
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Zombie #BadWolves #RocktoberMusicFest

#FridaySillies giggles

It’s Friday, another week has gone by like a snap of the fingers but then so has the whole month.  The good thing is the weekend is here and this is DH’s off-Friday which is doubly good. I’m looking forward to our usual Halloween fun of munching on treats, not the treaters, and watching some movies. 

All week I’ve celebrated the creepy season by choosing song titles that make me think of Halloween. You probably already know but if you don’t The Cranberries are the original artists of today’s featured song and I just about with it but then I noticed Bad Wolves cover. I not only liked their version but I appreciated the generosity of donating the proceeds from their recording going to the late former group’s singer, Delores O’Riordan’s children. Now please listen to Zombie!

A few more giggles….


Thanks for joining me today. I hope you’ll find time to visit JingleJangleJungle.  I’ll be back tomorrow winding things up for this year’s  Rocktober Mewsic Fest, until then…rock on, ghouls and guys! X💋X💋, Cathy

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10 thoughts on “Zombie #BadWolves #RocktoberMusicFest

  1. Nice song. I’d heard it before but had no idea who did it.

    Ever since seeing Night of the Living Dead back around 1970, zombies have been the scariest monsters to me. It’s creeping me out as I think about zombies now.

    Have a nice week-end.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Great giggles! Can you believe the month is practically over already/ Wow it just FLEW by! I love that Bad Wolves are donating their profits for this song. Of all the covers, this one is my favorite. thanks so much for joining me this month! It’s been a lot of fun.

  3. Love the funnies. Down to earth guy. I laughed out loud. Back in the day I think I dated that guy.

    Love the video.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Hey Cathy I am so glad you featured Bad Wolf. I really love Tommy’s voice. When he just sings it is beautiful. Have a fun day with your DH and enjoy treats.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    I hope you and DH are well and in good spirits as you continue your break from full time blog participation. I just dropped in to see you today and wish you a safe and happy Halloween and to check out your Friday Sillies.

    On a somber note, I was moved by the LA-based metal band Bad Wolves and their stirring cover of “Zombie,” a tribute to Cranberries’ lead singer Dolores O’Riordan who drowned in a bathtub in 2018 just before she was due to record her 1994 protest song with Bad Wolves. As for your Sillies, I enjoyed the remark by the woman dating a zombie saying that she finally met a man who was interested in her brains. I also got a giggle from the cartoon of the zombie seeing a therapist.

    Take good care of yourself and have a great weekend and a safe Halloween, dear friend Cathy!

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