
26-03-2025 Vol 19

AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter ‘X’

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs! Today’s prompt is another brain stumper and I almost went with this last time but didn’t, Xenops. I’d never heard of this little guy before last year but there’s a good reason because Xenops are located south of the United States, commonly found in Mexico, Central American, and South America. 

In last year’s challenge, I sketched a vulumpious Xena.  What suggestions can you think of for the ‘X’ prompt? Inspire me, I’m gonna need Xtra help with this one neXt year!

Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. You might find me participating in my usual daily blog hops but right now I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!

In case you missed a previous A2Z post here are quick links to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

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27 thoughts on “AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter ‘X’

  1. I love your X post and have to look up this little bird. You are constantly improving and I can see that with the s(ape and form. You can sketch X-Men, Xylophone, the German town of Xanten which I know because I read the Niebelungenlied. Xanthic is a colour..yellow colour. Xanadu….

    1. Birgit,

      Xcellent ‘X’ suggestions. Sketching the X-Me would be an interesting challenge. I might consider trying my luck with these superheroes! Thanks for visiting!

  2. We are in the home stretch and I guess you have a really good X post! Xenops are new to me… As for suggestions.. X, U, are always troublesome even in a well thought out themed series… Good going!!

  3. Wow, we are on the homeward straight with our A to Z blogging challenge, you have chosen a perfect and very lovely X. I have never heard of your cute Xenops, nor I’m afraid am I any use with further suggestions, but I feel a Wandering Wren should have your W’s nicely covered for our 2019 challenge – haha!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Wren x

  4. That’s a pretty bird. If you google what animal has a name starting with X, you will come up with several, including a type of African ground squirrel, an eel, and several birds.

  5. Well, there ya go! That’s what that is… that little fella must get around.. sure looks like the wild birds around here I’ll tell ya. We get a lot of birds around here & maybe because we are right by Fox River and we have many big trees & just about everyone has a little bird house. I’m making one.. but it’s made out of very sturdy cardboard. Hmmm I need to find out if it’s waterproof… I don’t have anything to put it under… hmmm Anyway, you want a couple of hints for next year huh? hmmmm Oh and check your email I have a big surprise for you.. and I’m soooooooooooooooo happy about it… no, it’s not about the doctor.. I’m still waiting to hear from them. So here’s my guess for next year. How about a Xenopus… looks like a frog lives in water and it has webbed feet… Love you honey… have a great weekend! HUGS

  6. Great idea for the X word, but also a great idea that you decided to do ipad art for the A-Z Challenge! It makes me wish I had participated. Looks like you had fun!

    1. Kimberly,

      Perhaps, next year you can join the annual event. Once this ends I’ll begin making plans for next year. Usually, I don’t do much with my pre-plans until after the first of the year, though. Thanks for visiting!

  7. I’ve so enjoyed your sketches this month. Do one now and then after this challenge is over. We’d like that.

    I’ve never heard of this little guy either.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. Jacqui,

      ‘X’ words are hard to come by for sure. Even Google seems limited on chooses or maybe I’m not entering the right search criteria. I will have to make notes of ‘X’ words other A2Zers are using for possibilities for next year. 🙂

  8. Hi Cathy; That’s a new species to me. Nicely done! I’ll have to go back and visit some of your previous work. And the best news is that the month is almost over. Congratulations on a great, 5-year run! 🙂

    1. Hey Debbie,

      So glad you could join me. Blogging turned my natural curiousity switch on for learning and cyberspace is an excellent tool to find out stuff fast. I reckon I learn something new every day, either through my research or factoids left in comments by friends. Thanks for the congrats. I can’t believe it’s ending already. I hope you’ll join me on May 1st BoTB, dear friend. Have a good day!

    1. Lee,

      I wouldn’t be surprised if you did find Xenops in southern California since they are found in Mexico. I know sometimes I see a bird species that looks like others that commonly live elsewhere and that’s when I learn it’s from that bird family. So, maybe your bird sighting was indeed a cousin to the Xenops. 🙂

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Your Xenops is very pretty and natural looking, dear friend, just right in form and scale, and I admire the subdued color scheme of the composition. I never heard of this type of bird, so I did some reading and learned it is a genus in the family of “ovenbirds.” The name is derived from their habit of building mud nests that resemble old clay wood-fired ovens. I find such tidbits fascinating. Your A To Z artwork always delights me, dear friend Cathy, and today’s X-hibit is no X-ception. Have an X-tra nice day!

    1. Tom,

      I did not read up on the Xenops, so I very much appreciated learning that these feathered friends mud nests. How interesting, especially considering these birds live in a warmer climate. Thanks for sharing with me and for the visit, dear friend!

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