is a wonderful place to visit, but I don’t like a lot about living here. If they got rid of the current state government and a whole bunch of the people who live here now it could be very nice.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Love your coffee drawing. I drink a pot by myself every morning most days.
I make a small pot of coffee (4-cups) every morning and I drink it all. That’s really not much. It’s actually about 24-ounces, so that’s like two large cups of coffee.
Yes, that’s about what I do too and then I don’t drink any more (sometimes the occasional cup with cake for dessert).
Ah, sometimes i wish i could just climb into my coffee, too. Very good answers, congratulations on the award!
Yep, I feel the same, too. lol
What fun. And, coffee with art! Purrfect.
I had no problem knowing what to draw for this letter prompt. Some mornings, I feel like I need to take a swim in a good cup of coffee just to get going. lol
Always nice to learn more about you. I love your coffee drawing
Thanks for dropping by for a dip in my coffee cup and to read my responses to my Liebster Award questions. Now, to take my coffee cup over to the counter for a refill.
Oh my goodness, I thought I left a comment… so sorry! No wonder I never closed this out! aughhhhhhhhh silly me! Forgive me, please! Soooo let me say I am a coffee drinker and so is hubby! I like mine with 1 splenda & a tiny drip of vanilla cream just for a bit of flavor! mmmmm I can smell it now & I’m a Folgers girl! hehehehe~ Anyway, I chose music for my choice… wait until you see what I post tomorrow… I was going to wait for H… but I have something else for that day… shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m gonna give it away.. hahahaha me me me me me me I have a sketch suggestion!!! BETTY BOOP! My mama use to always draw her and not me.. cannot connect the lines or dots for that matter… peassssssssssssssssssss have a great day! Luvin’ you cup! I hope you get one soon!
I’ve done just what you did, open another blog in a different tab thinking I commented and when I go to close it off I learn that I didn’t. lol I like drinking my coffee usually black but I do like a bit of milk in mine, too. Sometimes in the evening, I’ll make us a latte. I, especially enjoy having Pumpkin Spice in the fall or Peppermint latte for Christmas. This is not only economical but a lot better than what you get at Starbuck’s making it a total win-win for me! Thanks for the sketching idea. I may accept this challenge and give Betty Boop a try. I almost considered doing her, too. Thanks, dear friend.
Cute Coffee Cup sketch! You are super creative.
Once Upon a Time
You’re very kind. Thanks for visiting and I shall look forward to your return visits.
Now, I’m off to see you!
I’m having my coffee right now. I can relate to loving coffee. Very nice sketch.
Love your answer to #11. I would like that too.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥
I think everyone loves Pooh!
Just seeing a cup of coffee makes me want one. I’m reading Westerns at the moment. Those boys drank gallons of coffee!
It seems every time we are watching a TV show or movie someone is getting or drinking a cup of coffee and we’re like, “I want coffee now”! lol It’s hard to function without it once you get addicted to it, too.
That cup is to die for. It’s awesome, Cathy. Congrats on your nomination. I designated both of my blogs as Award Free. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the nominations, it’s the time factor. Have a great week! “DN”
No worries. I totally understand. Doing these sorts of things is time consuming and then you have to figure out who to pass it to. I’ll mark you as “DN”. I appreciate you stopping by for a visit today.
Many people would love to join you in your drawing of that cup of coffee. It is a very funny and a good sketch for sure but I a must not a coffee drinker which shocks most people. If I could go back in time I would love to dine with Jimmy Stewart
. I would love the transporter so I could travel anywhere without the cost of an airplane, time off and loss of time travelling. I wish you a happy day
It’s hard to imagine anyone not drinking coffee with how trendy it is anymore but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea or maybe a cup of tea is your thing.
Transporting to a different time and place would be magical just as long I can get back to this time anytime. That’s something fun to daydream about, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by and have a good afternoon. I’ll see ya soon!
Love the cup!
Thanks, Ronel!
Thanks! Great to see you today.
Nice mug!
Thanks, Martha!
Hi, Cathy!
The blog gremlins have returned, because your new post was not in my reader this morning. I needed to come searching for it. I enjoy your colorful coffee mug illustration so much that I have it saved as my desktop background. It looks great! Who needs a hot tub when soaking in a giant mug of hot coffee keeps you cozy on the cold nights and mornings of early spring in Tennessee.
Congratulations on receiving the Liebster Award, dear friend! I enjoyed reading your answers.
Have a wonderful “C” day, dear friend Cathy!
I had my post set to go live at 6 am. Maybe that’s why it didn’t show up in your reader when you looked. Most of the time this month I think I have my posts scheduled for that time slot, except for Mondays which is at midnight. Thanks for the congrats on the award. It’s always satisfying to share myself with others and making them feel a little closer to knowing who I am.
Yeah, I will take a giant mug of coffee over a hot tube anyway but if I can have both that’ll be good, too. Have a pAwesome day, my friend!