
26-03-2025 Vol 19

#AprilA2ZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “A”

Happy Easter, Kitten & Dawgs! I am away from Blogosphere today and honestly I hope that you aren’t either. I’d rather you spend this time with your family but for those who happen to be here then Welcome to my little niche! First off, if you’re looking for my April 1st Battle of the Bands, then you’ll find that here and if not I hope that peaked your curiousity. Before I go any further, let me say thanks to all the hosts of the A2Z event. They put a lot of work into pulling this shindig together and I’m happy to be apart of the challenge again. Last year, I ventured outside my comfort zone to pick up my pencil to create art sketches and if you’re interested, you will find a reference to them in my Reflections’ post. This year I’m continuing my new-found passion but instead I’m using two new tools DH got me last  year, an Apple iPad and pencil. 

I hope you’ll hang with me throughout April as I create iPad art sketches through the alphabet.I always wanted to try sketching anime people, I sketched this girl using this YouTube tutorial.


Afterward, big-eyed children like the painter Margaret Keane intrigued me which inspired me to this and granted, I’m no where near Ms. Keane’s level but still I had fun drawing her. That’s the most important thing anywho. I call her Angelina. Can you guess why?


It might be a far stretch of the imagination but she reminds me of Angelina Jolie. I think she’s kinda cute regardless but do you see the resemblance or is it just me? Don’t be afraid to tell me I’m coo-coo. It won’t be the first time for me to hear it. 🙂

Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you might don’t think you can do it.  My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was! 🙂


May you and yours have a blessed Easter celebration!



While I’m absence today, don’t worry I plan to catch up with everyone tomorrow while overseeing my usual co-host spot with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches while you listen to mewsic or boogie with me!


X💋X💋, Cathy






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46 thoughts on “#AprilA2ZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter “A”

  1. Those green eyes of Angelina captured me. Not so sure she looks like Angelina Jolie because she looks so sweet with that little bow mouth. Love your mission to encourage people to “just do it!” You go, GRRL!!!
    JQ Rose

    1. Janet,

      I put off sketching for years, mostly because I was busy raising a family and partly I just didn’t think I was very good. I’m not a master artist but I do have fun and that’s the most important thing to me. 🙂

    1. Myke,

      Jesus rising from the dead was something His followers truly did not understand. I can only imagine the happy faces on that day. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about experiencing such phenomenally. Thanks, my friend!

  2. Beautiful drawings. So neat and expressive. I couldn’t believe someone could draw so good with only YouTube tutorials, but you have done a really good job. Congrats!

    1. Hannelore,

      I love finding examples on YouTube or even an image from Google to try my hand at. It’s by mimicking others that allows my brain to better connect how to draw what’s locked inside, say something new. I’m not sure if that makes sense to you or not but these experiences are helping to shape my artist abilities limited as they are. Thanks so much for your kind words and visit.

      1. Oh, yes, I understand it purrfecty! There are many ways to find creativity, mine is quite similar to yours.
        You are doing an amazing job gal!
        BTW, thanks for visiting me in Scriggler, I can’t believe you had the patience to read to the end and specially, to leave a comment. I didn’t remember scriggler was so slow to manage.
        It took me also forever to submit my posts. I’m desperately looking a new way to submit my ideas.
        Once again, thank you.

        1. Hannelore,

          If you like blogging, Blogger and WordPress are very popular platforms. There aren’t too many bloggers I know who use anything other than these but occasionally I run into someone like yourself. I just want your experience to be fun and part of doing the A2Zing is that interaction with other bloggers.

  3. Angelina Jolie didn’t come to my mind because I have a daughter named Angelina so she was the first name that came to mind. Of course, since you don’t know my daughter I would have been very surprised if you had drawn her.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out (A)

    1. Lee,

      Yep, you would’ve been surprised had I drawn your daughter. lol Angelina is a pretty daughter and I bet your daughter is, too. Thanks for visiting, my friend.

  4. Great sketches, Cathy, and yes, I see the resemblance of Angelina Jolie in your sketch. Good job! Happy Easter (belated).

  5. Wow, Cathy. I love Angelina and do see the likeness. The real Angelina changes quite a lot so she’s a bit of a shifting target.
    We would like to wish you and yours a Blessed Easter too. We went to a big Church dinner last night with about 350 people. It was a lot of fun, although it was also a bit overwhelming.
    Thought you would like this variation of the Easter/Christmas story. We found a stray mother cat and her three 2 week old kittens living in our back shed today and I couldn’t help but thinking Mama cat had mixed up the Christmas and Easter stories. We were quite surprised to find the cat family here. We live on a suburban block and also have three border collie x dogs. I would’ve thought there were better places around.
    Take care & best wishes,

    1. Rowena,

      Thank you for the return visit. I’d say most Hollywood celebs are always changing a little. I don’t like looking older but you know when stars undergo so much surgery they remove the character from their faces which often times is what makes them the prettiest. I appreciate you sharing the story about the stray mother cat. I guess she needed a place to deliver her litter as there was no room in the inn, she found refuge in your shed. 🙂 Have a pAwesome week, dear friend and God bless!

  6. Happy Easter! I wanted to tell you I am very sorry about your FIL! Hugs to you and your family!

    1. Karla,

      Thank you so much for your words of condolence and Easter blessings. It’s nice surrounding myself with good friends at this time. God bless you!

  7. Really lovely art Cathy and I can see why you think Angelina Jolie. It fascinates me how people draw on ipads as a lady sat near us on a long flight once who was creating amazing things.
    Looking forward to seeing what else you create.
    Pamela @ Days of Fun

    1. Pamela,

      My skill is limited but I sure do enjoy learning. I marvel at what others can do be in with a sketch pad & pencil or iPad. I just hope someday, I can find the ease of other artists with my craft. Thanks for visiting, dear friend!

  8. Yes, I can guess that Angelina begins with the letter A! She’s beautiful ! I wish I knew how to do this and post on the blog at the same time! Happy Easter!
    My Letter A Response

    1. Jackie,

      I have to schedule my posts ahead or I’m hopelessly lost throughout the challenge and just in general. Thanks for visiting and commenting, my friend. Now, I’m off to see you! 😉

  9. Wow, very impressive that you could conquer a new style with just a tutorial!

    I’ve always wished I could paint. Alas, my only medium is words.

    Happy A to Z and happy Easter!

    A Bit to Read

    1. Isa,

      Oh, yes I always wished that I could paint, too. I told DH that will be my next thing to tackle but first I want to grow more comfortable with sketching. Thanks for visiting and for leaving your kind words.

  10. Happy Easter to you too! I can see Angelina except the lips you drew are more..normal:) I think you captured the anime quite well. It reminds me of Robotech…a show I used to watch.

    1. Birgit,

      What’s that you’re saying, Angelina’s lips aren’t real? Gasp! Actually, I thought perhaps her lips might be more real than most in Hollywood but maybe I’m wrong. 🙂 I think I see Joliet’s resemblance in my big-eyed ‘Angelina’ and I didn’t really think so much about the lips. Maybe, I should’ve exaggerated the lips a bit more. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

    1. Alana,

      I love photography as you know but sketching has been a great fill-in with DH’s year-long eye surgery recovery process and it looks like I’ll have plenty of time to concentrate on my new passion with his impending surgeries next month. We’re hoping the healing process will be shorter than with the retina reattachment procedure. I appreciate you stopping by for a visit. Have an pAwesome week!

    1. Jacqui,

      I have the iPad Pro WiFi model which I love! Will you use your iPad for sketching? Procreate is a paid app which DH had on our Wish List and when the price came down, he bought it for me. I had the app before I had my new iPad and pencil, so I kept dropping hints on how I wanted these nifty new gadgets after I placed my iPad Air out of commission due to a problem with the battery. In short, I believe I overcharged it which resulted in a swollen battery and to keep it from exploding, I decided to not use it again. Luckily I have an iPad3. It’s old and slow but it still works. 🙂 If I can be of any help, I’m glad to assist any way that I can. Thanks for dropping by, I’ll be by to see you next!

  11. Happy Easter to you and your family, Cathy! I just wanted to stop by to wish you a fun and successful A to Z Challenge. Your sketch does resemble Angelinia Jolie, somewhat. Looking forward to seeing more over the month. Cheers!

    1. Debbie,

      Maybe it’s the power of suggestion that you see Angelina Jolie in my artwork, no? lol 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time to check out my first A2Z post and please feel free to pop in anytime throughout the month. A friend is always welcome here! Have an pAwesome week!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Congratulations on entering this year’s A To Z Challenge, dear friend! Remembering how much I enjoyed viewing your sketches last year, I am excited to see the artwork you created with your new toys as we march thru April.

    I checked out the YouTube tutorial and returned here to admire your work. Large eyes are regarded as a universal sign of beauty and you did a fine job of rendering your anime girls. I can see the resemblance to Angelina Jolie in the second girl.

    I also enjoyed the Christian mewsic you posted. May your heart be lifted this Easter Sunday, dear friend Cathy, as you continue the healing process in the wake of your FIL’s death. Happy Easter to you and your family!

    1. Tom,

      We appreciate so much your thoughtfulness and prayers during this time of grieving. It’s been tough but we’re getting by. I’m delighted you remembered to stop by yesterday to check out my first post in this month-long series. I appreciate the trivia about large eyes which is new-to-me. You always share something regarding my post that enlightens me. Have a blessed week, my friend and I’ll be visiting you soon!

  13. Happy Easter! And, Happy A-Z! I love that you are sharing your art. I am sharing my creative writing. I love your sketches, whether they look like celebrities or not. I look forward to more! HUGS!

    1. Thank you for the Easter wishes, Annie. I’m glad you found time to visit me yesterday. The weekends aren’t good for me to make my rounds but I did find the time earlier this morning to stop off to catch up with you. Have a good week!

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