
06-03-2025 Vol 19

You’re Gonna Be Okay

When I looked through my archived photos I found the above picture I took in the Appalachian mountains from Mt. Mitchell State Park along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  My mind naturally gravitated toward Jesus with the break in the clouds giving way for the light to shine revealing beautiful patches of blue sky.

I hope the darkness of the COVID-19 outbreak isn’t holding your prisoner. Trust in the One who holds everything in His hands that you’re gonna be okay.

I’ll see you tomorrow on the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor with your choice song picks along with another illustration for this month’s A to Z Challenge. Saying prayers for my friends in Blogosphere. Have a blessed Sunday afternoon! x💋x💋, Cathy

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16 thoughts on “You’re Gonna Be Okay

  1. Actually, I hope it is holding people prisoner because going out of the house is extremely dangerous! God gave us brains so that we can meet Him halfway. Trust in God but use common sense, too. A lot of churchgoers in New Orleans are sick because they went to church when told not to!

    1. Joyce,

      I don’t want fear to make people feel like a prisoner on the inside. We need to stay safely at home for now. If it’s not necessary to go out then don’t. People can worship God at home. You don’t have to be together to do that. The church lives within, it’s not a physical place anyhow. I have faith that God will protect me but He also wants me to use what He gave me, too. We are not to tempt God by doing things that we know could be dangerous.

  2. Whatever we need to do to keep things Happy is the name of the game. I saw the Queen speak and she went through World War 2 where they had to stay away from others but there was rations and bombings so if she can get through that, we can get through this.

    1. Birgit,

      Those who survived either of the great wars are tough people and you’re right, we can do it,too. We’re just really pampered and spoil. People don’t realize how good they have these days.

  3. What a beautiful song.l Thank you for sharing. I know people are staying home everyday and it’s a little trying on the nerves every day. Been there, done that, but as your song says we’re going to be okay. I wish I could’ve gotten palms today, but the Lord knows and that’s all I care about. Bless you my friend and may the Lord help us all through this time. hugs

    1. Marie,

      All we do is the best we can at times like these. I bought items for our Easter dinner ahead, so I can make us a nice meal for this weekend. That being said, make Sunday a day for rejoicing because Jesus did what He said, He rose from the dead. How marvelous is that?

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