I have two distinct sad memories from 1992. The first memory is my cousin’s young son dying from smoke exhalation. Their home caught fire. Although, my cousin’s wife mentioned before leaving the house the boy was in the crib, he didn’t hear or remember this as he exited the smoke filled house. Unfortunately, alcoholism played a part with his memory lapse, sadly costing him his son’s life. That news was so brutal. The second memory is shortly after the first story I just shared, I miscarried our third child at 10-weeks. The loss was unbearable for months. Not long after, the doctor found multiple ovarian cysts which required surgical removal. This was my second time to have this kind of procedure done. My mind is a blur when it comes to music from the 90s. In today’s playlist I picked the top 10 hits the week of January 25th of that year, only a few of the songs do I recognize. Hit play to enjoy the set, then scroll on down for today’s giggles.
Of the songs in this set, I only remember tracks 3, 8, and 10. There are a few I really enjoyed. I, especially liked “I Love Your Smile” by Shanice who absolutely does not ring a bell with me. I’m going to check her stuff out, though.
We don’t have to worry with the fluffy white precipitation too often, but the cold temperatures we’ve had surely make me sympathize with all of my friends who live in cold, snowy climates. You can’t change Mother Nature’s plans, so you may as well have a good laugh, right? I dedicate this to you!

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet. This is CAAC signing off coming up next is the linky party where just about anything goes with Wild Wednesdays !
, Cathy
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How sad about your cousin’s son and your miscarriage. XO
Bad things happen sometimes. That was a sad year. Thanks for being so sweet.
It’s no wonder you weren’t paying much attention to music at that time. Hugs!
That and trying to raise small ones was quite the distraction. It all seems like ancient history now.
I knew most of the songs except for 6 and 7. I amaze myself:) The last one is so stupid but I think it was to be played like that…at least I hope so. I love the polar bear one and the little kitten with the big cat right after which is what we need here with the ton of snow the city piled onto our cleaned sidewalk.
That year is a hard one for you to think back on. I don’t think doctors think of ovarian cysts as bad news considering my history and a friend of mine. The news about your cousin is so very sad and the wife must have gone through so many emotions regarding her husband. It reminds me of a time when I was younger (much younger), living at home. I came downstairs to see my dad who was in his office (we owned a sawmill). He looked ashen and so, so sad. I asked what was wrong and he just told me that he sold some firewood to a man and they got to talking. he told my dad that he was a recovering alcoholic and was driving with his 2 kids in the car one night and he was very drunk. He wiped out the car and he was thrown from it. he got up to see his kids in the car yelling for him but before he could reach the car, the car blew up and he lost his children. From that instant, he stopped drinking but told my dad that he is in a living hell since then. My dad was very sad by the news and shaken. I just hugged my daddy and he told me it is never worth getting behind the wheel of a car when one drinks.
Every time I hear “I’m Too Sexy” I think of the Grumpy Old Men film which they used and made it all the more hilarious. Great movie! Oh, my that is a sad story the man told your daddy. You know he had to feel like he was living in hell. What guilt and a senseless tragedy. Alcohol removes one’s judgement, a little or a lot. Anyone who says different, really doesn’t know what they are talking about. They just think they do.
I’m so sorry about those tough memories. The playlist was good though and I love those snow cars!
We all have points in our lives where we go through something hard. We have to find ways to bounce back is all. Luckily for us, I carried my 4th pregnancy to term and delivered a healthy baby boy a couple years later. As for my cousin and his wife. They got through that horrific tragedy. My cousin got sober and eventually they had another child. I can’t even imagine how horrific that was for them, though.
So sorry about those two awful things that happened.
Love your playlist and my favorite of all of them is the Elton and Michael song. That’s such an amazing rendition.
I love all the funnies and the last one made me laugh out loud. I’m going to do that if I’m ever int he snow again. Brilliant.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥
Thanks for stopping by for some giggles and music, my friend.
Hello girlfriend,
Long time no see? Where have you been.
This was some nice music from the good ole’ days.
Was sad to read the tough times you all went through. But alls well.
LOvely memes on the frightful weather, it’s been bone chilling cold here too and we cant wait for the bright sunny days again. An entire month without the sun has been a damper, but grateful for the warm, cody home, hot meals, the heating, and cosy quilt and the winter greens. :)))
Tightest hugs xoxo
Everyone in the northern hemisphere is experiencing frigid condition it seems. I’m so ready for spring. I was happy to see you drop by. I’m sorry for being a bit absent minded. I’m barely getting by in Blogosphere this year. Thanks for thinking of me and for dropping by!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy TMT, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend.
I appreciate you sharing those painful memories from 1992, a year that you’d just as soon forget. I don’t know how I could live with myself if I left a child behind to die in a house fire. For nearly 30 years, I struggled with a drinking problem before making up my mind to quit. Ironically, 1992 is the year that I turned my life around, and so I remember it as a very good year. I am thankful every day since then to be clean and sober. I am very sorry to learn that you lost your third child that same year. I can fully understand how it threw you into depression for months afterward.
I enjoyed reviewing the set of songs that were riding high on the chart in late January, 1992. At the end of 1989, I bailed out of current mewsic for the most part, meaning that, for the first time in my life, I didn’t pay much attention to what was hot and I didn’t purchase new mewsic, only oldies. However, since I was still working at the MTV style station at this point in time, I do know some of these songs and videos because I remember dubbing them for air on our station. We played that video by Mariah, the one by CeCe Peniston, the one by Shanice and the ones by Nirvana and U2. That Nirvana song is still being covered by artists all over the world. You can tell from this playlist that slick, upscale urban R&B was a hot trend at the time. Frankly, it is not my favorite genre. The last song, the one by Right Said Fred, was hot at the time, but hasn’t held up very well. Today it seems dated, is widely considered irritating and has made some “Worst Song” lists. I was surprised to see “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me” in this batch. I knew the song well from 1974 when it was a solo hit for Elton John. I don’t remember this remake version, a collab with George Michael released around Thanksgiving 1991 and peaking on the chart in January ’92. Strangely, I don’t remember that Prince song either. The only “Diamonds And Pearls” song I know is the doo-wop oldie by a group called The Paradons, a biggie from my boyhood. I think my favorite song in this bunch is Michael Jackson’s “Black Or White.”
I enjoyed your funnies about the snow and cold. My favorite is the happy guy singing “Let It Snow” and getting beaned with a shovel by his angry neighbor. Grumpy Maxine would have been a good one to assault the jovial singer, or Foghorn Leghorn with his ACME Corporation wooden mallet!
I enjoyed this morning’s entertainment, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tamale for Wild, Wacky and Almost Wordless Wednesday. Have a good one!
I’m happy for you that you’ve been sober almost 30 years. That’s an amazing testimony to your dedication. We can all second guess and say if that were me I’d do this or that but when a person isn’t in charge of their mental state because chemical dependency then good judgement is off the table. Out of the sadness and heartbreak, my cousin did get the help needed to clean up. I’m sure it is a burden he carries every day. The guilt can eat up a person. I hope he’s been able to reconcile some degree of peace with himself with God’s help. My cousin and his wife did have another child many years later. Thanks for making me a part of your day, my friend. Have a terrific afternoon!